
"Antiflu Kids" (powder): instructions for use, indications, reviews

What is a drug for children Antiflu Kids? Instructions, reviews about this medication will be described further. Also we will tell you about the form in which this product is manufactured, what its composition is, whether it has analogs, side effects and contraindications.

Composition, description, shape, packaging

The drug "Antiflu Kids" goes on sale in the form of a white powder, intended for the preparation of a solution. He has a faint raspberry flavor. After the preparation of the solution, the medication has a light pink color and transparency.

The active substances of this drug are paracetamol, chlorphenamine maleate and ascorbic acid. It should also be noted that the "Antiflu Kids" includes additional ingredients in the form of sodium citrate tribasic, calcium phosphate tribasic, citric acid, raspberry flavor, cornstarch, dye red charming, sucrose, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and powdered sugar.

This drug is sold in foil pouches of 12 g. In addition to the instructions for use, in one carton can be 5 or 8 sachets.

Pharmacological action of a medicinal product for children

What are the properties of the drug "Antiflu Kids"? The responses of experienced doctors indicate that taking this medication helps in a short time to eliminate all signs of colds.

The therapeutic effect of the drug in question is entirely due to its composition. According to the instruction, it is a combined remedy that contains a large amount of vitamin C. This component helps strengthen immunity, and also improves the tolerance of paracetamol.

In addition to ascorbic acid, the composition of the drug includes other active substances. Let's consider their properties in more detail:

  • Chlorpheniramine maleate. This component eliminates all allergic manifestations. Thanks to it, the drug in question eliminates unpleasant sensations in the throat, runny nose, itching sensation in the nose and eyes, as well as lacrimation. In addition, chlorpheniramine maleate very quickly reduces heat, relieves headaches and muscle pain.
  • Paracetamol. It is a medicinal substance that has antipyretic, analgesic, and also some anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use of the drug

Why use the drug "Antiflu Kids"? Experts say that the composition of this drug is such that it is very effective in cold and flu. This medication is the most popular drug designed to treat viral diseases in children aged two years.

The drug "Antiflu Kids": contraindications to the use

Contraindications for this tool is not very much. It is not prescribed to babies with impaired renal or hepatic function. Also, the use of this drug is prohibited for individual intolerance of its main and additional components.

Prescribe this medicine only to children over the age of two.

The drug "Antiflu Kids" (powder): instructions for use

Prescribe this medicine to children should only an experienced pediatrician.

According to the attached instructions, this drug is taken inside regardless of food intake. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in 150 ml of slightly warmed water (not boiling water).

A single dosage of the drug for toddlers aged 2-5 years is one sachet. As for children 6-12 years old, they are usually given the contents of two packets.

Experts argue that there should be a time interval of 4-6 hours between antiviral medications.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, the drug solution must be taken three times a day (no more). The maximum duration of treatment with such a drug is 5 days. If necessary, the duration of therapy can be increased, but only after consultation with the pediatrician.

Cases of overdose

The drug "Antiflu Kids" should be given to the child in the recommended dosage. When taking elevated doses of the drug, the patient may experience irregularities in the kidneys and liver. In this case, the medication is completely canceled.

To eliminate such conditions, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy under strict medical supervision.

Adverse events

Reception of the drug "Antiflu Kids" very rarely causes side reactions. But nevertheless there are such cases when the medicine negatively influences human health.

Currently, the following side effects are known, which can be observed in a small patient when taking this drug:

  • Disorders of hematopoiesis;
  • diarrhea;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Drowsiness or confusion;
  • nausea;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Vomiting.

If such symptoms begin to manifest in your child, then immediately stop using the drug and replace it with a safer drug.

Drug Interactions

Before taking the drug "Antiflu Kids" it is necessary not only to consult a pediatrician, but also to study the enclosed instruction. From it you can learn about the drug interaction of this medication. It is extremely undesirable to combine it with hypnotics, as well as with sedatives containing ethanol. If you disregard this advice, the patient may have worse side effects in the form of inhibition, drowsiness and nausea.

Special recommendations for taking a child drug

What should parents know about before giving their child a medicinal solution of "Antiflu Kids"? Reviews (for children this drug is absolutely safe) informs us that after taking it for four hours, one should not engage in activities that require special activity and increased concentration of attention. This is due to the fact that this medication often causes drowsiness and lethargy. Therefore, during treatment, experts recommend that children be freed from training and other activities.

It is extremely undesirable to conduct a simultaneous intake of the drug in question with sedatives.

Shelf life, storage and sale of the medicinal product

The drug "Antiflu Kids" can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Optimum temperature of storage of a powder makes 15-30 degrees. It is desirable to keep it in a dry place.

Use this drug (powder) should be within three years from the date of release. As for the ready-made solution, it must be drunk immediately after preparation (can be done within a few hours).

Analogues of a child drug and its price

Currently, there are a huge number of drugs that are intended to eliminate the symptoms of colds and flu. Unfortunately, not all of them are shown for admission to young children. Therefore, replacing the drug in question with analogs should be extremely cautious and only after consulting a doctor.

So what drugs have the same effect as Antiflu Kids? Analogues of this medicine can be divided into the following categories:

  • According to the principle of action - Flutabs, Panadol, Flukoldin, Iphimol, Rankoc, Xumapar, Yunispaz, Prohodol, Agicold, Novalgin, Rinzasip, Pentalgin "," Antiflu "," No-spasm "," Kalpol "," Saridon "," Guevadal "," Paracetamol "," Caffetin "," Strymol "," Fervex "," Coldfri "," Solpadein "," Teraflu "," Daleron "," Femisol "," Dolaren "," Migrenol "," Coldrex "," Grippostad "," Prostudox "and others.
  • On the active components that make up the part - "FlUZiOZ-F" and "Antigrippin".

As for the cost of the child drug "Antiflu Kids", it is not very high. You can buy a powder for the preparation of a solution for 150-160 rubles.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about this drug leave mainly parents of young children. In most cases, they are positive. Parents report that after taking one or two bags, the child's body temperature drops in 12-15 minutes.

With regard to cold and flu symptoms such as runny nose, pain and sore throat, lacrimation, muscle weakness and headache, they disappear on the second or third day of treatment. Most parents note that the full recovery of the child comes on the fourth or fifth day.

It should also be said that in addition to high efficiency, this drug pleases its low cost. Moreover, it rarely causes adverse reactions.

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