HealthDiseases and Conditions

Facial mite - an unpleasant thing

How will you react to the message that someone is living on your face? Specifically - a parasite, and even more accurate - a tick. Perhaps you will rush to the mirror, start to feel your face with your hands, and certainly you will angrily deny such a possibility. And, nevertheless, the fact, as the saying goes, is medical - the overwhelming majority of people (according to some estimates - up to 95 percent) in the skin covers a microscopic facial mite. Its scientific name is Demodex folliculorum, although it is hardly easier for you from such information. In Latin everything sounds beautiful, but a living parasite on your face - what a mess!

Alas, so it is, and most people do not suspect such a "cohabitation" only because face mites, unlike their more famous forest and bedmates, rarely find their presence. They settle in the hair follicles (this is the root of the hair with its surroundings) or the sebaceous glands of the hairs on the face, feeds on the depleted cells and does not cause its host any inconvenience. But under certain conditions, the facial mite becomes more active and starts destructive activities, causing a skin disease called demodecosis.

What are these conditions? Activation of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which fat and other substances start to emit much more, creating a nutrient medium for the tick and encouraging it to an intensive vital activity. He bites into deeper layers, causing skin inflammation, and rapidly multiplies, which leads to a rapid increase in the affected area. As a result, at first uncomfortable itchy sensations appear, then an eruption, spots, which, merging and sliding, form ugly knollous growths. And the longer this process continues, the worse the person's face looks, so if you find yourself resembling the symptoms of demodicosis, contact your doctor. And do not despair if it really is a facial mite - the treatment exists, and in most cases, if it is done correctly, in a comprehensive and consistent way - it gives good results.

Now about those very symptoms that should be paid attention, especially during the puberty of adolescents, during which the intensive work of hormones activates the glands. Notorious juvenile acne and acne are often a manifestation of demodectic disease. A pale or gray-gray face, red spots on it, is another symptom. Like the increased fat content of the skin, and the expansion of pores. The face can itch and itch, especially closer to the evening and the onset of the night, when the facial mite is most active. In later stages of demodicosis, bumpy skin, the formation of scar tissue, outgrowths.

Despite the fact that many different medications, creams and ointments are now being offered as a reliable tool in the fight against facial mites, it is strongly advised not to try to heal on their own. The same applies to the recipes of traditional medicine. Not every doctor, not to mention cosmeticians, can prescribe the right treatment, and some procedures can only damage the skin and aggravate the situation. The approach to getting rid of demodicosis should be thorough, consistent and professional, starting from the fact that the diagnosis should be made not "by eye," but from the results of a study of scraping from the affected area under a microscope.

Complex therapy includes both antibiotic treatment, and restoration of immunity and skin cleansing. This is not a very fast process, for which it is also necessary to comply with certain conditions - to limit contact of the face skin with water, washing with the use of special lotions and emulsions, to impose a moratorium on visiting the sauna or sauna, to exclude salty and fatty foods, alcohol and carefully from the diet Comply with other prescriptions of a dermatologist.

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