HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lymph node under the arm is enlarged: what does it mean

Lymph nodes as part of the lymphatic system are responsible for the destruction of viruses and bacteria. They are located in the most diverse places of the body, both in one group and in groups. It is here that all the harmful substances collected by the lymph in the body are destroyed.

Causes of inflammation

Thus, if the lymph node under the arm is increased - this may be an indication of the presence of any infection in the blood. In the normal state, these nodules are completely invisible. If the viruses that must be destroyed are too many, respectively, an uncountable number of lymphocytes begins to be produced. This is the main reason for increasing the site.

The presence of inflammation in the lymph node is easy to determine. Usually the skin over him blushes, and when probing beneath it, there is clearly a ball or knob. Often, inflammation is accompanied by painful sensations under the armpit, lethargy and fever. If the lymph node under the arm is increased in a woman, it can also be a sign of such a dangerous disease as breast cancer.

How to treat?

Treatment should consist first of all in the fight against the infection that caused the inflammation. For this, antibiotics are sometimes used. Which, of course, decides, of course, the doctor. For the general strengthening of the body, various kinds of vitamin complexes are also prescribed. Sometimes, if the lymph node is enlarged under the arm and it hurts, and suppuration is observed, the doctor may decide to perform an operation to open it. Thus, the primary focus of inflammation is cleared.

Folk methods

In the event that you notice that you have an enlarged lymph node under your arm, you can use traditional medicine. For example, in order to stop pain, tincture of echinacea is applied to alcohol. It should be diluted with water and take 10 drops, before meals four times a day. To clean the lymphatic system, it is very good to use a tincture of calendula (1 st / l of color for 250 g of water). She is drunk 50 ml 5 times a day. The course is usually 12 days.

You can also use fees. One of the most effective is a mixture of marigold, lavender, elderberry, currant leaf and wormwood. Two tablespoons of this collection are covered in a thermos and poured with a liter of boiling water. After the mixture is infused for several hours, it is filtered and drunk within a day. The course of treatment with this compound is 2 months. Of course, folk methods are good. But if the lymph node under the arm is enlarged, it is necessary to find out the exact cause (different variants are possible). Therefore, you should still visit a doctor. Most likely, he will not find anything serious. However, it is worthwhile to reinsure. Most diseases are much easier to cure at an early stage.

Lymph node enlargement in a child

Finding out why the lymph nodes in a child are enlarged , it is worth remembering whether he had before had any virus disease - flu, sore throats, colds, etc. In addition, a similar pathological condition is often caused by a bacterium of bartonella living in the organisms of domestic animals. Therefore, be sure to carefully handle the scratches left by the cats, and, of course, their bites, as well as bites of hamsters.

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