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Let's try to understand what the sky is?

Children, even in pre-school age, often ask the question: "What is the sky?" And sometimes adults simply can not fully respond to it, although they themselves understand the meaning and essence of the word. Well, let's try to understand this simple term from a scientific point of view, but nevertheless understandable language to characterize this substance.

What is heaven in the broadest sense of the word?

As everyone knows, the sky is the panorama that opens before us daily. It is an airspace, which consists of numerous layers of the atmosphere, different in their density. In this space, various physical and chemical phenomena can be observed . Among these, we distinguish the formation of clouds, thunder and snow clouds, lightning, aurora borealis, rainbow, etc. It should be noted that on Earth the sky can be night, morning, afternoon and evening. Depending on the time of day, its color and illumination change, which is provided exclusively by the Sun (since the remaining cosmic bodies either are located too far from the Earth or do not have enough brightness for the necessary illumination).

Physical and astronomical sky theory

Now consider what the sky is from a more scientific point of view. This space, in fact, is called the visible part of the cosmos, which is observed from a certain astronomical body. In modern science, such notions as the Earth's sky, the Martian, the Lunar, etc., have already been given news. In a word, on the surface of each solid cosmic body (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Moon, Mars, Pluto), one can see the sky. Only on each of these planets it will be excellent, because the atmosphere that colors it in these or other colors has significant differences. In turn, depending on the molecular composition of this or that atmosphere, various processes are also observed in this or that "sky". The atmosphere of Mars is filled with metallic microscopic compounds, which is why it has a rusty color. On this planet, sharp temperature changes are observed, frequent meteorite rains, since the thickness of the atmosphere all this is missing from the open space.

The sky that we see on our planet

Quite a different conversation - the sky and the Earth, that is, the atmospheric envelope of our own planet. A large number of protective layers, the presence of oxygen molecules and a sufficiently dense ozone layer provide reliable protection against cosmic adversities. All the phenomena that our sky presents us are not as destructive as on Mars. That is why meteorites pass extremely slowly through the dense layer of the atmosphere (if they pass, then this equates to a catastrophe of world significance), we do not get interstellar dust, the temperature of which exceeds the value of thousands of kelvins, we are not afraid of sharp temperature changes, depending on solar activity .

Typical characteristics of the Earth's sky

About what the sky is from the astronomical point of view, we have already talked, now we will try to understand how it is seen by the inhabitants of certain latitudes of our planet. As a rule, a cloudless and clear day sky in all regions of the world appears to us in blue colors. The more sunny the day, the more saturated our natural shell looks . White light clouds make the heavenly tone more pale, as if the artist shed a whitewash. This is a regional difference, since all the clouds are located strictly local and low enough above the surface. The color of the sky changes invariably in all parts of the world, depending on the time of day. In the morning, at sunrise, and also at sunset, the sky is painted in pink, purple, yellow and even green tones. After that, the night sky acquires a dark blue tone and (if there is no cloudiness) is slightly highlighted by the far-off light of the stars and the moon.

Our closest satellite is the ever-changing Month

An interesting fact, but the sky, the photo of which was made at night in equatorial latitudes, differs from the panorama that unfolds over regions close to the poles. It depends on the proximity of all the celestial bodies that can be seen with the naked eye, to the surface of our planet. First of all, the moon increases, its glow becomes brighter, all craters and oceans are visible much more clearly. It is also worth noting that it is at the equator that such a phenomenon as the blue or blue Moon occurs much more often than in our latitudes. That is why astronomers prefer to follow the movement of comic bodies from this position.

What is heaven and what is their essence?

With the advent of scientific terms, there were also religious judgments based on exact knowledge. Since the blue panorama that unfolds before us is infinite and majestic, all the representatives of the Christian religion began to praise it with heaven. Heaven is the harbor of bliss, serenity, strength and inspiration. They are inhabited by angels, they are inhabited by all souls that are experiencing reincarnation.

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