Business, Industry
"Lever-AB". The newest systems of electronic warfare
Modern military equipment can not be imagined without a huge number of electronic components. It is not surprising that their damage entails the ineffectiveness of the means of destruction. So the newest means of electronic warfare, such as the "AV Lever", are the most important component of any modern army.
What is EW, what is meant by this?
How artificial interference is created?
For this, active and passive means can be used. The first category includes noise generators, as well as their transmitters. By "passive" means different categories of reflectors, which make it difficult to pass radio waves and simultaneously distort them. Parts of the REB are among the most important, even entering into the composition of missile units. It is from their work that the accuracy of missile guidance depends to a large extent, since the enemy will surely resist this strongly.
Active interference
The most difficult with active interference, as they are very diverse and require a significant amount of energy to generate. To create them, use special generators and transmitters, the development of which in many countries of the world began immediately after the Second World War. These signals distort or clog "white noise" the impulses that come from the enemy radar.
Not being able to normally pass through space, waves or distorted, giving the impression of multiple targets, or even disappearing, leaving the radar screens empty. Thus, active interference is divided into two types: suppressive and distorting.
Importance of electronic warfare systems
And this despite the fact that there are no weapons at all on this technology ... So the EW specialists are always at the forefront of defense. Moreover, in foreign sources there is no term "electronic warfare" at all. The expression "electronic warfare" is used there. In conditions of the importance that modern high-tech equipment plays in the troops, this is fully justified.
Importance of EW assets installed on aircraft
The most important task of experts in electronic warfare (or war) is to "stun" the enemy, depriving him of the opportunity to see and hear through his electronic "eyes and ears". It is especially important from the very first minutes of the battle (and, ideally, even before it) to drown out enemy radars and / or bring out their attack aircraft or missile units.
If the EW assets work perfectly, then their own strike and fighter aircraft get the opportunity to break straight to the enemy's targets, being completely invisible. In this case, the enemy can only use visual guidance on the target, which, under the conditions of the speeds of modern aircraft, reduces the air defense capabilities practically to zero.
Development of new technologies
At present, the domestic defense industry has recovered somewhat from the deep systemic crisis, and therefore now intensive development of the latest high-tech samples of these types of weapons is under way. A huge role in this is played by the Kazan Optical-Mechanical Plant. It is a part of the huge CRET ("Radioelectronic Technologies" concern). The products of this holding are the most important component of the security of our entire country.
It is at this plant that the development of the "Lever-AB" complex is underway. At the beginning of last year, several samples of this electronic warfare were already transferred to our military for conducting their field trials. It is reported that the entire state order for 2015 was carried out in full accordance with the terms, and work has begun on the running (as some defects are revealed) of the "Lever-AV" modernization.
Simultaneously produced equipment
Are there any other means of electronic warfare being developed and produced in our country? Yes. For example, Vitebsk: The REB is produced by the same concern, and the characteristics are similar.
The purpose of Vitebsk is to protect a variety of military equipment. Unlike the "Lever", the system forms a full-size "dome", which protects not only a certain helicopter or aircraft, but everything that falls within its scope. The complex can also work as an autonomous producer of active interference, being mounted on a helicopter or a specially equipped airplane.
Moreover, this EW station can also form entire "squadrons" of false targets, for the "destruction" of which the enemy will spend its resources, time and energy. Only one aircraft equipped with Vitebsk can waste the forces of a whole squadron of interceptors, forcing enemy vehicles to intercept virtual targets. In a word, EW systems are vital for the modern army. Moreover, it is important not only to blind the enemy's electronics, but also to "deceive" it when it is possible to integrate into the system of transmission of the most important tactical data, sending deliberately false data.
Development plans
KRET also has plans for the evolutionary development of existing EW assets, focusing on the data that will be obtained during the operation and testing of the novelty. So, as early as in 2017, the beginning of production of the upgraded version of the complex is planned, which will include changes that need to be revealed during field trials. At present, work is in progress on the serial production of the new "Lever".
Working with OKB Mikoyan
The main distinguishing feature of "Lever-AV" is that its designers have created a separate modification of the complex, specifically designed for installation on Mi-8 helicopters. The index of such machines is the Mi-8MTPR-1. What is the breakthrough here? The thing is that the G8 is a real worker of the sky. These helicopters are widely used in our country and abroad, they are equally useful both for peaceful life and for war.
But in the latter case, the life of the pilot and the safety of the cargo are in great danger, since there is no MI-8 armor, he has no protection from anti-aircraft complexes. The presence of a REB complex on board a helicopter is a real opportunity to significantly improve the machine's survivability in combat conditions, as well as the effectiveness of using air-to-ground missiles, opposing enemy air defense systems.
Some features of the new complex
It is the index "AB" that points to its aviation "genealogy". In addition, there is a lot of information about the ongoing creation of other versions of the complex, intended for installation on other versions of military equipment. In particular, it is planned to create machines for air defense and strategic missile units that will protect launchers and antiaircraft missiles, dazzling the enemy aircraft and missiles that have advanced to destroy them. It should be noted that at present there is no official information about these options at all. So far, some data is only about how the "Lever-AV" system works on helicopters of the Mi-8 family.
General facts, some information
As we said, so far only some general information is known, on which, however, some conclusions can still be made. So, according to the domestic media, which directly work with the Ministry of Defense, the new complex is capable of suppressing the enemy's radio electronic activity at ranges of up to 100 kilometers. Thus, the radius of action allows to cover with sufficient degree of reliability the calculations of air defense means without their visual detection by the enemy. It is especially good when fighting is conducted in favorable weather conditions for the enemy. It is also known that work can be carried out simultaneously for several purposes.
If the "Lever-AV" system is put on the Mi-8 helicopter, the latter passes the procedure of retrofitting and some modernization. So, in the cargo compartment, containers for equipment are mounted, on-board wiring is retrofitted so that electricity is supplied to the system with the necessary voltage indicators, etc. On the sides there are mounted phased antennas necessary for the direction of the "Lever" radiation.
And what about the crew? It is known that radiation produced by such systems is safe for human health and can not be called exactly ... To avoid negative consequences, special screening is put on the machine. It not only protects the crew from powerful electromagnetic radiation, but also prevents the onboard equipment of the helicopter from failing, which is also "indifferent" to the radiation of this device. Since working within a radius of 100 kilometers requires very high signal strength, the installation of additional shielding is vitally important.
Advanced Complex Features
According to unconfirmed reports, the active jamming station "Lever-AV" is capable not only to extinguish the radiation of enemy devices, but also to collect their characteristics and make up a special "card file" of signals. Why is it necessary? The matter of self-learning: the "cleverer" complex "Lever-AB" is able to independently not only determine the characteristics of the target, but also automatically select the radiation power necessary to neutralize one or another equipment.
Thus, the system not only can flexibly adjust to various operating conditions, but also independently accumulate information about new enemy devices that were not yet in the database at the time of the creation of the complex.
It would be interesting to find out if the station can interfere with this data with other REB "Lever-AV", but so far this information was not covered in the press. Most likely, such an opportunity exists, and it is simply obliged to be, for the loss of one complex will entail the loss of the data accumulated by it.
There is information that Mi-8 helicopters equipped with this system can counteract enemy air defense systems, act on suppression of its communication and control, and also protect its troops from the EW assets of the enemy, which he will actively use in certain sectors of the front.
On the supply of converted machines
As of 2015, the Kazan Helicopter Plant has already fully implemented the plan of the Ministry of Defense for the supply of helicopters equipped with radio-technical control systems, even in the basic configuration. It should be noted that the first machines were handed over to the customer at the very beginning of the year. Most likely, work continues to this day, since no complaints from the military on the delivery dates have been received.
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