
How to use solutions for nebulizer

Inhalations are considered one of the most effective treatments for respiratory diseases. Currently, devices for this procedure can be purchased for home use, if the house has a child or an adult, often ill ARD. Solutions for the nebulizer should be used only after consultation with a doctor, while their composition depends on the disease or the expected effect.

There are several recommendations for the preparation of drugs. So, do not advise to use funds, if one of the constituents are any oils. Solutions for nebulizer containing suspended particles (including decoctions and herbal infusions) are also not recommended for use. Preparations are made under sterile conditions, with sodium chloride being used as the solvent . Tap water, even boiled, should not be used. Store the finished solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day, and before use, it is slightly heated in a water bath.

Drugs that dilute sputum, which are used for inhalation, include "Lazolvan", "Fluimitsul". They are recommended for almost any disease, accompanied by a dry cough, with bronchitis, pneumonia, mild forms of bronchial asthma. Less commonly used solutions for nebulizer, which includes sodium chloride (3% or 4%), weakly alkaline mineral water, such as Borjomi or Narzan. These funds are effective for colds, the initial stages of bronchitis.

To antibacterial agents, which are used for inhalation, include "Furatsillin", "Fluimucil-antibiotic". It is advisable to designate them so that the infection does not penetrate into the bronchial tree in ARVI, as they have disinfectant properties. With purulent lung diseases, you can use "Gentamicin" or "Dioxydin". Recipes for inhalations for the nebulizer are quite diverse, the best option is to follow the prescriptions of the doctor, who will help you decide on the choice of medication. Often the dosage and time of the procedure depends on the age and weight of the patient, as well as the severity of the disease. If several medications are prescribed in the form of inhalations, then it is worth making a gap between them for at least 15 minutes.

The instruction to the medicine should be carefully studied, as some of them are contraindicated for use in certain types of nebulizers. Hormonal preparations are not used for inhalations, as well as "Papaverin", "Eufillin", "Dimedrol" and others, which do not have a substrate for affecting the mucous membrane.

In cases of persistent cough, to reduce irritation, the doctor may prescribe the drug "Lidocaine" as a solution for inhalation. Nebulizer is better to take ultrasound. This drug will help for a while to get rid of the dry, persistent cough that can occur with diseases such as laryngitis or viral tracheitis. 2% solution of "Lidocaine", produced in ampoules, diluted with saline and inhaled 2 times a day. However, it is worth remembering that the release in this case will occur only from the symptom, but not from the disease itself. For the use of the drug "Lidocaine" there are serious contraindications.

They are used as solutions for the nebulizer phyto-means, which contain medicinal herbs. They are prescribed, in most cases, in acute forms of inflammation of the upper and middle respiratory tract. Effective, for example, "Rotokan", a half-spoonful of which is bred in 100 ml of saline. 3-4 ml is used for inhalations, which are carried out twice a day. Entering here chamomile, yarrow, calendula have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

For the treatment and prevention of certain chronic lung diseases (for example, bronchial asthma) bronchodilators are used that dilate the bronchi. Among them are "Fenoterol", "Berodual" and others. Here, in addition to dosing, the technique of inhalation is important.

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