
"Diazolin": analogues, composition, indications, instructions for use

To date, many pharmaceutical companies have been officially registered. All of them produce about the same type of drugs. Anesthesia and antipyretic drugs are in great demand. In second place on the popularity are antihistamines. About this and will be discussed in today's article. You will learn what "Diazolin" is. Analogs of the drug and instructions for its use will be presented to your attention.

Characteristics of the preparation: composition, effect, form of release

Positions as an antihistamine of the first generation of the tablet "Diazolin" instructions for use. The price of the drug is on average 50-100 rubles per package. It is important to consider that the tablets have different dosages: 50 and 100 mg of the active substance, which is mebhydrolyn. Annotation reports that a lower dosage of the drug is intended for the treatment of children.

The effect of the drug is directed to the removal of the allergic reaction and the sedation. Previously, it was considered an incidental one. Now doctors use this quality. Dragee and tablets have the ability to block histamine receptors. The drug removes puffiness from the mucous surfaces. The drug has a minor anesthetic effect, which is, rather, additional than the main one. Dragee relaxes the muscle tone, affects the work of the central nervous system.

What helps Diazolin: testimony

Doctors recommend using Diazolin against allergies. If you go into this recommendation and read the instructions, you can find out that the pills are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Seasonal or chronic allergic rhinitis, pollinosis;
  • Conjunctivitis and urticaria;
  • Allergy to medicines;
  • Reaction to insects and their bites, skin dermatosis;
  • Angioedema.

Before using the drug "Diazolin" an adult responsible person should refer to the annotation and find out the contraindications. The manufacturer does not recommend this medicine to children under three years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is forbidden to use "Diazolin" for hypersensitivity, epilepsy, stomach ulcer, heart disease and prostate. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver failure. In this case (at the discretion of the doctor) therapy can be adjusted.

Instructions for use

The drug "Diazolin", analogues of which will be presented to your attention further, is appointed for a period of 3 to 5-7 days. Long-term use of the drug is addictive, Therefore, if you need a long-term use of pills are replaced by an alternative means. How - you learn from the article.

"Diazolin" is prescribed to adult patients on 100 mg 1-3 times a day. Children from 5 to 12 years are prescribed 50 mg 2 to 4 times a day. Babies with 3 years of age are prescribed 50 mg 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to take the medicine during meals or immediately after a meal. Do not mash the dragees, drink them with pure still water.

Substitutes : antihistamines of different generations

If for some reason you can not take Diazolin, analogues can be picked up without difficulty. It is better not to do this on your own. Talk to the doctor and find out what you can replace the pill in your case. Several generations of antihistamines are known to medicine. As you know, "Diazolin" refers to the first. This includes "Dimedrol", "Suprastin", "Fenkarol". These medications are able to give a pronounced sedative effect, they affect the muscle tone. Medicines belonging to the first generation are quick and effective in their operation, but they work little (4-12 hours). During treatment with such drugs, one should refrain from drinking alcohol and doing important work.

The second type of antihistamines is more modern medicines. In their work they can also replace "Diazolin". Analogues will have the following trade names: Claricens, Cloratadine, Lomilan, Claritin, Zirtek. These compounds can remove allergy manifestations for up to 24 hours. You can take them for a long time (up to several months). In the treatment with antihistamines, the second generation does not suffer from muscle and mental activity.

The third generation of allergy medicines is the most modern and advanced drugs. They do not affect the functioning of the nervous system. Such drugs do not have a sedative effect. Trade names of medicines from allergies: "Treksil", "Gismanal", "Telfast" and so on.

Absolute analogs that coincide in composition

You already know how to use the drug "Diazolin" instructions for use. The price of this medication is also known to you. If you have not found such a medicine in the pharmacy, then you can replace it with an absolute analog. These are preparations having an identical composition. These include Omeril and Dialalin. If you believe the reviews of consumers, then it is even more difficult to find these medicines than the original remedy.

  • "Omeril" - dragees, which are prescribed for skin, drug allergies and rhinorrhea. Children can give them after two years. Duration of admission and dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

  • "Dialalin" - tablets used for hay fever and conjunctivitis, rhinitis of an allergic nature. The medicine perfectly copes with a medicinal allergy, a urticaria and an edema.

If you have hypersensitivity to mebrogrolin, then you should choose another substitute for the described drugs.

How does loratadine work?

Loratadine is a medicinal substance that is designed to fight an allergic reaction. Medicines containing it in its composition have the following trade names: "Tyrror", "Lomilan", "Loratadin", "Claritin" and so on. All of them are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Often, consumers ask themselves: which of the drugs - "Loratadin" or "Diazolin" - better cope with allergies?

If you perform a comparative study, you can find out that taking drugs based on loratadine is much more convenient. Such compounds are used only once a day. The price category for the drugs is about the same. It is known that drugs based on loratadine can be combined with alcoholic beverages. Perhaps this is the only type of antihistamines that will not provoke side reactions in combination with ethanol. "Diazolin" is strictly forbidden to use with alcohol. Tablets with loratadine do not cause drowsiness. They can be combined with the management of vehicles. "Diazolin" acts much faster and more efficiently. What to choose - everyone decides for himself.

Chloropyramine and drugs based on it

The next analogue of the drug can be called the active substance chloropyramine. It is contained in such drugs as Suprastin and Chloropyramin. You can buy these drugs without a prescription in any pharmacy. They are used for allergic diseases in the form of rhinitis, hives, conjunctivitis. They are also used in the complex therapy of bronchial asthma and intestinal infection. Take these funds 3-4 times a day, which is not very convenient.

Despite the fact that the composition of "Diazolin" and "Suprastin" is different, both medicines belong to the first generation of antihistamines. When using them, the important and responsible work, as well as the management of vehicles, should be abandoned. You can give Suprastin to children from the first month of life. The drug is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women and people with high sensitivity to the main and additional components.

Clemastin as a substitute for "Diazolin"

Another active substance, belonging to the first group of antihistamines, is clemastine. It is a part of such medicines as "Tavegil", "Clemastin", "Rivtagil". Use drugs with seasonal allergies, insect bites and skin manifestations. Much worse these medicines cope with swelling. Which drug to choose - Tavegil or Diazolin?

The last drug is much cheaper than its counterpart. The average cost of one package of Tavegil is 200 rubles. In this case, the drug works more gently. If you do not have acute manifestations of an allergic reaction, threatening life, then you should choose "Tavegil". Use this drug for children from year. The duration of therapy is limited to the doctor. According to the reviews, the pills are not addictive, unlike their cheap and powerful predecessor.


So, what is better to choose - "Loratadin", "Tavegil", "Diazolin" or "Suprastin"? What is better from these medicines? It is not possible to answer this question yourself. Much depends on the purpose of using antihistamine. Some drugs are effective in acute cases, when you can not hesitate. Other medicines perfectly cope with seasonal or chronic allergies.

You should not choose a substitute yourself. If you have troubling symptoms, then be sure to show the doctor. Before appointing a specific medicine, the doctor will conduct a series of tests. The results will help to choose the medicine as correctly as possible. You feel well, live without allergies!

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