
"Furosemide" in pregnancy can I apply

With the onset of conception, every future mother begins to feel differently about her state of health. So, women think about whether they can use these or other products. What can I say about various medicines. Here you can not do without the help of a doctor and studying the instructions for this or that drug. From the article you will learn about whether it is possible to drink "Furosemide" during pregnancy. You will get acquainted with the peculiarities of using this medicine. Also, you can find out at what dosage and when Furosemide is allowed to use during pregnancy.

What is the effect of the drug

Before you figure out whether Furosemide is possible in pregnancy, it's worth to find out what properties this medicine has. The drug has a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, the drug expands the blood vessels in the human body. For this reason, the patient's blood pressure is affected. In most cases, it simply decreases.

"Furosemide" during pregnancy, as well as outside this state, greatly affects the kidneys, facilitating their work. It does not matter how the medicine got into the body. The capsule or tablet form of the drug is most often used. However, in some cases, intravenous medication is prescribed.

You can drink "Furosemide" during pregnancy or not

Currently, there is no consensus on this drug. Physicians in this issue divided into two groups. Some argue that such compounds can only harm the body of a woman and her future baby. Other experts are sure that if there are certain indications, use Furosemide during pregnancy is possible.

Experienced women do have their own opinion on this matter. Future moms say that they drank such a medicine, and nothing terrible happened to the baby. How to be a representative of the weaker sex, in an interesting position? Can I drink Furosemide during pregnancy or should I refrain from such treatment? We will deal with this issue.

What the annotation says

The instruction for the use of the medication reports that it is quite dangerous to use it during the carrying out of the child. The agent removes excess fluid from the mother's body, facilitating its condition. However, it is completely unknown how the medication affects the fetus. Clearly only one thing: the active substance of the drug is able to penetrate the placental barrier and enter the child's body.

The instruction states that the medicine can be used only if the positive effect of treatment for a woman significantly exceeds the danger for the unborn child.

Opinion of specialists

Doctors say that it is better not to use the medicine during the carrying out of the child. Currently, there are more modern and tested, as well as safe diuretics. In most cases, they have a price category that is several times higher than the cost of the "Furosemide" drug. However, doctors strongly do not recommend saving on the health of your child. It is better to buy a safer means than to pay after the state of the baby.

According to doctors, the medicine can be used only in emergency cases. It is preferable to use intravenous medication. In this form, the drug is quickly excreted from the body and less affects the fetus.

What do experienced women say

Among the fairer sex, the drug "Furosemide" (in pregnancy) reviews in most cases are positive. Women say that after using the medicine their body begins to "melt" before the eyes. The diuretic effect occurs only 20 minutes after oral administration. If the medicine was injected into the vein, the reaction becomes noticeable after 2-5 minutes.

Pregnant women note that such treatment leads to weight loss. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the body of the future mother. All this is very like the representatives of the weaker sex. They feel better, hateful volumes disappear from the hands, feet, hips and face. However, it is worth remembering that all this affects the health of the baby.

Early pregnancy and drug use

If you use the medicine at the very beginning of the formation of the infant's systems and organs, this can lead to completely unexpected consequences. The medicine is able to affect especially destructively the brain of the baby, its kidneys, liver and digestive system.

It should be noted that the drug is used to remove swelling. At the very beginning of the gestation period, such pathologies usually do not arise. From this it can be concluded that treatment is not only dangerous, but it simply does not need to be.

Furosemide in late pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, many women are faced with an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of edema. It is worth noting that the accumulation of excess fluid can be normal after 33-35 weeks. However, at an earlier time, speech may be about gestosis. This condition is quite dangerous for the child and requires a modern correction.

Often, modern and safe medicines are selected for treatment. However, "Furosemide" in pregnancy (in later terms) is able to provide emergency assistance. It is worth noting that the use of the drug before birth is not recommended because of the possibility of penetration into breast milk. In addition to the negative effect on the composition of the natural food of the baby, the medicine often provokes suppression of lactation.

How to take the drug while pregnant

If you weighed all the pros and cons, then came to the conclusion that you need to use the medicine, then do it right. It is necessary to first consult a doctor and get individual appointments. In most cases, the following dosage of the drug and the regimen are indicated. A single dose of the drug is 40 milligrams (one tablet). Only in particularly severe cases, the drug can be applied in a double or triple portion. Future mothers are recommended to use half the drug tablets, which is 20 milligrams of the active substance. The course of treatment is chosen individually and depends on the severity of the disease. During the gestation of the child, the drug should be taken as little time as possible.

When to use a medicine for expectant mothers is prohibited or simply dangerous

Among the contraindications for the use of the drug during pregnancy, the following conditions can be distinguished:

  • The first and second trimester of fetal development;
  • Renal coma or suspected of it;
  • Arterial hypotension;
  • Dehydration of the future mother's body;
  • Increased sensitivity or the possibility of developing allergies to the components of the drug;
  • Obstruction of the urinary system caused by mechanical damage.

In some cases, the use of the medicine is unacceptable in complex therapy. If the future mother takes antibacterial or antimicrobial agents, sedatives, means for reducing blood pressure or other diuretics, it is worthwhile to consult a physician beforehand. With the self-administration of Furosemide tablets, an unexpected reaction from the body of a woman and her child may develop.

A small conclusion

You now know whether you can use the drug "Furosemide" during pregnancy. Before using the medication, it is necessary to take into account the information from the instructions for use and the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Never engage in self-medication, especially during the period of bearing a child. Health to you and easy pregnancy!

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