Law, Regulatory Compliance
In what time period and how to change the passport after marriage
How can I change my passport after I get married? This question excites absolutely all the girls who decided to take the name of their beloved after the wedding. Well, then it is necessary to understand how the process of replacing the main document of a citizen takes place, and what is needed for this.
"Pros and cons"
So, nevertheless, many girls are thinking about whether to change their last name. So before discussing how to change the passport after marriage, I would like to talk about the pros and cons of this procedure. This will help dot the "i" and make a final decision.
So, from the minuses - it's a frightening queue, which will have to survive to fill out an application for a new identity card. The following is a fact of having to replace the remaining documents. This overseas passport, driver's license, health insurance policy, workbook and much more. Well, perhaps, these two minuses are the only ones. But many girls are frightened by paper red tape. However, it should be remembered that if you leave a surname, then all the same you will have to solve legal problems. Which ones? And those related to the different surnames of the mother and the child. After all, children, more often than not, are given exactly paternal. So it is better to immediately change the name in all documents, than to overcome a lot of difficulties before the age of the child. It will be cheaper and faster.
First of all I would like to note that the period of replacement of a passport after marriage is limited. It is thirty days (the count begins from the moment when the marriage is considered registered). But what if you plan a trip right after the wedding, the so-called honeymoon? Of course, most often its duration is not more than 30 days, but there are different situations. If it so happened that the love holiday is planned for a period of a month or more, then ... you can submit documents for your passport earlier! After marriage, they change their passport more often, however, there are some enterprising girls who receive a new certificate even earlier. That is, they marry, being allegedly the same name of their fiancé. This option is completely acceptable and also convenient. You can solve the problem in this way - then you will not have to think about it in preparation for the celebration.
What will happen if you leave the old document
It should be said a couple of words about why the period of replacement of a passport after marriage is strictly limited. The fact is that after thirty days it becomes invalid. And if the girl continues to use it as an identity card, this will be a violation of one of the laws of the Russian Federation. It is punishable by a fine of three to five thousand rubles. It is worth knowing that an invalid passport is actually equated with a forged document. So do not hesitate, it's better to start replacing immediately.
First step
It is also important to know where to change the passport after the marriage. The document is being replaced in the FMS (Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation). If to express it is easier - that in the passport office. I must say that a new document is being made very quickly. After submitting the application, it is necessary to wait only ten days - in the event that the girl applied to the passport and visa service at the place of residence. More time will have to spend on it if she decided to make a new document at the place of the actual stay. The same time you need to wait for a passport, when you apply to the FMS at the place of the so-called temporary registration. In principle, if there is nowhere to rush, then you can wait. In any case, the application should be submitted as soon as possible.
What do you need from the documents?
So, in principle, it is clear what is the replacement of a passport after marriage. Documents - now it's worth talking about them. Which papers should be submitted to the passport office in order for the authorities to start the process of issuing a new identity card? So, the first thing you need is a statement. Change of passport after marriage is possible only after the girl has filled in a special form - it will be an official request. You can fill out the application either manually or on the computer. It is necessary to indicate a new surname, as well as the signature, which the girl is going to sign from now on. This form is issued directly to the FMS, although many people find it in advance on the Internet.
In addition to this, a birth certificate will be required. It is necessary and a certificate of marriage (it is the original, and not a photocopy, as many believe). Still need to pay the state duty (its size is about two hundred rubles) and bring to the Federal Migration Service a receipt that indicates the past financial operation. Also, you need four standard photos (they can be both black and white, and color) and, of course, an old passport.
International passport
What should I do after I apply for a passport after my marriage? Wait for a new document. And as soon as it is received, it is best to deal with the re-registration of other securities. For example, a foreign passport. Although, in principle, its replacement is not as urgent as in the case of ordinary, civil. In general, in fact, to change or not - this is at the discretion of the girl. If in the near future there is no trip abroad (namely to those countries where a visa is required) - you can postpone this matter. In countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, as well as in many other resort countries, you can travel with the old. The only condition - it is necessary to mention everywhere your maiden name.
Although this option does not suit everyone. Many girls, puzzled by the question of how to change a passport after marriage, want to do everything competently. Well, then you need to change the document. This will require all the same statement, work record card, new civil passport and old overseas (if available), four photos and a receipt. Only in the case of an overseas document it will be necessary to pay 1500 thousand for an ordinary (for 5 years) and 3500 for a biometric.
Add to the note traveler
Before you change your passport after the marriage, which was created for travel to foreign countries, you should mention a few nuances. If the honeymoon to another country is planned immediately after the painting, then everything must be registered with a maiden name. Booking tickets, hotels, etc. - and then you can safely go with old passports. Or, as already mentioned at the very beginning, you can change the documents even before the painting. But this is an individual matter.
On the replacement of other documents
That's all you need to know about how to change your passport after your marriage. But it is necessary to remember - in addition to the general civil and overseas identity card there is also a host of other documents. What to do with them? Too to change!
SNILS, it is a pension certificate, will be replaced by employees of the HR department at work. If the girl somewhere is officially arranged, then we can rejoice - from red tape with this document, she is spared. The unemployed will have to go to the Pension Fund and wait for one to three months after the application is submitted. In addition to the form, you will need a new passport and an old SNILS.
Medical policy is changed either in the insurance company that issued it, or in the district clinic. Exchange for two months, and it is necessary for this to bring only a passport with an old policy. The individual number of the taxpayer (TIN) can be obtained from the tax authority - a maximum of 10 days. Also, you must fill out the application form, provide a new passport with the marriage certificate and the old TIN.
It is important to say about the driver's license. This question is of concern to many. They do not have to be changed - it is only necessary to certify a copy of the certificate of marriage registration from a notary and put it in the glove compartment to the rights. Will help in the case of a meeting with the traffic police. And a new surname in the rights can be put, when the period of their validity will expire. So there is nowhere to hurry - you can go quietly, without fear of fines and other unpleasant situations. The main thing is to follow the rules, and always carry a driving license.
Other issues
The above documents are just a small list. In fact, there are much more certificates and official papers to be replaced. For example, bank accounts and cards - they are also important. The work book, diplomas about education, property documents - is similar. However, there is one nuance. Bank cards are changed within 30-40 minutes, right in the bank, when presenting an account, a contract and a new passport with a certificate. The employer does the work book at all. And in the case of diplomas and property documents, it is not worth worrying at all-it is only necessary to present a certificate of marriage registration, if necessary, and that's all. The state is well aware that all documents can not be replaced. And as much as possible simplified the task of girls getting married, who besides this and so much trouble for that period is enough.
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