Health, Medicine
Is it dangerous to bite midges? Swelling and redness - what is fraught with this symptomatology?
A pleasant summer evening in nature can break as little as biting midges. Edema, itching, redness - this is what the meeting with such unpleasant neighbors leads to. If the consequence of the plague of the mosquitoes were only a spoiled rest, then this should not be paid attention. But midge bites affect your health.
A little bit about the bumps
Moss, or mosquitoes, are called small insects, mostly humpback mosquitoes, whose size is less than 5 mm. Active midges in the daytime, bites not only people, but also livestock and other warm-blooded.
If we assume that the midge "hunts", then we can say that it is
The most dangerous representatives of the species live in the tundra area. This is tundra and midge Kholodkovsky. If you get numerous bites of Simuliidae, swelling is not the worst thing. More frighteningly, they endure dangerous diseases: plague, anthrax, tularemia and others.
How does the allergy develop in the bites of bloodsucking parasites?
An allergy to a bite can manifest immediately, but sometimes dangerous symptoms appear in a few hours. Five to six hours cause numerous bites of midge edema and an increase in body temperature, sometimes up to a forty-degree mark. The painful manifestations are very strong, the skin becomes purple, becomes hot. Edema can spread and capture surrounding tissues.
To suspect that this bite is gnats, and not gnats can be by external signs. After the sting of the first remains, let microscopic, but wound. In addition, a mosquito bite is felt, and a person often manages to drive away the parasite. The midge injects into the wound an anesthetic and calmly becomes saturated.
The most unpleasant thing is that a single insect is very difficult to notice. It can be brought into the room on clothes, in hair. And then you will not immediately understand why the body had reddening and blisters.
What should I do if the midge bites?
After finding the place of bite, you do not need to think about who bitten - mosquitoes or mosquitoes. The first step is to treat the wound with alcohol and drink an antihistamine. If there is a certainty that these are bites of Simuliidae, swelling can be prevented by using ammonia alcohol.
To reduce the itching, it is good to use the gel "Fenistil" or something similar from medications. Helps to remove the burning sensation home remedies, such as a solution of soda, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar.
Remove the swelling from the bite of the midges can and with the help of cold. Compress of ice is applied to the affected area, observing the following rules:
- A cold compress is never applied to a naked body;
- After twenty minutes the cold is removed and the procedure is repeated only after half an hour.
The consequences of a bite - swelling and redness - can persist for 3-4 weeks. Everything depends on the individual reaction of the body and on how quickly the first aid was given.
Antihistamines should be taken within 2 days after bites.
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