
Inoculation of CPC: contraindications and side effects

Parents of babies are increasingly asking about the necessity and expediency of carrying out routine vaccination to their children. We will talk about how the vaccination of the CCP is transferred. Adults do not trust vaccine manufacturers, the quality of their production, compliance with transportation and storage conditions. In addition, the health of our children is impaired and weakened due to environmental factors - often kids suffer from allergic reactions, colds. There are questions about how the child will endure the vaccination, what will the immune response and what are the possible consequences for the baby's health. About everything in order in our article.

What diseases are the vaccines given to the PDA?

Vaccination of CPC is the introduction of a vaccine against such diseases as measles, mumps (in the people it is called "mumps") and rubella. Vaccination from these diseases can be carried out as part of a complex or monovaccine. Do children need protection against these diseases, than they are dangerous?

Measles is an infectious disease that is accompanied by a characteristic rash and fever. After about 5 days, the rashes begin to decrease, the body temperature returns to normal. A short-term illness that passes by itself - how dangerous is it for a child? The danger lies in the development of various serious complications: pneumonia, encephalitis, otitis, eye damage and others. The peculiarity of the spread of the disease is that, in contact with a sick person, an unvaccinated child is infected in almost 100% of cases. Given this fact, children are less likely to be vaccinated with CCP, the consequences did not wait - cases of the disease are increasing every year.

Rubella in childhood is not difficult to tolerate, often even without an increase in body temperature. Symptoms of the disease are a small rash and an increase in lymph nodes. But the disease is a serious danger for a pregnant woman, namely for her fetus. If the girl was not vaccinated in childhood from rubella or did not have it, then, after growing up, she gets into a risk group during pregnancy. Rubella violates the proper development of the fetus, often infection of the future mother leads to miscarriage or premature birth. At the birth of a child, serious malformations of the newborn are possible, often incompatible with life. Therefore, vaccination of the CCP is extremely necessary for girls.

Parotitis affects the parotid gland. There are headaches, there is a high temperature, up to 40 degrees, a swelling develops in the neck and ear regions. The child is difficult to chew, swallow. The following complications of the transferred mumps are possible: otitis media, inflammation of the brain, the testicles (orchitis) often develop in boys, which in the future can lead to infertility.

All of the above-mentioned diseases are transmitted by airborne and household means, that is, every ungrafted person can become infected, regardless of preventive measures.

The principle of the PDA vaccine

They are vaccinated against diseases with the help of complex or monovaccines. The immune response is produced in 92-97% of vaccinated people.

All drugs for vaccination of CPC have a common property - they contain live (weakened) pathogens. How does the CCP work (vaccine)? The instruction indicates the immediate infection of a person after the administration of the drug. But the vaccine provides for such an amount of living microorganisms that all protective functions begin to work in the body, including the production of antibodies to the pathogenic flora. A full-fledged disease does not develop. Nevertheless, various adverse reactions are possible. We will describe them in more detail below.

What are the vaccines PDA?

To date, in the CIS countries, the following drugs are used to vaccinate the PDA:

Measles vaccine:

  1. Preparation L-16 manufactured in Russia. It is made on the basis of quail eggs, which is an advantage, as for chicken protein (namely it is used in most foreign vaccines) children often have an allergic reaction.

From mumps:

  1. The Russian live vaccine L-3, as well as the L-16 preparation, is made from quail eggs.
  2. Czech product "Pavivak".

From rubella:

  1. "Rudivax" produced in France.
  2. "Erweaks", England.
  3. Indian vaccine SII.

Complex vaccines:

  1. Russian preparation for measles and mumps.
  2. "Priority" - the Belgian production of a vaccine for the CCP. Reviews about the drug are positive. He won the trust of medical workers and consumers. In private clinics for immunization from 3 diseases - measles, rubella and mumps - this vaccine is recommended as the most safe and effective.
  3. The Dutch MMP-II vaccine has an ambiguous reputation - there is an opinion that after the vaccination this drug developed autism symptoms in children, but there is no reliable information on this at the moment.

How is vaccination carried out?

Usually does not cause difficulties in carrying out a PDA vaccination. The reaction of the child during the introduction can manifest as a strong restless crying. Post-vaccination complications may appear only on the fifth day after vaccination. In order to minimize possible side reactions, the procedure must be carried out in compliance with all safety standards. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the vaccine must be unpacked immediately before the procedure. Dissolve the drug should only a special solution, which is attached to the vaccine.

Newborns are placed in the thigh or shoulder area, the older children in the subscapular zone are vaccinated with CPC. Complications that are not of concern to health workers can be as follows: pain, redness, swelling in the area of drug administration for two days are possible. But if the above symptoms acquire a pronounced character and are accompanied by other adverse reactions, pediatric consultation is necessary.

Vaccination schedule

Inoculation of CPC is carried out by one-year-olds, after which they repeat immunization at 6 years. In some cases, for medical reasons, adults are vaccinated. For example, a woman during pregnancy planning. It should be noted that the onset of conception should be planned at least 3 months after the vaccination of the PDA.

The vaccine is combined with other drugs for immunization: PDA can be simultaneously performed with vaccinations from hemophilic infection, hepatitis A, CMD, tetanus, polio vaccines.

Absolute contraindications for the vaccination of the PDA

There are absolute and temporary contraindications to the vaccination of CPC. It will be necessary to refuse immunization under the following conditions of the patient:

  • Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • Presence of cellular immunity defects;
  • Severe reactions to previous vaccinations;
  • Presence of allergy to the components of the drug.

Temporary contraindications

If there is a temporary disability of the vaccinated child or adult, the CPC should be vaccinated after the full recovery and restoration of the body's immune forces. Contraindications are as follows:

    • Taking corticosteroids, immunomodulating drugs, radio and chemotherapy;
    • Acute respiratory infections;
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • Curable diseases of the circulatory system;
    • Kidney problems;
    • Fever and fever;
    • pregnancy.

Common Adverse Reactions

Usually it is tolerated by PDA (vaccination). Adverse reactions occur in 10% of cases. Some complications do not cause concern for doctors, they are part of the list of normal immune responses to the drug. It is important to remember that any reaction to the KPC vaccine can only occur 4 to 15 days after the immunization. If any deviations in the health of the vaccinated person appeared earlier or later than the indicated dates, they are in no way related to the vaccination, with the exception of the reddening of the injection site, which is observed in the first two days.

To the usual reactions after vaccination, the PDA is referred to as:

  • Increase in temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • Coryza;
  • cough;
  • Reddening of the pharynx;
  • Parotid glands and lymph nodes;
  • Allergic reactions: a rash, urticaria (most often such reactions occur on the antibiotic "Neomycin" and the protein included in the drugs);
  • Women have post-vaccination complaints of pain in the muscles and joints. This reaction in children and men is observed only in 0.3% of cases.


Cases of serious complications after vaccination of CPC were noted. Fortunately, they are rare, against the backdrop of other abnormalities in the work of the body. The causes of the development of adverse reactions can be the patient's illnesses, poor-quality vaccine, improper application of the drug. To complications after carrying out of vaccination PDA are:

  1. Seizures that develop against a background of high temperature. With this symptom, antipyretic preparations of paracetamol are prescribed, and it is also recommended to undergo a checkup with a neurologist to exclude the background development of nervous system damage.
  2. Post-vaccination damage to the brain (encephalitis). When deciding whether to conduct or refuse to vaccinate the PDA, it should be noted that such complication after vaccination occurs 1000 times less frequently than with a full infection of measles or rubella.
  3. After vaccination against mumps or complex vaccination, which includes this disease, in 1% of cases, the development of meningitis is possible, while when the disease is transferred, this figure reaches 25%.
  4. Within 30 minutes after KKV vaccination , an anaphylactic shock reaction is possible. Save the life in this situation will help only the introduction of adrenaline. Therefore, do not self-medicate - go for vaccination in a specialized public or private clinic, and also follow all the doctor's instructions, including trace the response to vaccination within half an hour at the hospital. It is also necessary to consult a visiting nurse on the fifth and tenth day after the vaccination.
  5. In extremely rare cases, thrombocytopenia is detected - a decrease in platelets in the blood.

Preparation for vaccination

In order to reduce the risk of developing various post-vaccination complications, it is necessary to conduct preliminary preparation for immunization. Especially such measures are important in vaccinating children. Before the routine vaccination, keep the following recommendations:

  1. Do not introduce new products into your diet. If the baby is breastfeeding, the nursing mother should also stick to the usual diet.
  2. A few days before the expected vaccination, it is necessary to pass a general analysis of blood and urine to exclude hidden, sluggish diseases.
  3. Children susceptible to allergic reactions or having such complications during previous vaccinations may be prescribed antihistamines 2 days before the vaccination and several days after vaccination.
  4. After the inoculation of the PDA has been performed, the body temperature often rises to a high level. But, nevertheless, doctors do not recommend taking antipyretics for preventive purposes. They are prescribed only to children with a predisposition to febrile seizures. Take the medicine immediately after the introduction of the vaccine.
  5. If your child is healthy and has no indications for taking medications, before vaccination for safety reasons, make sure that there are first aid medicines in the house - antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Panadol) and antihistamines, such as Suprastin.
  6. Immediately before vaccination, the child should be examined by a pediatrician: measure the temperature, assess the overall health.

What to do after vaccination of the CCP?

Was the child given a PDA vaccine? The reaction of the body can occur only on day 5. To minimize the occurrence of side effects, follow some tips. So, after vaccination also do not let the child try new products. In addition, exclude heavy food, you can not overfeed your baby. Increase fluid intake.

In the first two days it is better to stay at home, as the body of the crumbs is weakened and is easily susceptible to infection with various diseases. Within two weeks, limit contact with others. Do not overcool or overheat the baby.

When is it necessary to call a doctor?

After the vaccination, closely monitor the baby's condition: regularly measure the temperature, observe its reactions, behavior, complaints. If the following symptoms are found, urgent medical attention is needed:

  • diarrhea;
  • Vomiting;
  • High temperature, which is not knocked down by antipyretic drugs;
  • Temperature above 40 degrees;
  • Severe allergic reaction;
  • Edema or compaction of the injection site, which is more than 3 cm in diameter, or suppuration;
  • Prolonged causeless crying of the child;
  • Convulsions;
  • Angioedema;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of consciousness.

When deciding whether to make a CCP (inoculation) to a child or refuse, weigh the pros and cons. Take into account the disappointing statistics that suggest that with a full infection of measles, mumps or rubella, the likelihood of complications of different degrees of severity is hundreds of times higher than after vaccination with modern drugs. In addition, the reviews of moms indicate a high level of safety of the vaccination of the PDA - the vast majority of vaccinated children did not have any post-vaccination complications. Observe the preventive measures and prescriptions of the doctor - then the vaccination will only benefit your baby and protect against serious diseases.

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