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An analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated". Inner monologue of the poet

The lyrical mood of the Russian writer Lermontov in life changed with age, from wild enthusiasm to deadly melancholy and sadness. In his early works, he praised the beauty of nature, its meadows, rivers and forests, but in recent years this topic was of little interest to him, he was more concerned with political and public issues. During this time he won the fame of the poet-troublemaker, who resolutely and severely denounced the tsarist autocracy. Here is the poem "When the Yellow Field Fears" conveys some strange mood of the author. What happened in the fate of the poet at this time?

Analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated"

When you read Lermontov's poems, you gradually plunge into his beautiful and amazing poetic world, but for some reason permeated with desperate anguish. It would seem that there can be such a hopeless and sad in unusually accurate sketches of wildlife? After all, he writes that the field is turning yellow, reminiscent of the end of summer, that the raspberry plum is already ripening, the forest is rustling, and even the silvery lily of the valley nods to the poet.

An analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is worried" says that Lermontov is admired by nature pure and serene, dipping into a fertile magic dream. But the soul of the poet is not so calm, he is very worried and even angry.

Loneliness theme

What is the cause of his tragic disagreement with life? Maybe it's because of his unbearable nature or the sarcastic wit that he often poured out. Or is it his orphan's fate in everything to blame, because the poet very early lost his parental affection? You can blame his fate and for the fact that she did not give him faithful and kind friends like-minded or did not give him a meeting with his beloved woman who could cool his hot head, take care of and love him the way Lermontov was.

"When the yellowing field" is worried, "describes how a student's key whispers about a peaceful land. But where is it? The poet is always anxious, a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness rushed over him. And most likely, it was due to external circumstances, which, alas, do not always depend on the person himself. However, at that time, surrounded by Lermontov, fear of persecution was the norm.

Peace and harmony

An analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the Yellow Field Fears" opens the curtain to the fact that the sweet contemplation of nature, which the poet saw, even more worsened the already depressing state of his condition. However, this impeccable world of natural beauty gives a dream of harmony with it, with people and with the world around it.

What does the poet think about when he writes lines that he does not regret the past, but does not expect anything from the future either? At the very end of the work there is a quatrain in which the poet seems to re-see, but this insight can be interpreted in different ways.

An analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated" also implies that the poet was destined to live in a society of people alien to him, where in priority lies, falsity, and from this complete boredom. The poet, born in this unjust world, simply gasped in an atmosphere of gossip, intrigue and condemnation. From this so tragic and his fate.

Lermontov, "When the yellowing field is agitated"

This beautiful poem was written by the author in 1837. But at this time the poet was arrested and during the investigation was imprisoned in a St. Petersburg prison. And all because of the proceedings regarding his poem "The Death of the Poet", which was dedicated to Pushkin's death.

Stunned by this news, the poet allowed himself to express himself in a sharp manner about a secular society and openly accused him of the death of a great genius. Officials, of course, could not stand such mocking, in their opinion, behavior, so it was decided to take Lermontov in custody. In prison, without paper and ink, using a food wrapper and burnt matches, he writes a poem "When the yellowing field is worried." The theme of nature was chosen for sure not by chance, because he, too, could have foreseen the fact that he also had to stay in this world for so much.

Saving natural beauty

At that time, Lermontov was only 24 years old, he was a skeptic and a realist, and already at this age he was well aware that the current foundations of the society had already completely outlived themselves. This was also indicated by the fact of the Decembrist uprising.

Soon Lermontov began to understand that he could not change anything in Russia any more, social inequality would sooner or later lead to a revolutionary conflict. Because of this Lermontov in the last years of his life was in a depressing state and a bad mood.

The poet also realized that with his poems he would not inspire light human minds to exploit the Decembrists, but he did not want to put up with what was happening around him.

This is his work itself is very original and represents some final inner monologue of the soul about the highest values, that everything passes, and this too will pass. It remains only to wait ...

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