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Is chickenpox and rubella the same disease? Differences

Many believe that chickenpox and rubella are one and the same. Common in diseases is that they are ranked, as a rule, in the category of childhood infections. It is among the patients of early age, such diseases are more common, but adults, if they catch infections, they endure it extremely hard. The difference between chickenpox and rubella definitely is. And for the appointment of an adequate treatment it is necessary to put the correct diagnosis, because if you confuse the infection, the patient may face serious consequences.

Signs of measles rubella

In the rating of childhood infections, rubella is numbered among the leaders, giving way only to acute respiratory diseases. Of course, it's a mistake to think that chickenpox and rubella are the same, but they have one causal phenomenon. That is, the diseases are of the same nature - pathogenic microorganisms cause the disease.

Initially, to determine that the malaise is caused by the rubella virus, it is extremely difficult. The disease resembles an ordinary cold. In the first stage, the human lymph nodes start to increase sharply, which become hard and cause painful sensations when touched, the body temperature rises, a runny nose and cough appear. The state is sluggish, I always want to sleep. The disease can be manifested only by one of the above signs.

At the second stage, a symptom appears, which discards many other variants of the diagnosis, is a rash. On small pink spots the doctor also defines or determines disease. Eruptions spread through the body at high speed. Starting from the back, they gradually cover the legs, arms, elbows folds, popliteal parts. Spots do not itch and do not scaly. In children measles rubella passes without special consequences. All the rashes go, leaving no traces behind. In any case, the child must be shown to the doctor. Self-medication is best not to do, even if the confidence in the diagnosis is 100%.

Characteristic features of rubella

In the list of common childhood diseases, there are both rubella and chickenpox. One and the same disease, the same immunity. But in fact, the last statement is not entirely true. The cause of diseases are different pathogens, so the body produces different antibodies. And if rubella can be treated almost imperceptibly, then it will not be easy to transfer chickenpox. Because measles rubella has a number of typical symptoms, characteristic of many diseases, the disease can easily be confused. Even doctors can not always immediately correctly establish the diagnosis. Because of this latent nature until the early nineteenth century, doctors believed that chickenpox and rubella were one and the same. Even now, to determine the cause of the ailment, you may need a blood test.

The incubation period for the rubella virus is two to three weeks. At this time, a person can calmly communicate with others, without even realizing what is dangerous for them. Rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets. The greatest risk of infection is present in the very first days, when the nature of the disease has not yet been determined. Outbreaks of measles rubella appear in the winter-spring period, when the body of most people is weakened, a lack of vitamins is felt, and there is the greatest susceptibility to infection.

Treatment of measles

Complex drugs for the treatment of this infection are rarely prescribed, usually only in severe cases. In general, therapy is symptomatic. The rash, which is typical for this infection, does not need treatment and disappears on its own.

Even if rubella is not of particular concern, you still should not contact other people. There is a risk of infection not only for children, but for adults who suffer the disease is much more difficult.

Preventive measures for rubella

Many people in childhood were diagnosed with chickenpox and rubella. This is the same state that is caused by different microorganisms. For some groups of patients, these infections are especially dangerous. As a rule, these are pregnant women, when the disease can cause serious harm to the fetus. Vaccination against rubella is included in the vaccination schedule in many countries. When planning pregnancy, it is worth remembering whether the vaccine was administered from measles rubella in childhood. The child is given the vaccine against this infection along with the preparations against measles and mumps. This vaccine is done two times in life - a year, and then at the age of six.

Characteristic features of chicken pox

Many argue that measles rubella and chickenpox are the same, as they can only be treated once. Not only are these completely different diseases, there are also cases when immunity against such infections has not been fully developed, and the person is repeatedly infected.

Chickenpox does not represent a serious danger. The parents' task is to provide the child with the most comfortable conditions for a speedy recovery. Mostly sick with chickenpox at the age of three to ten years. But if a person does not catch chickenpox as a child, then it can easily bear it, being already an adult. This is quite possible, since the virus is very contagious and capable of penetrating through floors and walls. Because of the property of volatility, the infection was called chicken pox.

Symptoms of chickenpox

The incubation period of infection is one to two weeks. After this, the body temperature rises sharply (up to thirty-nine degrees). The patient has no appetite, characterized by general malaise and weakness. After a couple of days, a rash is added to the symptoms.

Determine what is the difference between chickenpox and rubella, it is possible by the nature of the spots. In the first case, first appear rashes of pinkish color, in which then the liquid starts to accumulate, and bubbles form. After a while they wither. A peculiarity of a rash with chicken pox is that it itches. But due to the repeated failure of the dried up vesicles, scars and scars form which do not pass. The rash quickly covers the entire body, and the dried up vesicles are replaced by new spots. That is, the cycle of rash is repeated. After the cessation of the formation of new spots, the general condition improves, and the patient is on the mend.

Treatment of chicken pox

Treatment of chickenpox, like rubella, is aimed at eliminating symptoms. The doctor prescribes those remedies that will help to remove headache, itching, and reduce heat. In the early days of the disease, bed rest is recommended. The food should be as light as possible, a generous drink is recommended. Bed linen and clothes change as often as possible. Take a shower or a bath is allowed once a day, you can not rub the skin with a washcloth, the water temperature should not be more than thirty-seven degrees.

Skin covers can not be combed to prevent infection and scarring. To do this, the bubbles are treated with greenery or "Fukorcin". If the itching causes unpleasant sensations, then the doctor prescribes antihistamines, antiallergic drugs.

Main Differences in Infections

Many people confuse such infections as chicken pox and rubella. The differences are as follows:

  • The rash with chicken pox is extensive, with rubella the spots do not affect the mucous membranes;
  • Rubella is more characteristic of cold symptoms - cough, sore throat;
  • Chicken pox is not complicated by arthritis;
  • The temperature with measles rubella is much lower.

Quickly recognizing the characteristic signs of each infection, you can provide the most comfortable conditions in order to transfer the disease as easily as possible.

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