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How to wear a bandage: useful tips

The main role of the prenatal bandage is to help the abdomen (without squeezing it) and at the same time help the child to accept the correct position (if the bandage is available, one should not be afraid of prematurely lowering the fetus). A suitably designed and correctly selected bandage removes most of the load from the spine, which makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of pain in the lower back. By supporting the belly of the future mother, the bandage in this way reduces the likelihood of stretch marks.

Let's list the key indications for wearing:

  1. Active lifestyle. This is most important for pregnant women who spend a lot of time in a vertical state (first of all, certainly for working girls).
  2. Pain in the lumbar region
  3. The appearance of stretch marks
  4. Repeated pregnancy (in which the abdominal wall as a rule stretches more than at the first).
  5. Multiple pregnancy.
  6. Some types of pathology (risk of miscarriage, excessive increase in the size of the uterus).

There is almost no contraindication to use when you wear an antenatal bandage, but there is no agreement between doctors and the rationality of its use. Some insistently advise absolutely all in the position of the girls to use a bandage, others - radically against this. Be sure to consult with your doctor - he will take into account the characteristics of the course of your pregnancy, which is always much more convincing than the reference to "modern" doctrines.

The postnatal bandage not only keeps the tummy and legs (the skin and muscles of which, due to pregnancy and childbirth, lose their tonus for a while), but also removes the load from the back.

Postnatal bandages are in the form of panties of flexible fabric or in the form of flexible tape.

They can be applied before the onset of labor and after them (when applied during pregnancy, the widest part is placed on the lumbar region, and the narrow one is attached underneath the abdomen, after which the bandage should be turned over).

If there are almost no contraindications to the use of prenatal bandages, the use of postpartum types is limited.

The use of these types of bandages is not recommended (or should be limited) in the presence of a sample with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys that are accompanied by swelling, allergic diseases and in other cases. With regard to the postpartum bandage, you should consult a doctor. He, taking into account the characteristic features of the course of labor, the period after them, and the personal qualities of your body, will answer the question of the necessity of using the bandage after the birth and will assist in the selection of the optimal model.

One should be aware of the fact that using the postpartum bandage does not save you from having to perform specially designed exercises for this, so that the abdominal muscles are always toned. For this reason it is necessary to combine, performing physical exercises in the bandage.

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