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How to use a bidet?

Absolutely in all countries of Europe the use of a bidet acts as a generally accepted norm. For the first time this adaptation appeared in France already in the distant 17th century. To date, it is widespread in the East and Latin America. However, the bidets are especially active in Japan. This subject of personal hygiene is found in them not only in private homes, but also in hotels and even in public toilets. It was the Japanese who were the first to use the toilet without paper. Today, this device is distributed as widely as conventional sinks, toilets and other plumbing.

As for Russia, some people still do not know how to use the bidet and what it is all about. In our region this adaptation of the 21st century. His popularity is gradually increasing, but, nevertheless, you can not install it in every apartment. Most bidets put the Russians, who have a spacious and large bathroom or a redevelopment of the bathroom. For small apartments with tight bathrooms are more suitable cover-bidet, which are attached immediately to the toilet.

Let's try to figure out why you need a bidet and how it looks. So, bidet - this is one of the types of plumbing that looks like a small sink or a low bath and is intended for intimate hygiene, namely - washing the anus and genitals. This device is equipped with a water supply in the form of a fountain replacing toilet paper after each bowel movement or urination. The temperature of cold and hot water is regulated by a specially installed mixer. To achieve maximum convenience in hygienic procedures, the bidet is installed directly next to the toilet.

Sometimes people have arguments about how to use a bidet. Some people think that during the erosion it is necessary to sit on the faucet face, while others, on the contrary, believe that it is much better to be located to the mixer with the back. It should be said that, in fact, there is no difference. This is purely a matter of taste, personal preferences and comforts.

It is clear that there is no instruction on how to use the bidet. Everyone decides how to use this kind of plumbing for himself. There is only one general rule: use it after the toilet. After all, this is its main purpose. It should be noted that the use of a bidet is much more hygienic than toilet paper. In addition, having accustomed themselves and their household to such an adaptation, one can even prevent some diseases that arise on the basis of insufficient purity of external organs. It is important to keep the bidet in order.

Despite the convenience and efficiency of this type of sanitary ware, do not forget about the bath or the shower, tk. Bidet is not their full replacement, but only acts as an additional device. However, its use allows you to reduce the number of shower techniques, as well as to spare yourself from too frequent and tedious cleaning of shower trays and bathtubs.

Telling how to use the bidet, the article specified only its direct purpose. However, this device can be called multifunctional. With its help it is convenient not only to wash, but also to wash your feet, and also the bidet is very practical for the youngest children, who find it problematic to get to the sink. Another advantage of this device is the ability to maintain the hygiene of pensioners and people with limited motor activity. Having mastered how to use the bidet, they can not so often remember how uncomfortable it is to climb into the bath.

It is not so important how to use the bidet, the main thing is to take it as a rule to do it regularly, after each visit to the toilet, then cleanliness and health are provided to you.

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