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Lenovo B50 30: Installing Windows 7. Step-by-step instruction

Lenovo has long been known to the vast majority of users as a manufacturer of high-quality and low-cost laptops. Laptops differ in good technical characteristics. However, there are cases of this manufacturer. Nobody is immune from this. For example, the installation of Windows 7 by default was impossible on the Lenovo B50-30 . Why did this happen and how to install the "seven" on this laptop, if it's just out of the store? In this we will now understand.

Why did this happen?

Lenovo had no back thought. Just this laptop model was developed and sold in 2013. Let's remember what was done at Microsoft at this time? Correctly. They in every way (sometimes very aggressively) promoted their new operating system - Windows 8. Some manufacturers were forced to somehow limit the possibility of installing the "seven" on their devices. On the official website of the company to the model Lenovo B50-30 Windows 7 drivers are missing at all.

The most interesting thing is that the BIOS update did not solve the problem in any way (although it should have been). Curses and all kinds of disasters poured into the company's address. But all this did not last long. Folk craftsmen quickly resolved the problem. It turned out in BIOS settings. By default, the manufacturer pre-installed options that made the installation of the "seven" impossible. And if you consider that for most users of BIOS - a dark forest, then a sort of "feint with ears" worked perfectly on Lenovo B50-30. How to install Windows 7 on this model? As easy as pie. And you will see this now.

BIOS settings for setting "Seven"

The first step is to enter the BIOS settings. To do this, when you boot the laptop, you need to press FN and F2. Now go to the General Settings tab. Here you need to select Load Default Settings and click OK. Next, go to the Boot tab and in the OS Optimized Defaults line select Other OS. Now it remains to leave the BIOS, not forgetting to save all the changes.

In some cases (especially difficult) you still have to install the "eight" and with it to update the firmware BIOS. Sometimes this is necessary, because the stock BIOS does not always give the user the opportunity to change the boot options of the operating system. But after the upgrade, everything should be fine. Next, you can reboot your Lenovo B50-30. Installing Windows 7 is now possible.

Installation process

It does not differ much from the standard one. In fact, it does not differ at all. But it's better to describe it all. So, the algorithm for installing the "seven" on the Lenovo B50-30 after all manipulations with BIOS:

  • We insert a flash drive or a disk with Windows installation files.
  • At boot time, hold down the key combination FN and F12. A dialog box appears.
  • In the window, select the media (CD-DVD for the disk or USB-HDD for the USB flash drive). The system installer will then boot.
  • In the next window, select the installation language and country of location. Click "Next".
  • Now select the "Only install Windows" item and create the disk layout. We remember that the "seven" is placed only on the NTFS partition. The rest of the sections can be adjusted after the installation of the system.

  • We press the button "Next" - the installation process begins. The laptop will be rebooted several times.
  • After the last reboot, you will be prompted to enter your user name and password.
  • We press the "Next" button and wait. After a while, the installed system will start.

You coped with your Lenovo B50-30. The installation of Windows 7 is complete. However, before using the system, you will have to adjust something else. For after installation in front of you there will be a "bare" operating system, which can not do anything because there are no devices installed in it. And this means that you will have to install drivers.

Device Drivers

What is the problem with the Lenovo B50-30 laptop? WiFi drivers (Windows 7) or any other drivers for the "seven" on the official website are missing. And Wi-Fi is critical. After all, without the Internet it will not turn out to download and other drivers. There are several options. You can download drivers from the "eight". In some cases they are suitable. And you can refer to the component manufacturer's website and download the latest version from there. But in any case, you will need a second computer with Internet access.

Sometimes on the sites of the equipment manufacturers there is no software for the Lenovo B50-30 model. However, the driver for Wi-Fi will be in any case. It is necessary to put only it. And further problems can be solved through the "Device Manager" in the installed OS. It allows you to update the hardware drivers from Microsoft's official servers. While the "seven" is officially supported, they will not go anywhere from there. The main thing - to get the Internet on this "piece of iron." Once you do this, life will immediately become easier.


Undoubtedly, this article will be useful for those who are "lucky" to buy a laptop Lenovo B50-30. Installing Windows 7 on it is possible, although the process is somewhat unaccustomed. For some unsophisticated users, it may seem unrealistically complicated. But in fact, there is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to update the BIOS and change its settings a little. After that, you can put on this laptop at least "seven", although "Linux", even "McOS."

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