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Hyperhidrosis of the armpits: the causes and methods of treatment. How to get rid of hyperhidrosis with the help of folk remedies

Agree, it is difficult to maintain self-confidence when there is no certainty in its appearance. Increased sweating is often the cause of irritability and development of various complexes. Such an unpleasant phenomenon is called "hyperhidrosis of armpits". The reasons and principles of treating this condition will be discussed in the article.

Why does a person sweat?

Sweating is a normal physiological process, which is necessary for the regulation of metabolism and thermoregulation. Through sweat out of the body comes out water, organic substances and salts. Its secretion is a natural reaction to high air temperature, a stressful situation, the use of fluid, and physical stress. Today, increased sweating can occur as a result of emotional stress and vegetovascular dystonia. Hormonal disorders in adolescence may also provoke Hyperhidrosis of armpits.

Causes This phenomenon can be different. And, in order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find out what has led to it. Basically Hyperhidrosis of armpits not An independent disease, and a signal about possible health problems. These can be diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems. Also, you should know that the increased absorption of sweating can lead to certain medications. In any case, whatever the cause of this problem, a person has a completely natural question: "How to treat the hyperhidrosis of the armpits?"

Symptoms of increased sweating

The main sign of hyperhidrosis is a constant unpleasant odor. Clothing in the place of intense sweating is constantly wet, after drying, stains remain on it. On light things appear yellow traces, dark cloth with time discoloration.

Methods for eliminating sweating

First of all, you must exclude the presence of serious ailments, for which you will need to pass some tests. According to their results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. And if the cause of the problem is any disease, then it will disappear immediately after recovery. How to get rid of hyperhidrosis underarms, If the survey did not reveal any deviations, which are the primary cause? There are several effective methods.


These are the drugs that clog the sweat glands, which, accordingly, reduces the amount of sweat secreted. They are in excess produced by the perfume industry. But there are antiperspirants also medical. In them, the aluminum-chloride-hexahydrate is contained in a larger amount (up to 15%). Antiperspirants are applied only on dry clean skin. The effect of their use is higher in the evening application than in the morning. Therefore, rinse the product is recommended after waking up.

You should know that antiperspirants can cause irritation on the delicate skin, and also leave behind stubborn stains on clothes. In addition, because of the risk of pigmentation from the use of the drug should be abandoned, if a long stay in the sun. Recently, more and more information has appeared that antiperspirant compounds of aluminum and zinc are harmful to health. Therefore, if there is a need for daily use of this product, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

External means

In order to eliminate Hyperhidrosis of armpits, you can use external means. For example, the drug "Formagel" reduces sweating, has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Apply the product to a clean, dry, non-irritated skin for 20 minutes. Use it once a week. Similarly, a tool such as "Teimurova Paste" is used. If necessary, these drugs can be applied to other parts of the body. Before using them, consult a physician.


The procedure consists in the introduction of special substances into the body with the help of galvanic current. To treat sweating use water with the addition of various drugs. Hyperhidrosis of the armpits in this way is eliminated less effectively than excessive sweating of the feet or palms. As a rule, 5-10 sessions are enough. In the future, if necessary, support procedures are carried out. Ionophoresis can be combined with other methods of treatment. Despite the fact that this procedure is simple and safe, it is contraindicated in pregnancy, epilepsy, neoplasm, with the presence of implants.

Botox injections

For the treatment of a condition such as Hyperhidrosis armpits, Botox is used relatively recently. In our country this method began to be used just over a decade ago. Treatment of hyperhidrosis underarms with botox is as follows: using a particularly thin needle in the underarm area, this substance is introduced, which acts depressingly on the activity of the sweat glands. If necessary, anesthetics are used. The effect of this procedure is maintained for six months. Then, repeated administration of injections is possible. After treatment, the patient is recommended to for a while refuse to visit the sauna, intense physical activity, drinking alcohol.

Surgical method

Operative intervention is carried out only in the event that none of the above methods have had the necessary effect. Surgical treatments for increased sweating include:

  • ETS is a simple operation, in which a small incision is made, through which the endoscope is inserted and the nerve endings are pinched or intersected by a special clip. Despite the simplicity, such a procedure is not very popular among patients, as there may be a side effect such as general sweating.

  • Curettage. The procedure consists in removing the sweat glands and destroying the corresponding nerve endings. The effect is fairly persistent and prolonged. The main disadvantage of this method of treatment are traces from incisions, there is a risk of formation of gross scars.

  • Liposuction armpits. A fairly common procedure in plastic surgery. The method allows to effectively combat hyperhidrosis of the armpits, and the long-term effect is the main advantage of this method of treatment.

Hyperhidrosis of armpits. Treatment with folk remedies

Before resorting to radical methods of treatment, you can use safer methods. Folk remedies for hyperhidrosis underarms can be very effective.

  1. Chamomile. Add six liters of warm boiled water to six tablespoons of dried flowers. Leave to infuse for an hour, after adding two tablespoons of baking soda and mix thoroughly. The resulting infusion to treat the sweaty areas of the body.

  2. The horsetail. One part of the medicinal plant is combined with ten parts of vodka (not alcohol). All mix well and leave in a dry dark warm place for ten days. Infusion should be shaken periodically. After the specified time, wipe the cotton swab in the resulting composition and treat the skin. Instead of horsetail, you can use walnut leaves or birch buds.

  3. Oak bark. A teaspoon of raw material to pour a glass of boiled warm water. Stir well and add a small amount of lemon juice. With this mixture, treat the skin.

  4. Herbal collection. Take a hundred grams of grass St. John's wort, immortelle, chamomile, birch buds. All carefully mix, a tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. In the morning and evening, drink one glass of infusion. For the full course of treatment, 400 grams of the finished dry mixture is necessary. Under the action of this agent the hormonal background is normalized and the endocrine system is restored. The course of treatment is repeated every three years.

  5. Pine. To steam on a water bath young branches of a pine. The resulting composition is added to medical baths.

  6. Valerian tincture. Nervous system disorders are a common cause of increased sweating, and valerian can be effective in fighting hyperhidrosis of the armpits. To do this, 40 drops of the drug add to half a glass of warm boiled water and take before going to bed.


In order to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as Hyperhidrosis of armpits, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take a shower at least two times a day. During the procedure, alternate water of different temperatures. After the shower, before you get dressed, you need to give the body a "breathe" a few minutes.

  • Remove excess hair in the armpits. This will prevent the reproduction of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

  • Hot tea, raspberries, honey have a diaphoretic effect, so it is recommended to limit their use.

  • Choose clothes from natural fabrics - flax, cotton.

  • Refuse to drink a lot of fluids, especially in hot weather. All the excess will be actively excreted through the sweat glands.

  • After consulting with a doctor, take mineral or multivitamin complexes.

  • Regularly visit the sauna or bath. This will help remove accumulated toxins from the body.

  • Follow the principles of healthy eating and exercise regularly.


Hyperhidrosis of the armpits is an unpleasant phenomenon, but one can get rid of it. Take care of your health, follow the above recommendations and do not hesitate to contact your doctor if necessary. Remember: it's not a shame to be ill, it's shameful not to be treated. Be healthy!

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