Spiritual developmentAstrology

Good and evil

Every person born in this world has always been interested in a lot of questions, for example, such a character: Who built this world? Who is its owner? If there is this master, why is he silent, in response to the boundless actions of man? Why the fate of some mercilessly beats, others cherish? Why is everything alone, nothing else? There are infinitely many questions, but the answer is oddly one. I will try to convey it to you, those who do not understand, can just believe me, for mankind has come to that point of time, where there is absolutely no time left to think.

year 2012. This is the starting point for the time cycles from which we begin our conversation. If from this date, retreat exactly one cycle back, the length of 12 thousand years. Then we will get to the time of the lost Atlantis. At that time, as now, the planet changed the climate, and people did not want to believe in the end of the world.

If from Atlantis, we recede for 12 thousand years ago, we will again get to the times where the climate changed, this time we call Noah's Ark, or Sodom and Gomorrah. Another minus one cycle from Gomorrah, and we will find ourselves where everything started, more precisely, the first person in our world appeared. According to the Bible, these people also died, only from volcanic eruptions.

Every 12 thousand years, our planet does a revolution of 90 degrees, changes the axis. Accordingly, the climate changes. In this period, every time under the scorching sun, fall polar ice. The current law of physics, on "conservation of energy" does not allow to flood the planet as a whole. Although in such transitions, land and water are drastically changing places, the planet is exposed to all sorts of cataclysms, the animal world is dying. Theoretically, 34% of all living things survive, including humans. Time for such a turn of the planet takes exactly 100 years.

From the facts that exist today, we should understand that our planet has changed its axis three times since the time of human existence in this world. Three times the nature died, the revival of which takes 9 thousand years, in each cycle. What happens to the planet during this period, even the once existing civilization of the Maya even warns us? You have to be a naive fool to think that when you go to the fifth cycle, nothing dangerous for a person will happen.

The fifth cycle, means that the planet belongs to the age of the "Leaders". In another 12 thousand years, she will enter the age of "Fool", etc. (G.Kvasha, Virtual horoscope)

Having understood the working mechanism of our planet, the question arises whether this world can not in any way painlessly experience such times? Do we have to live for 12 thousand years and die? But this is not logical, in this logical world!

During my life, I realized an important detail, our world is very cruel, and very fair. Who controls this cruelty and justice? Maybe this is all God's tricks? In God, I do not believe, let him believe in him who does not understand that this world without God intervention would simply not exist. I clearly understand that God exists in our real life as a person. I will give the evidence, and describe its appearance, I will name the reasons why our world perished three times, although the reason in all cases is the same.

God is the two highest minds, good and evil. These names we will call our creators because the name of the devil is not recommended aloud, since people from ancient times knew, to pronounce this name, means to awaken him in a person.

Its location is the center of the universe. Its appearance, an exact copy of the human brain, it differs only in a huge physical mass. He is motionless, but more reasonable than you are with us, this one hundred percent higher mind. He easily manages to manipulate not only animal organisms in the universe, but even nature. Considering that this organism does not have the physical ability to move independently, it is not deprived of the title of the first intelligent being in the universe. Through his actions, and interference in a person's life, he managed to prove himself so that a person began to call him a god. What is more interesting, a person has never seen this god, but he always felt it.

It is difficult to understand the above, it is equally difficult to understand whether you will be struck by an electric shock from a bare, seemingly harmless wire. Electric energy is invisible, but it exists. Her strength can tickle a person, and maybe burn like a match. People probably do not quite understand what energy is? But they understand well, if we close these wires, then we'll see a flash, and maybe an explosion, it all depends on the strength, this current.

God has very powerful energy, positive and negative. With this energy, it is supplied by the one whom this god gave birth to. The supplyers themselves, it is derived from food, partly from the sun. Between good and evil, or between positive and negative energy, there is an eternal struggle, according to the principle of the same law of physics, "somewhere decreases, then somewhere comes." It looks like this: 100% of living beings on the planet, endlessly generate positive or negative energy. From any animal, this energy flies straight to good or to evil. Everyone, a new animal in this world, including a human, begins its work from the 50/50 point. The competition of creators can harmlessly balance within the framework of up to, 66/33 (golden section). If "generators" pump evil, up to 66%, goodness remains at 33%, this moment will be called "Stop game". Now both gods have the right to their rank. The territory of evil as a winner, 66% is subject to death without exception. For the victory of evil is death. The territory of good 33%, too, subject to a kind of discharge. Only this discharge is quiet, and without noise. Hence the proverb appeared in the people, "There is no harm without good." 1% does not participate in this battle.

Great value in all ranks, has time. The zone of defeat depends on the date of birth of the object, over which the evil does its work. For example: During World War I and World War II, the planet as a whole, could not have threatened a catastrophe, although the negative was sufficient in those days. Suffered only a part of the planet. Maximum - large-scale disasters that operate throughout the territory of our planet, can happen only at the moment of the ninth. The rest of the time, there are small-scale. By the way, in 2012, our planet, enters its ninth. To protect yourself from what Maya warns you need, from 2012 to 2112, not to exceed negative energy throughout the world. Increased negativity, will lead to the fact that it will break where it is thin. And subtly if I'm not mistaken, it will be somewhere in 2024, when past us, the meteorite will fly again.

Every reader, written, will puzzle. But my statements are based on the unbreakable foundation of our contemporary, ancestor, "Structural horoscope", "Vector ring" and other world discoveries, Grigory Semyonovich Kvashi. His work, he gave more than 20 years. His result, the salvation of our planet, from the fourth Apocalypse. He unraveled the karmic time of man, the country and all who have their date of birth in the universe, including our planet. He outlined a theorem that does not require proof: "To know the future, you need to know the past," says Grigory Semyonovich. This person does not possess the clairvoyant's diploma, he does only auto-forecasts. Details of this art, you can learn from the author, and I'll help you in this.

The mortal man in this life is given 120 years of life, why he somehow lives half, this is a separate conversation. And now 120 years, we divide by 10 cycles, for 12 years. In each of these cycles, Kvasha revealed karmic and anti-karma time, it depends on the date of birth of the person. For example, let's take the "Dogs" born in the year. His karmic year, the year of the Rooster. In this year, a person gets all the bumps, failures, material losses. In the year of the "Bull", this year anti-karma in "dogs", on the contrary, a person easily achieves success.

Examples of statistics, Kwasha gives enough. But why do you need someone else's examples, let's each figure out their own cycle? Remembering, each his life in the past, we will see that really, our successes, and failures correspond to the time, about which the author speaks. But anyway, we do not understand why some people have karma cruel, but others do not call it karma? Why did one achieve more in the anti-mercenary year, and the other absolutely nothing? This question could remain unanswered, but not in our case.

Let's go back, where it says about the creators of ours. Good and evil created our world, or we say otherwise, built a house, planted a tree, and raised a child in it. In nothing, not yielding to each other - to a friend, they divided it in two. Day - night, right - left, etc. To his child, (each of the minds has the full right to man), they gave complete freedom in choosing, the 10 commandments. Let a man choose his own God, for God must have one person, good or evil. And now attention! Evil will become the patron of man, and will designate him as a sign, six sixes. This sign, you can find in your any documents, phone number, and even in a tram ticket. Six shows that a person entered into a deal with evil. Now to this person the evil god will help in life, and endow him with material values, (money is also from evil), but on condition that a person becomes only evil. Enter into a deal with evil, can any person, it's easy. It is enough to break any of the 10 commandments, and have a conscious conviction in your righteousness. Another option is to get 66% negative, but in such cases you risk your life. To commit a murder, not necessarily a person, while finding an excuse. Or simply, sell the soul to evil as women do, taking money for sex. Is it scary to imagine how many doomed souls are in our society? The question is, how long can you stay in this deal? After all, there, in order to live beautifully, one must endlessly do evil. And the laws of the creators say: "All the actions of a person, return to him with a vengeance." Typically, these people do not live long, maybe 20-30 years is a long time? When will this happen? In a vector situation, by the sixth number. Want to know more precisely, study Kvasha.

People who once entered into a deal with evil, and who do not know how to do this evil, will be ruthlessly destroyed as they are unwanted for the evil god. There is an evil means of destroying people, this alcohol, 700 000 people in the world die from alcohol every year. Good, with all desire, has no right to interfere with this massacre of a man, for he himself voluntarily entered into a deal with him. But we know for sure that our tears here do not help. After death, the soul of this person, will take a well-deserved place, on one of the levels of hell.

Evil also has no right to interfere in the life of a person who has entered into a deal with good. These people, like villains, will receive a sign in their documents, phone numbers, etc. Seven sevens. Now everything is good in their lives, will begin to happen on the seventh numbers, accompanied by three sevens, or the number 13. This number, the mutual sign of the creators. It replaces three sixes, or the same three sevens. Good God will become the patron of this man. Your affairs will become, develop on their own, your wishes will be fulfilled without obstacles, to you it is surprising. You are not afraid of a brick that sometimes falls on your head. You understand that there are no accidents in this world, and you will get exactly as much as you deserve. In order to stay at this altitude, a person needs to create only good. By the same rules, the person will return no more, no less, exactly doubly. Do not wait in your anti-mercenary year, the manna of heaven, you need to understand, "under a recumbent stone, water does not flow." In this year, you need to strive for your dreams, all the doors are open, only, for one year. Do you want material prosperity? Then do not forget, "you do not sow, you will not reap." Invest in tithing, not in church, but for those who need it. In this case, it is like manna from heaven, will return in the form of easy earnings, a multiple of 60 times. I'm making a bad tithe, it's 40 times bigger, the righteous in 100. It's tested in practice, it works like a clock. You do not sow, you will not reap!

The rest of the mass of people who do not have the patronage of the gods, even die of old age will not be able to, until they choose their god. A person who believes in good dies peacefully, painlessly, often in a dream. Unbeliever, has no right to take neither good nor evil. While he is from his pains, he does not curse third parties, then evil will immediately identify him in his intangible world. Or vice versa, a person will understand that he is suffering for his sinful life. To calmly die, he will need to forgive everyone, only then he will die peacefully, and his soul will take the deserved place in one of the nine levels of paradise.

I understand that to the reader, the image of the author appears as a devout person. This is an erroneous image. I have nothing to do with church affairs. I do not cross myself and do not pray, although I do not deny that by prayers a person is able to make amends for his sins. Why should I pray if I live according to the 10 commandments? After all, it's not where they clean it, but where they do not litter.

One day I had to go to church. If I were not there, then today, I would not have the right to say that the church is evil, doing its own thing. In the right church, there should be no golden domes, while at the gates of it, the beggars and the hungry sit. Church and money, the concept as black and white. In general, the church where two or three speak about God. There already, the same positive energy is concentrated, from a kind god.

Many people complain about their fate. Someone believes that he was not lucky in this life, and God rewarded a hard fate. I repeat, lawlessness in this world, only people are happy. Creators, or, more specifically, evil, would be happy to destroy a person simply for nothing, but he has no right to do so. Everything is under the control of good. And good, wants to give a person, but can not, does not give evil. A person will receive only what he deserves, but with redoubled force, no more.

I want you a happy fate, treat each other the way you would like to be treated to you. By this principle of life, and to the earthly paradise not far away. To think that God gave you an unhappy fate is stupidity. Everyone is the creator of his own destiny. We build it daily, every word, every thought, action.

The destiny of the country, builds the one chosen by the people, govern the state. The people entrusted him this right, and therefore, and all will have to answer. "With whom you will lead, from that and you will be typed". "My hut from the edge", it does not ride here. The country, and even the planet, as a person, has its own karmic period, we call it a crisis. If a person has it every 12 years, then the country it occurs every 120 years. Its length is not one year, but ten years. Russia has its own crisis, has already survived, from 1986 to 1996. During this time, it came to complete destruction because it was applied to the law of the creators, "stole the ruble, you lose two." At that time people lost their savings twice. But it could not have happened that such losses, if the Communists, returned the gold to the owner. What kind of gold is it?

1854 year, on November, 10th. In the Russian territory, in the bay "Balaklava" the black sea, a sudden storm flooded the English ships, which carried a lot of gold. The English tried to find him, but they did not find him. So about that gold, all and forgot.

After the revolution, the country was experiencing a terrible famine. The Communists plundered churches, dekulakized merchants, but with these funds, the Soviet Union only survived. And then there was a metamorphosis. The sudden rise of the communist empire, the construction of factories and factories. The purchase of equipment abroad, and payment at the same time, was the purest gold. It can, says only one thing, that the Communists found gold. In support of this, the people twice lost their savings in the karmic time of the country.

Not only Russia experienced similar crises. All countries, all people, everyone in their time will come across this, or come across. Only we have different karma. As a rule, the higher you take off, the more you must fall.

Americans have not experienced their crisis yet, according to their date of birth, it comes in 2013. Notes Gregory Kwashi say this: "The approximation of karma, a person feels even before its official date." Do not we see what's happening with America? Lately the poor Americans have not got a child.

The karma of the Americans will turn out to be terrible, it will return with the doubled strength of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I deliberately will not name the date when the thunder that will unleash the third world war will fall on America, but until this day, there are less than a thousand days left. The consequence of this catastrophe, nothing like Japan, it will affect the whole world.

A fair comment by Mikhail Zadorny about our scientists. "They know a lot, only their knowledge can not explain." The fault of scientists is not that they do not understand how to protect themselves from radiation? And in that they themselves do not understand, and others do not listen. A remedy for radiation is, and very simple. Using it, a person is able to enter the reactor without any protection. Need an example? Radioactive disasters, in this world, have always been enough for examples. As a result, some people die right away, the other part remains disabled. And I'll tell you, not only how to survive, but how to survive without pain and without consequences. I am ready to show by my example that radiation for a person is not terrible, if only people, if they do not understand, then they would believe, and follow my example. I agree to spend in the disaster zone, without any special protection, as long as, according to scientists, is a lethal dose. I'm not Copperfield and not crazy, I'm the one whose brain works at 30%. To me, unlike scientists, it's easy to understand what I'm talking about. I know how to develop my brain to 99%. I know how to achieve immortality, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, it would be very interesting. How to treat cancer, or simply, do not get sick at all, and much more. I'm indigo, as it has become fashionable, among scientists, to call such people.

PS In 2012 on December 21, our planet enters the same, karmic period. In this year, nothing new and terrible in the world will happen. This date can be compared with the new year, which we celebrate every 12 months. The terrible will be ahead.

2013, from a certain day, for some, may seem "the end of the world." The third world war, powerful radiation throughout the planet. Without sacrifice, we can not survive these times. Theoretically, every third, if left alive, it will remain disabled, the rest will die.

But there is another side to the coin, one in three will die unequivocally, but the first and second will not touch it. I repeat, there is protection from radiation and this is not a spacesuit! To achieve these results, we will need to study: when, how, and why, happen in this world of disaster?

Preparing people for these times, you need to start immediately. Write books, and even open sites, all this will not give an effective result. The correct action in this situation, a documentary, of materials is enough: "Proper nutrition." "The development of the human brain." "Parenting". "Treatment of cancer and other diseases." And, of course, how to protect yourself from radiation. Not from any scientists, you will not hear it !!!

05/21/2011. A.Mironov.

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