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Ilyin Andrey, actor: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts
Ilyin Andrey is an actor born on July 18, 1960 in the present Nizhny Novgorod region. His parents did not show interest in art, however, despite the simple way of life, the craving for creativity grew and strengthened in the future figure and cinema figure.
Childhood and youth
Actor Andrei Ilyin grew up in the family of ordinary hard workers. His biography contains information that his mother was in charge of an economy in an educational institution, and his father throughout his life was a driver. Therefore, the family was not wealthy. So Ilyin Andrey was a simple boy. The actor is the younger child of his parents.
When his brother Valery was not yet thirty, he died.
School time can be noted with good academic performance and love of literature. Already at that time Ilyin Andrey was recorded in a dramatic circle. The actor felt more and more craving for the scene.
Over time, the hobby gets more serious soil and leads a 15-year-old boy to the threshold of the Gorky School of Theater Arts, where he successfully entered and graduated successfully. Ilin became a graduate in 1979.
Work on the stage
After the school was finished, Ilyin Andrey began to work by profession. The actor received a post in the staff of the Riga Theater. This institution was led by Arkady Katz. It was necessary to start with performances for children, but time went on, and the roles began to differ more serious.
Here he is already playing Khlestakov in the film "The Inspector General", then he is Treplev from Chekhov's The Seagull. A few years later he grows up to Dostoevsky, playing the character of Alexei Ivanovich from the "Player". Many actors passionately dream of being in the skin of Hamlet. This man really achieved this goal.
Ten years of life were given to the Riga Theater. On this stage, the actor plays until 1989. Then, by the will of fate, he finds himself in the theater of the Moscow City Council. There, the actor also plays in a number of performances staged in classical works. Stage art was not so popular at the time because of the difficult period that overtook the country.
Because of this crisis, Ilyin thought about how to work in another sphere. To make ends meet, he works as a taxi driver. In a difficult time, people were less interested in art, so we had to somehow survive. In parallel, he was still an actor and served in the Moscow City Theater until 2000.
When the situation in the country becomes better, the artist starts to receive new proposals. His career is moving forward, he becomes the leading actor in plays and productions, which are put on the stage of Chekhov. At the same time he is an actor of the theater Bezrukov. His dossier is from a number of agencies engaged in hiring a troupe for performances.
Personal Affairs
The future wife of actor Andrei Ilyin worked as an assistant professor at the Boris Shchukin Institute when they met in 1983. Together they performed at the Riga Theater. Lyudmila Voroshilova was older than Ilyin. They lived together for 9 years and divorced. The chill came, the couple felt the departure of love and alienation. Children in this marriage did not appear.
Continues to continue to develop relationships with creative women Andrei Ilyin (actor). Personal life continues with a novel with a television presenter. Alexandra Tabakov, the daughter of a famous director, also played in the cinema. They lived in a civil marriage, in which the girl reproached the actor for the fact that he earns little and can not properly support the family.
At this point in personal affairs, a break began, which lasted until the meeting with Olga, the swimming coach. Andrew really loved her. Outwardly, the family seemed ideal. But before his 45th birthday he filed for divorce, which surprised everyone around him.
On the set of the program "Dacha Council" the actor met a woman who is next to him to this day. At the moment, happily live actor Andrei Ilyin and wife Inga Rutkevich in a civil marriage. They began to live together in 2010. This woman is also a creative person, she is an editor on television. The year of 2013 became happy, as it was marked by the appearance of Tikhon's son.
Career in film
On the screens Ilyin appeared in 1980. It all started with the educational short film "Three lemons for any." As well as in the beginning of theatrical activity, in the movie success did not fall on the actor's head. Nine years he had to work on small roles in the paintings, which were not given serious attention.
1989 became significant, then the actor managed to act in the "Constellation Goat", which was quite a serious work. He worked on one set with Semen Farad and Armen Djigarkhanyan. This seemed like a great event, but the popularity of the picture was not as great as it was expected.
Hard times
In the 90's, devastation came. The acting career again was in the risk zone. Little attention is paid to the cinema in the country, the viewers gave preference to soap operas.
However, Ilyin did not drop his hands and continued to withdraw. In the first half of the decade he managed to work in a number of successful films. Most of all he was remembered as Sergeant Serebryany, the character of the film "Anchor, still Anchor!" Then he played in the film "What a wonderful game", shot by the same director.
Interesting facts related to the rise of the career
Sign was 1999, because then finally came true fame, which brought the character Leshka Chistyakov, played in the detective series "Kamenskaya." The actor did not have a lot of scenes, but he played the part so that she came out very memorable. When the following seasons were being shot, the directors paid more attention to this character. He is caring, patient, and understanding. Alexey is a great spouse, whom the spectator immediately loved.
There was a risk that now Ilin would be offered only positive characters, but fortunately, this did not happen. He was offered various roles. He had to play and the thief, and Prince Golitsyn, and the killer.
The talent of the actor allowed him to get used to diverse images. He starred in more than a hundred films. His creative activity has not faded even now.
The filmography of this talented person includes more than a hundred works. Of recent he played a major role in the film "Between the Notes, or the Tantric Symphony," the scientist in "The Eldest Daughter," the engraver in the film "The Alchemist. Elixir Faust, Deputy Chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Police Major, lawyer in Evil Blood, Pavel Sergeevich in Vasilisa, an official in the Means of Death, a representative of the KGB in Once Upon a Time in Rostov, a professor of psychology in No Evidence , Boris in the "Revelations", the tuner in "Love does not come alone," the curator in the "Lecter", the main role of Andrew in the "Complex of usefulness" and much more.
The actor proved that his gift is worthy of serious work, for which he undertakes with responsibility and performs qualitatively. Despite the obstacles that appeared on his way, he overcame them and won a strong position in the cohort of famous actors of Russian cinema.
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