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Kidney stone: symptoms in men, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

One of the most common ailments of the urinary system is urolithiasis, in which a stone is formed in the kidneys. Symptoms in men can not be manifested for a long time. Most patients are not even aware of the presence of ailment. But if it makes itself felt, then a person experiences a number of painful sensations. Most often, it is precisely the representatives of the stronger sex that have kidney stones. Symptoms (in men, as a rule, they are more pronounced) and methods of treatment of the disease will be considered in more detail in our review.

Characteristics of the disease

The process of formation of stones in the kidneys, urinary tract or bladder is called official medicine by urolithiasis, or urolithiasis. An ailment can occur in a person at any age. But most often it is diagnosed in patients 30-60 years old. Consider why the stones in the kidneys are formed in men? The causes, symptoms and treatment of ailment require detailed study.

The kidneys are paired bean-shaped organs localized in the abdominal cavity. They perform vital functions: they are responsible for removing toxins and waste from the blood. But sometimes harmful substances are not fully derived. Such wastes begin to accumulate and form crystals. If these solids settle in the kidney, the patient is diagnosed with nephrolithiasis.

There are concrements not immediately. Their education takes months, and sometimes years. A favorable environment for the appearance of stones is the high concentration of salts and protein in the urine, which is observed in failures in the functioning of the renal system.

Initially, the stones have small dimensions, and, as a rule, have a protein origin. They become the frame on which the stones are formed. Small concrements are able to go out on their own during urination. But if the stone is fixed in the kidney, it begins to "overgrow" with new deposits of salts. In this case, it grows and can reach large sizes.

Concrements are of different types. Often stones are composed of calcium. But they can include amino acids (proteins) or uric acid. In most cases, stones with a mixed composition are observed.

The main types of stones

  • Calcium and oxalate;
  • Phosphate;
  • Cystine (protein);
  • Urate (from uric acid);
  • Concrements containing magnesium;
  • Mixed.

Mixed stones in the kidneys are most often observed. Symptoms, treatment and reasons for the formation of concrements will be examined in more detail.

The main sources of the disease

Until now, it is not known for certain, as a result of which stones are formed in the kidneys of men. Symptoms, causes, treatment continue to be studied by physicians. This allowed us to identify several sources that lead to the appearance of concrements.

Doctors say that the main provoking factor is a genetic predisposition. It is noted: if the patient's relatives suffered from kidney stones, the patient is likely to develop an ailment.

The innate mechanism of appearance of pathology is as follows. Even inessential disturbances of metabolic processes lead to the deposition of insoluble salts, from which later the stones are formed. But for their formation, an important role is played by exogenous and endogenous factors.

Internal causes are dictated by malfunctions in metabolic processes, as a result of which high concentrations are observed in the urine:

  • Uric acid;
  • Oxalates;
  • Phosphates;
  • Calcium salts.

In addition, an increased concentration of uric acid is observed in the blood.

External causes are provoked by such violations:

  • Features of microflora;
  • Poor water quality;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Adverse climate.

In addition, considering why there are stones in the kidneys, symptoms, treatment, factors that provoke their education, it is necessary to say about indirect causes. Concrements are often diagnosed in women, whose work implies a sedentary lifestyle. In men, harmful production becomes harmful.

An important role in the deposition of kidney stones is malnutrition. Doctors say that the underlying cause of the ailment is often a deficiency in the consumption of vitamins A, B and the abuse of foods rich in:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Proteins;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Calcium;
  • Salt.

The development of pathology can provoke concomitant diseases:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Infectious ailments;
  • Pathology of the biliary tract;
  • Hepatic diseases;
  • Immune ailments;
  • Severe injuries that limit mobility.

Prostatitis is a common cause of stone formation in men.

Symptomatic of the disease

Many people do not even suspect that they have formed a stone in the kidneys. Symptoms in men, for example, may be absent for a long time. Sometimes the pathology is detected by chance, during an examination of the body.

In such patients, the first clinical manifestations occur only when the calculus begins to move along the ureter. In this case, the symptoms of kidney stones depend on the size of the formation. If the calculus is small, then it is able to independently leave the body during urination. A large stone will cause many unpleasant symptoms and can only be removed surgically.

In some patients, the clinic of the disease is pronounced. Consider how the stones in the kidneys make themselves felt.

Symptoms that talk about the disease:

  1. Painful sensations. They are strong, but inconstant. The pain occurs at the bottom of the back, gives into the stomach, the groin area. In men, it can radiate into the genitals.
  2. Frequent urge to urinate.
  3. Nausea, which can end with vomiting.
  4. Interrupted urination. Sometimes a patient can "go to the toilet" only in one, certain position.
  5. Cloudy urine. It can contain blood.
  6. Severe discomfort and burning during urination.

Renal colic

This is one of the main clinical signs of the presence of calculi in the kidneys. Large stones cause discomfort in the lower back.

The following factors can provoke renal colic:

  • Long running or walking;
  • Shaking in public transport, car;
  • Excessive physical stresses.

However, unpleasant symptoms can be caused by a number of other ailments: pancreatitis, restrained hernia, appendicitis. That's why it's important to get a diagnosis in a medical facility.

Symptoms of kidney stones in men:

  1. Pain. It is localized in the lumbar region and can be severe. If the renal pelvis clogs a large coral stone, the pain becomes aching, blunt.
  2. Bloating - this is a fairly characteristic sign, indicating the presence of concrements in the kidney.
  3. Problem urination. In most cases, the patient often needs to "go to the toilet". If there is a delay in urine, then this clinic indicates a blockage of the ureteral stone.
  4. Increase in pressure.
  5. The presence of blood in the urine. Symptom indicates damage to the walls of the ureter by a stone. However, it can be a sign of other serious ailments, such as a kidney tumor, a bladder, glomerulonephritis.
  6. Problems with bowel movement.
  7. Severe dizziness caused by a sudden change in body position.
  8. Increased temperature. Symptomatology may indicate pyelonephritis or other inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Pain syndromes develop with a variety of frequency. Sometimes they are observed several times during the month. Some people have renal cramps every 2-3 years. Often unpleasant symptoms last 1-2 hours. But sometimes she is able to torment the patient for a day or more, with small interruptions.

Possible complications

If a long time to ignore in such a pathology as a stone in the kidneys, the symptoms, in men, and even in women, can have serious consequences.

An untreated illness can lead to:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Hydronephrosis;
  • Urosepsis;
  • Renal failure.

Such consequences sometimes develop asymptomatically. Unfortunately, some of them endanger the patient's life. So, pyelonephritis can provoke purulent inflammation. Hydronephrosis leads to edema of the kidney, which is rapidly complicated by insufficiency.

Diagnosis of the disease

Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if you suspect that stones have formed in the kidneys. Symptoms in men - this is a serious signal about the need for treatment.

To make a diagnosis, the urologist prescribes a special examination:

  1. General urine analysis. He reveals the number of red blood cells and gives information on urinary tract infections.
  2. Daily urine. Determines the state of metabolic processes, which could provoke the process of formation of stones.
  3. Biochemistry of blood. Determines the indices of urea, creatine, calcium, uric acid in the plasma serum.
  4. General blood analysis. Characterizes the inflammatory processes.
  5. Kidney ultrasound. The study provides information on obstruction (hydronephrosis), and determines the location of concrements in the bladder and kidneys.
  6. Intravenous urography, pyelography. A contrast agent is used for the examination. The analysis provides information on the exact location of the stones, their shape and size. Identifies anatomical abnormalities leading to the formation of stones.
  7. Radioisotope nephroscintigraphy. Gives the most accurate image of renal anatomy.

Methods of treatment

If urolithiasis is diagnosed in men, symptoms and treatment should be discussed with the doctor. There are no independent attempts to combat pathology in this situation. This is fraught with serious consequences and aggravation of the already existing disease.

There are various methods of fighting the disease:

  • Therapy with medicines;
  • Open operations;
  • Nephrolithotripsy through the skin;
  • Remote lithotripsy;
  • Endoscopic operations.

In most cases, minimally invasive methods are used. Open surgical interventions are rarely resorted to, and only in cases when other methods of treatment are ineffective.

Medication Therapy

If urolithiasis of kidneys is diagnosed in men, its treatment should be carried out in a complex manner.

The choice of methods to combat pathology is determined only by a doctor and depends on many factors. It:

  • The location of the localization of the stone;
  • Its volume, density, structure;
  • The structure of the ureter;
  • Absence or presence of accompanying ailments.

To get rid of kidney stones apply a variety of medications:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Anesthetics;
  • Drugs that promote the removal and dissolution of stones;
  • Supplements.

It should again be recalled that self-treatment is very dangerous! Medications that ensure the removal of stones are prescribed only if the size of the stones does not exceed 5 mm, since large formations can cause blockage of the ureter and provoke renal colic.

Excellent drugs that dissolve concrements are the drugs "Phytolysin", "Cyston". Such medications relax muscular tissues of the kidneys and ureters, destroy deposits, stimulate the release of the calculus naturally. The healing process can be prolonged for a long time, but always ends with success.

It should be remembered that there are simply no universal medicines that make it possible to dissolve stones. Each drug has an effect on a particular type of calculus - alkaline or acidic. That is why it is very important to undergo diagnostics and take medications prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, a prerequisite for successful treatment is compliance with the diet. The doctor can recommend nutrition only after the examination, carefully analyzing what causes the stones in the kidney symptoms in men. Diet treatment also depends on the type of concrement.

Operative intervention

The following invasive methods are used:

  1. Remote lithotripsy. This method is abbreviated as DLT. With the help of shock waves, the stone is destroyed. This intervention is well tolerated by patients. A positive result is observed in 90% of all cases. But, unfortunately, some of the stones can not destroy the DLT.
  2. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. It is used to get rid of dense or large stones, which can not cope with the above method. The nephroscope is injected into the kidney through the skin. He breaks the stone with special ballistic or ultrasonic devices.
  3. Open surgical method. It is used to eliminate large concrements in patients with various complications.

Prevention of disease

Now you know how dangerous the stone is in the kidneys. Symptoms in men, as well as in women, require compulsory treatment. This is the most important method of prevention. At any discomfort, necessarily address to the doctor and pass inspection. After all, even successful therapy does not give confidence that in the future the concrement will not form again.

The following measures are effective methods of prevention:

  1. Adhere to proper nutrition by limiting the intake of salty, sour, fatty, spicy foods.
  2. Use mineral water recommended by a doctor.
  3. Give up alcohol.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Do not overeat and do not allow a sharp set of weight.
  6. Protect the body from hypothermia, especially in the lower back.
  7. Provide motor activity.

And remember that you must undergo an urological examination every year! Such recommendations will minimize the risk of relapse.

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