News and SocietyOrganizing in an organization


  What is the main quality of the president? This question I asked people from 16 to 40 years, to see what kind of society represents a person worthy of the office of president. In this survey, there were no restrictions on the options for answers, but despite this, many character traits were selected several times, which allowed to make a rating of the main qualities. What, in fact, should be the "right" president? This question can easily be answered even by a person completely uninterested in politics, as everyone understands who a president is and what he does. Of course the answers were diverse, many even did not want to participate in the poll, saying: "What do I care?" Or "Why is it necessary at all?" But still there were those who vividly described their ideal, arguing the answer and defending their point of view . This shows that many people are interested in who will stand at the head of our state and it's not like what happens in the country. Having looked at all the qualities, you can notice that they all refer to the spiritual characteristics of a person, no one has noticed his financial situation and his business qualities, which means that people have never learned to rely on reason, but still follow emotions. Why the most frequent answer was justice? This can only be explained by the fact that for people the president is like the personification of society, what it should be and characterizing the "ideal" president, they themselves without noticing, reveal the problems of society, what worries them. For example: a person who is offended - justice will answer, because that's what worries him at the moment, the same one who was deceived - will choose honesty.

1) fairness

2) honesty

3) decency

4) responsibility

5) proximity to the people

6) patriotism

7) the mind

8) humanity

9) altruism

10) perseverance

Many people who read my survey will think: "Why is it needed at all, it will not change anything!" I can prove the opposite, because it's correctly noted "Before you change the world, you need to change yourself." So start to change for the better , Think: And do you have all the qualities you gave to the "Ideal President"?!

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