Self improvementPsychology

"Learning 10 words" - the technique of A.R. Luria

Testing consists in revealing the speed and magnitude of auditory memorization of 10 words. The technique is used to determine the amount of their reproduction after a certain period of time. The result of the research is getting information about whether a child can study the hearing material for a long time and purposefully.

What is the procedure

The study uses simple monosyllabic or disyllabic, frequency, but absolutely different in meaning of 10 words. The methodology assumes their use in the singular and nominative. Usually the number of their repetitions can reach five, although it happens that you need to repeat the words before the perfect memorization. For clarity of results after the research, a curve is built.

This study of such characteristics:

  • Volume of auditory memorization;
  • Features of mnestic activity;
  • The speed of memorizing words in the amount provided;
  • The amount of playback after a period of time;
  • Features of auditory perception.


A.R. Luria proposed a technique for determining fatigue, intensity of attention, degree of memorization. It is convenient in that it does not involve the use of any special equipment. The only condition for achieving a truly transparent result is silence. The fact is that any noise (especially if it's conversations) distracts and reduces the ability to memorize words.

The study can be done with children from 7 years. Healthy subjects usually remember 9-10 words. The technique assumes that the delayed result (memory check after a period of time) should show 80% of the previously obtained verbal chain. When working with children under 7 years of age, less initial information is used - 5-8 words.

Examples of research chains:

  1. Cat. Horn. Table. Mushroom. Honey. Ray. Water. A circle. Bridge. Smoke.
  2. Bread. The weight. Brother. The course. Bow. Hedgehog. Mustache. Pain. Window. Tea.
  3. Whale. Umbrella. Rom. Run. Laugh. Dog. Rose flower. Stump. Kum. Ruff.

Start of the study

Before you start testing, the experimenter writes 10 words in one line. The methodology involves the use of simple names that do not cause obvious associations between each other. Most often, each verifier uses a single word series. But if testing is carried out in a group of children, then several such chains need to be prepared, since subjects can start to give each other hints. It is very important in this experiment to pronounce the words clearly, and also strictly follow the instructions.

First you need to tell the child a similar phrase: "I will read 10 words. They need to be carefully listened to. When I finish reading, you need to list those words that you remember. You can speak them in any order. Clear?". Slowly and well pronouncing, the experimenter reads the words. When the child repeats them, then in the protocol of the technique proposed by A.R. Luria, you need to exhibit crosses.

Then the next part of the work follows. I must say: "I will read the same words as the first time. And you need to repeat those of them that you already called (a) and the others, which then missed (a). " Then the experimenter, just like the first time, marks with the crosses the words that the child named.

Then you need to do a few repetitions of the same procedure. Explanations are no longer needed, as the experimenter suffices to say the following: "Once again."

Additional clarifications

In those cases where additional words are called by the examinees, the examiner should note them next to the existing crosses. If there are repetitions, then every new time you need to put another mark.

It happens that during the research the child tries to tell or comment something. In such cases, you need to explain to him that you do not need to do this now. In fact, the method of "10 words" (Luria) prohibits distracting conversations.

After a 5-time repetition, the experimenter begins to study other tests. But 50-60 minutes back to the memorable series and asks to tell it again. But the reading of the already used 10 words memory technique no longer assumes. It is these repetitions that should now be marked with circles in order to avoid possible mistakes.

Filling out the table and building a memorization curve

The protocol for the study is as follows:

Number of repetitions








A circle



































After an hour




In the future, it is used to construct a memorization curve. To do this, horizontally the repetition numbers are laid, and vertically - the number of words correctly named. The slope of the curve can be different. At children from 7 years who are healthy, the first 3 repetitions are presented in the form of one of the following variants:

  1. 5, 7, 9.
  2. 6, 8, 9.
  3. 5, 7, 10.

That is, by the third iteration the child is able to name 9-10 words. And with further reading of the series, the number of words called becomes 9-10.

Diseases of children, as evidenced by the curve

Mentally retarded children tend to call a small number of words. It happens that the child pronounces an extra word. And then gets stuck on this error, repeating it again. Similar moments in testing are demonstrated by children with organic brain diseases. In addition, in a state of disinhibition, subjects call a lot of extra words.

Also, the curve curve may indicate severe fatigue and weak active attention. That is, when it repeats, the child calls 8-9 words, and then on - less and less of them. This indicates the absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in life caused by a transient asthenia. The curve may not have a sharp slope, but look zigzagging, indicating instability and fluctuations in attention.

As evidenced by the technique, the memorization of 10 words in rare cases reduces to the fact that the subjects begin to pronounce the same incomplete series. Stabilization of this kind indicates a lack of interest in improving the outcome, about emotional lethargy. A low-lying straight line indicates dementia and indifference in paralytic syndromes.

The number of words enumerated to the examinee within an hour after the last repetition, speaks of his memory in the literal sense. Therefore, using different, but similar in complexity of verbal chains, you can repeat this study to see the effectiveness of treatment, to assess the course of the disease.

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