Health, Diseases and Conditions
If the ears are pimples
The pimple can appear on any part of the body, but most often the acne covers the face and shoulders. Pimples inside the ear - a relatively rare event, but still possible. Where does he come from? As the main reasons, the doctors call the genetic factor, decreased immunity, hypovitaminosis, improper nutrition and hormonal changes in the body (this is why adolescents most often suffer from acne). In addition, the rash may appear due to insufficient care.
Non-compliance with hygiene rules
Found out acne in the ears? Think: do you have a habit of touching your face and head with dirty hands? Perhaps you regularly listen to music through headphones-droplets, but have never taken care of cleaning them? Do you know how many microbes accumulate on the handset that you press against your ear? In addition, there are fans of picking in the ear with a match, toothpick or pencil. All these factors can provoke the appearance of a rash. Also, in the ears, pimples can appear due to the fact that you do not wash your head too often or use overdue makeup. Often, rashes occur during a beach holiday; In this case the reason lies in the ingress of sand into the auricle. If the rash has covered your ears in winter, think: can not it be an allergic reaction to a woolen or fur hat?
Suddenly, acne in the ears may be caused by a cold. Especially it is characteristic for young people, because abundantly allocated leukocytes and open sebaceous glands are the most favorable environment for pimples. It is worth at least once to walk in winter without a hat or in summer to sit on a draft, as on the earlobe or inside the ear there is inflammation. Do not think that the problem will be solved by itself. Be sure to use special cosmetics for young skin (they are best bought in a pharmacy). If acne continues to bother you, contact a specialist.
Folk remedies
If you are concerned about the persistent acne in the ears, but you do not have the money to visit a dermatologist, you can resort to traditional medicine, but do it extremely carefully. If the pimple is large and painful, try compressing it from the pulp of aloe - you can fix it with a regular adhesive plaster (but first of all, treat the pimple with alcohol). The decoction of chamomile and celandine also helps, it cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation (remember: you can use this remedy only if you do not have allergies to its ingredients).
What to do with severe pain?
If the pimple is so sore that you can not wait until it ripens, it can be squeezed out. If this is not done, the pain can go to the teeth and even the eyes, possibly a fever, a chill. So, how to squeeze a pimple in your ear? To begin with, wipe the auricle with alcohol and carefully treat the hands - this is done in order not to infect the infection. After you open the abscess, gently remove its contents and process it again (it can be quite painful). If the pimple does not heal for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.
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