
"Like" or "like"? That is the question

A single rule that will say with concrete and direct text, they say, in all cases it is necessary to write or "like" or "like", no. There is a completely different rule, and it concerns not a specific single word in particular, but all verbs in general. Nevertheless, we can tell you how the word "like" is spelled correctly. However, it is worth noting: in each individual case it needs to be written in different ways.

Verb form

"Like" or "like" is written depending on the form in which the verb stands. For example, the infinitive (ie, when the word answers the question what to do / do: drink, eat, like, paint, etc.) is always written with a soft sign, and when the verb in the third form (what does / does, What he will do / do: he does, he likes it, she looks, etc.), without it.

How easy to remember the rule

In fact, remembering how to correctly write the word "like" is easy, anyone can cope with it. No wonder it is studied in school, and in the primary grades. You simply did not seem to have thought about this before, otherwise you would have known long ago how to write verbs with the presence / absence of a soft sign correctly.


- If you can ask questions to the verb "What to do" and / or "What to do", then it is written "to like and / or" like.

- If you can ask questions "What does" and / or "What will do" to the verb, then it is written "like" and / or "like".

That's the rule, actually. As you should have noticed, in the first cases there is a soft sign in the questions (what to do, what to do), and therefore it is present in verbs (like, like). Secondly, no (which does what will), hence the conclusion that in verbs it is not needed (like, like it). This is all that you need to remember to correctly write verbs, and not only the notorious "like" or "like", but also others.


A few examples for a visual demonstration of cases when it is required to put a soft sign, and when it is not needed at all. Yes, there are not enough of them, only four, but this will be enough with a vengeance, if you perceive them simply as a pleasant bonus for additional consolidation of the rule.

  • I like (what does it do to me?), When my grandmother comes to visit me, because she always brings with her delicious gifts.
  • Our cat can not like (can not what?) To everyone, he's not a hundred-dollar bill, but an ordinary black pet.
  • You will definitely like (what will it do?) My new car: I've been saving it for almost five years!
  • To please him (what to do?), She will have to try, because he is too fastidious man.

You can bring up suitable examples as many as you want, while touching on a wide variety of verbs, not just those mentioned in the article. The essence is the same everywhere as the rule, so it makes no sense to write many proposals with the correct statement of a soft sign.

A little exercise

As a consolidation of the knowledge obtained, let's make a small test of how you remembered the information received and how well it was absorbed. Try not to look at the answers that are so temptingly located from the bottom, because in other situations they will not be. You try for yourself, so do not deceive yourself, answer honestly.

1. How can this miracle not please (?) Xia ?!
2. He will definitely like (?) The cooked cake.
3. I do not like (?) Sya that my cat constantly shits on the neighbor's carpet.
4. I should like (?) The new boss to get a job.
5. I did not think that I would like this movie (?).
6. I like (?) That you are not sick with me.
7. When I first saw my current wife, I immediately realized that she likes me (?).
8. Why try to like (?) All people?
9. I did not expect that I might like (?) The soup cooked by my inept girlfriend.
10. It seems that I will never like (?) This taste.

Answers to the exercise

Attention! It is better to first answer on paper or in a notebook / Word 'before you look at the answers, and then just compare the results. Do not mess around, spelling is important; The incorrect use of a soft sign is very evident to people who know exactly how to do it correctly.

1. Like it.
2. Liked it.
3. I like it.
4. To like.
5. Liked it.
6. I like it.
7. I like it.
8. To like.
9. To like.
10. Liked it.

What are your results? If you answered all the questions correctly, you deserve praise and reward. Be sure to buy yourself something delicious or pleasant. If you incorrectly answered at least one question, then you need to re-read the entire article anew and try to understand why you can not put the question correctly to the verb. This topic is really easy, and it is very simple to learn it.

The result

So, now you know how to correctly write: "like" or "like." And also "painted" or "painted", "choked" or "choked", etc. As you understand from the article, for the correct spelling of the word you just need to put the question. Yes, those who never taught the rules and wrote a soft sign after "t" at random, depending on what intuition prompted, will have at first difficult. But soon you will notice how to automatically ask each verb a question, and in this regard, and write competently, at least, not to allow elementary errors in the case of the words "like" or "like."

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