
Levels of English: Intermediate and others

In this article, we described the basic levels of English (Intermediate, Elementary , A dvanced, Fluent). If you have some knowledge of English, but are wondering what is really your real level, the text is for you. All that is needed is only to apply the given situations to their own knowledge!

Basic acquaintance: level of English Elementary

You understand and can use in your speech familiar phrases and expressions that are necessary to perform any specific tasks. For example, you can introduce yourself, ask a question or answer it (about age, place of residence, family). Are able to support an easy dialogue, when the interlocutor speaks slowly enough and distinctly.

Levels of English Intermediate. To not be lost in a strange city: Pre

You are able to understand individual sentences, as well as expressions that are often found and associated with the most basic life spheres (the same family, work, purchases, residence, and so on). You can exchange the simplest information within familiar household topics, tell about your relatives and friends, describe the most important moments of your own life.

Beginning of everyday communication: Intermediate

Levels of English Intermediate are the middle stage in mastering the language. You understand the basic idea of clear messages that are made in the literary language and on topics that typically arise in school, work, leisure, and so on. The level of English proficiency Intermediate assumes that you are able to communicate in most of such situations that are supposed to occur during the stay in the country whose language you are studying (ask for a way to a place in the city, order a service, pay in the store, book a room In the hotel and so on). You can compose communication messages on known or some topics of particular interest to you. They are able to describe their own impressions, thoughts, hopes, aspirations, past events, present and argue their views on future plans.

You are almost a polyglot

Levels of English Intermediate: Upper and Advanced - this is not quite fluency in the language, but quite free. You catch common thoughts of complex texts on specific or abstract topics. And also narrowly specialized texts. You can speak spontaneously and quickly enough to communicate regularly with the native inhabitants of the country of the studied language without experiencing any difficulties. The level of English Upper Intermediate suggests that you will be able to compose detailed and clear messages on a variety of topics, express your own opinion about the problem, point out the shortcomings and advantages of different opinions. Having the Advanced level, you understand complex three-dimensional texts on a variety of subjects. Recognize the hidden meaning (read between the lines). Are able to speak quickly, without thinking about the choice of expressions and individual words. You use the language quite effectively and flexibly to communicate in professional and scientific activities. You can create a detailed, accurate, well-structured message on specific topics.

Fluent communication: Fluent

At this stage you will understand almost any written or oral message. You can compose coherent texts, relying immediately on several written and verbal sources. You will speak with a high tempo spontaneously, emphasizing emotional shades even in the most difficult situations.

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