HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chronic pyelonephritis: symptoms and treatment, stages, diet, herbal treatment

Among girls and women, chronic pyelonephritis is considered one of the most common diseases. Symptoms and treatment depend on the degree of neglect of the pathology. This article examines its main causes, signs and stages of development.

Description of the disease

Chronic pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammatory process that forms in the kidney tissues. This disease develops due to the active vital activity of various types of bacteria. It is predominantly distributed among the fair sex. This is due to the morpho-functional features of the urethra. Due to its special structure, the penetration of microorganisms into internal organs is greatly facilitated. Pathology can develop in certain periods of the female cycle (defloration, pregnancy, menopause).

What is the difference between chronic pyelonephritis? The stage of remission and subsequent exacerbation - these two stages usually alternate. Therefore, various polymorphic changes can be detected in the kidneys simultaneously (foci of inflammation, scarring zones, areas of unchanged parenchyma). Involvement in this pathological process of all new areas of healthy tissue of the organ causes its gradual death and formation of renal insufficiency.

In itself, the disease does not cause serious discomfort to a person, but it can cause serious complications. First of all, the inflammatory process does not allow the kidneys to fully fulfill their main function. As a consequence, the patient is disturbed by the habitual water-salt metabolism, there are edemas. In addition, against the background of inflammation, other urological pathologies may occur. The most dangerous consequence is the addition of a purulent infection, which is very difficult to combat.

Main reasons

The etiologic factor causing this disease is microbial flora. As a rule, these are the so-called colibacillary bacteria (E. coli), enterococci, staphylococci. A special role in the development of the inflammatory process belongs to L-forms of bacteria, which are formed due to ineffective antimicrobial therapy or changes in the pH of the environment. Such microorganisms differ in the difficulty of identification, activation under certain conditions and resistance to treatment.

Very often precedes chronic pyelonephritis stage of exacerbation of pathology. Chronic inflammation is facilitated by unresolved timely violations of the outflow of urine due to kidney stones, nephroptosis, prostate adenoma. To support this pathological process in the body can other diseases of bacterial nature (otitis, prostatitis, urethritis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, etc.), obscheomaticheskie ailments (diabetes, obesity), as well as immunodeficiency.

Young women may be prompted by the onset of sexual activity, childbirth and pregnancy. Quite often doctors diagnose and among small patients chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms in children can be caused by disturbances in the work of the body at the congenital level, which change the habitual urodynamics (ureterocele, diverticula of the bladder).

Clinical signs

Symptoms of the disease differ nonspecific character, and recently there is an increasing asymptomatic course. A patient who has previously dealt with acute pyelonephritis or other urological pathologies should be responsive to their own health and listen to the body. Often, the occurrence of the disease is a consequence of an immune response from the body, which accompanies diabetes and tuberculosis. Weakening of protective forces is also observed due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. Despite all the specificity of clinical manifestations, it is possible to identify a number of signs of this disease, which need to be paid special attention:

  • A rise in temperature in the evening without any apparent reason.
  • Headache.
  • Increased fatigue, weakness.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Painful discomfort in the lower back, which is manifested when walking.
  • Change in color and smell of urine, its turbidity.

All of the above signs indicate chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are of a general nature, as already mentioned in the article. Often, patients perceive such clinical manifestations for the most common cold and begin treatment with appropriate medications. Such therapy can really remove the symptoms and improve the patient's condition at first. And the inflammatory process will continue its development. That is why in this case it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist, and not try to overcome the illness on your own.

It is easy to confuse the symptoms of exacerbation of pyelonephritis with ARVI, because they are inherent in many inflammatory processes in the body. As a rule, if a person has already diagnosed a chronic form, he understands the signs that accompany the ailment. In this case, the patient can have the following conditions:

  • Dysuria.
  • Headache and muscle pain.
  • Febrile temperature.
  • Urine cloudiness (proteinuria) and the appearance of her uncharacteristic smell.
  • Hematuria.


How is chronic pyelonephritis classified? The stages of the disease are distinguished depending on the manifestation of the inflammatory process. At the first stage there is active inflammation with pronounced symptoms. The second stage is characterized by a hidden course of the pathological process. It can be detected only after a series of laboratory tests. The condition of patients is accompanied by the following symptoms: fatigue, chills, a slight increase in temperature. The third stage of development is chronic pyelonephritis in remission. What does it mean? If during the next five years there is no exacerbation of the disease, the doctor confirms a complete cure.

In addition, pyelonephritis is one-sided and bilateral, depending on the number of affected organs.

According to the severity of the course of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Pyelonephritis without complications.
  2. Pyelonephritis, complicated by tumors, congenital anomalies, urolithiasis, diabetes, HIV infection.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Secondary reno-parenchymal arterial hypertension.

Pyelonephritis and pregnancy

Many women in the situation who had to face such a disease, worry about how it could affect the health of the baby. All those who let this pathology on their own and do not seek qualified help, can face very serious problems. What is the risk of chronic pyelonephritis in pregnancy?

The consequences of the disease primarily affect the fetus. A child can be seriously affected by a developed intrauterine infection. As a rule, such a pathology of the kidneys causes spontaneous abortion or premature birth. The consequences of infection for babies are manifested in different ways. In some cases, the most common conjunctivitis is diagnosed, which does not pose a threat to life, while in others - severe infectious lesions of internal organs.

During pregnancy with such a disease, there is also a risk of intrauterine hypoxia. This means that the fetus receives less oxygen than it actually needs. As a result, a child with a small weight and insufficient development is born. Proceeding from the foregoing, one can conclude that one should not neglect chronic pyelonephritis.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease should be determined exclusively by a specialist. When an inflammatory process is detected, the doctor prescribes antibiotics for the future childbirth. Of course, such medications are undesirable during pregnancy. However, the specialist can choose the means that will not cause serious harm to the fetus and help the mother cope with the disease. Also, in this kind of situation, painkillers, antispasmodics, vitamins, sedatives, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

All women after childbirth are advised to be under the supervision of a doctor and to take up a dispensary record. This is extremely important, because the disease may not be cured.

Establishing diagnosis

It is often difficult to confirm chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms in women can vary, moreover, cases of a latent course of the disease are not uncommon. The diagnosis is usually detected taking into account the anamnesis, the results of laboratory studies, as well as the presence of a characteristic clinical picture. Additionally, the following diagnostic methods may be required:

  • General analysis of urine / blood.
  • Quantitative determination of cells (Stengheimer-Malbin method).
  • Examination of urinary sediment.
  • Determination of the content of electrolytes in urine and blood.
  • X-ray of the kidneys.
  • Radioisotope renography.
  • Renal biopsy.

Chronic pyelonephritis: symptoms and treatment

Drug therapy of the disease should be directed to the elimination of its main pathogen. To do this, antibiotics and uroseptics are prescribed. It is optimal to conduct urine culture before the beginning of the therapy to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. In this case, the choice of drugs will be more accurate. As a rule, the following means are used for treatment:

  • Penicillins with a wide spectrum of action ("Amoxicillin", "Azlocillin").
  • Cephalosporins of the second and third generation.
  • Fluoroquinolones ("Levofloxacin", "Ofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin"). Preparations of this group are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Nitrofurans (Furadonin, Furamag). Sometimes patients experience side effects such as nausea, bitterness in the mouth, vomiting.
  • Sulfanilamide preparations (Biseptol).

The duration of therapy is at least 14 days. If the symptoms of the disease persist, the course of treatment may increase to one month. It is desirable to periodically repeat the culture of urine and change preparations.

Chronic pyelonephritis: diet

Regardless of the stage of the disease, patients are recommended to follow a special diet. It implies the exclusion from the diet of spicy foods and spices, alcoholic beverages, coffee, meat and fish broths. On the other hand, nutrition should be maximally vitaminized and balanced. It is allowed to use almost all fruits and vegetables (preferably in raw form), eggs, boiled meat / fish (low-fat varieties), dairy products.

It is very important to pay attention to the drinking regime. A day is recommended to use at least two liters of still water to prevent excessive urine concentration. It is useful to drink the most ordinary cranberry juice, because these berries contain natural antibacterial substances that help to fight with such pathology as chronic pyelonephritis.

Diet in the period of exacerbation of the disease is somewhat different. At this time, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake, since the outflow of urine slows down significantly. It is equally important to limit consumption of table salt (up to 4 g per day).

The help of traditional medicine

Phytotherapy can be used as an additional treatment to the main. Do not try to overcome chronic pyelonephritis with the help of traditional medicine. Treatment with antibiotics, as a rule, is more effective and safe for human health.

Medicinal plants used in this disease, most often have a diuretic effect. The course of treatment can range from several months to one and a half years. This duration can prevent the development of complications and the re-infiltration of infections.

Treatment with herbs involves taking them inside and using the baths. For example, taking a bath with parsley has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a cleansing effect. It increases blood flow and helps to eliminate existing toxins. Chamomile has antibacterial and at the same time calming effect for all systems of internal organs. St. John's wort is an excellent helper in the fight against various kinds of infections.

Sometimes in patients the disease is accompanied by the formation of polyps (small growths). In this case, it is recommended to take cleanliness, but do not abuse it. A glass of boiling water will require just one teaspoon of herbs. Drink this infusion is recommended in small sips during the day. Purity is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory effect and is an excellent tool in the fight against many oncological ailments.

Some experts advise before going to bed drinking tea with a sheet of blueberries and cowberries. Blueberries are rich in vitamins and minerals, while cowberry is an excellent natural antiseptic. Such tea helps to strengthen immunity, increase hemoglobin levels in the blood and reduce pain discomfort in the lumbar region.

Once again, it should be noted that one should not try to overcome chronic pyelonephritis alone. Symptoms and treatment with herbs are two factors that depend on each other, which the doctor should pay attention to. Each patient's clinical manifestations of the disease, the degree of their severity can vary. Moreover, it is far from in every case that phytotherapy has a positive effect, sometimes it significantly worsens the state of health.


How can you prevent chronic pyelonephritis? How many people live with this diagnosis?

Prevention of the disease primarily involves the timely treatment of all diseases of a urological nature. Here, first of all, we are talking about competent drug therapy. Many patients resort to the help of traditional medicine or prefer to be treated according to the advice of friends and relatives. This approach is highly undesirable. The thing is that in this way you can damage your own health, and the disease itself will progress.

It is equally important to observe the correct drinking regime (about two liters of liquid per day). If possible, avoid supercooling, taking non-steroidal analgesics. It is not recommended to tolerate a small need, it is necessary each time to empty the bladder before going to bed and after another sexual intercourse.

This article provides information on what is dangerous during pregnancy chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms in women of this disease in the period of bearing the fetus inside the womb should alert and become a reason to call a doctor. Only a specialist can recommend a really effective and safe treatment. In order not to face this pathology during pregnancy, it is recommended to test your organism even before the beginning of her planning. If you have any ailments, you need to undergo a course of treatment. A very important role in the prevention of pyelonephritis at this time belongs to the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. Of course, you should lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

As for the issue of life expectancy with this disease, there is no unambiguous answer. If the patient clearly follows all the recommendations of the doctor, properly eats and monitors his condition, you can live a long and happy life. If the disease is aggravated by a constant alcohol intoxication, lack of competent therapy, the likelihood of a lethal outcome increases several times.


It is important to remember that only a qualified specialist can recommend how to cure chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms, diagnosis, causes of the disease - all these factors are an important component of timely therapy. Be healthy!

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