Spiritual developmentAstrology

Parents to note: the value of the name Leonid

Every name that has ever been called a person, carries in itself some kind of energy and is like a history of the human race. In this respect, the anthroponymic brings invaluable benefits, exploring how this or that name arose, with what special events it is related, what trace left in the world civilization. And if we take into account that there is nothing accidental in our life, the names given to the children by their parents can to some extent determine their fate.

Oh, my dear, tell me ...

The meaning of the name Leonid is formidable and majestic - "like a lion". This is how it is translated from Greek. One of the Greek rulers, the legendary king of Sparta, Leonidas I was famous for his loud victories and amazing bravery. According to myths and legends, he was a descendant of Hercules himself - hence Leonidas has such a huge physical strength and so remarkable military prowess. These qualities were fixed in the name and began to be transmitted as if by inheritance to all the Lyonya, Lyonka, Lenechka, etc.

And if you remember the victory of Hercules over the Nemean lion, it is understandable why the meaning of Leonid's name includes such shades as "lion", "son of a lion", "lion's kind." This name is royal, royal, possessing exceptionally healthy and strong energy. It is not for nothing that astrologers believe that the Sun itself is patronizing the Leonids.

"Lion's" features and properties of character

Needless to say, the meaning of the name Leonid assumes that his native speakers are broad, proud, independent. They have a special inner core, which helps the person not to break even in the most difficult, stressful situations.

Traditionally Leonids are bright and talented people, the word "mediocre" does not suit them at all. They have a great sense of humor, delicate taste, aristocratic manners. They are endowed with remarkable artistic talents, and this line also traces the meaning of the name Leonid. Bykov, Filatov, Sobinov, Serebryanikov, Andreev, Gaidai ... Is not it true what kind of familiar surnames, and after all they are all Leonids, and the list is very, very incomplete! Nature was extremely generous to this name. It is understandable, the lion is the king of beasts, and hence the degree of talent must also be royal!

However, Leonid - the meaning of the name sacred not only for artists in its various manifestations. This name is generally for people of public: politicians, journalists, commanders who rule the destinies of nations, govern states. After all, Leonid is inherent in the mind precisely on a national scale, logic, diplomatic wisdom and resourcefulness.

The secret of Leonid's name suggests another similarity of his bearers with "smaller brothers" from the natural world. This is characteristic of Lenechka's love. Yes, they are very amorous, addicted to an instantly beautiful woman, an unordinary personality, a vivid character. And before the subject of their dreams they want to appear in all the glory and power of talents, power and opportunity. To win an impregnable beauty, Leonid is ready to throw gorgeous furs at her feet, decorate with an invaluable ring, fly with her to lunch in a Parisian restaurant or, if nothing else is possible, promise a star from the sky and present a rose from a city flowerbed. It is important that everything will be arranged beautifully, with lots of pleasant words and compliments to the charmer.

Leonidas' husbands are also quite good, they love wives sincerely, but it is extremely difficult to settle them. That is why their family boat often goes to the bottom, like a thin canoe.

Leonids are daughters of fortune, lucky in life. From difficult situations they come out not only dry, but even with some bonuses. They are cheerful, easy to communicate, happy in friends. At the same time, the owners of this name are themselves good, loyal friends. They have a well-developed intuition for people, which helps to avoid deliberate scoundrels and traitors. And the same intuition, multiplied by a deep analytic mind, gives them the opportunity to understand the most confusing situation for the benefit of themselves and their relatives.

Some disadvantages

Leonid jealous, and jealous seriously. Multiplying for his love, this mixture will be rattling, bringing a lot of trouble to him and others. Another cause of alertness is the enthusiasm of Leonid Bacchus. To drink carriers of a name like, to drink seriously, thoroughly, with feeling and plainly. And after solid libations, they are drawn to feats. In this state with them it is better not to collide and not to conflict - everything can end very badly.

The "lion's" nature of the Leonids also affects food. Hunger is not their element. These men are adequate only for a full stomach, which must be firmly assimilated by their halves or friends who wish to become so. And they are clean, they are up to fastidiousness - this also follows the ladies to take note.

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