EducationSecondary education and schools

The role of teachers in human life. Favorite teacher

Everyone in life has its own landmark. For someone, this is a great athlete or politician, and someone like that can become a favorite teacher.

The history of the profession

One of the ancient specialties, if you select from the general list of professions, you can safely be called teacher's. The description of its occurrence stretches from the time of the slave system. In countries such as Babylon, Egypt, Phenicia and Assyria, agriculture was based on unnatural watering. Such rivers as the Tigris, the Nile and the Euphrates, constantly left the banks. At this time, people appeared who followed these operations and passed on their experience, but treated this extremely strictly. Constructed cities, hydraulic engineering channels, sprouts of geometry, arithmetic, medicine and astronomy appeared. But this information was kept by the priests in a huge secret, passed down from generation to generation. Despite this, already during the time of the priests there were special institutions where teachers were people who belonged to a privileged caste. Egyptian sources date the appearance of the first schools - 2500 years before our era. Many writers at some time were teachers. GR Derzhavin and IA Krylov for many years taught the children of Prince Golitsyn. NV Gogol and IV Turgenev taught geography, history and literacy. The list can include other names - AS Makarenko, AM Gorky, etc. The role of the teacher in the life of a person is enormous, because with his help a social environment is being formed, the forge of cadres is being prepared and the young generation is adapting to life. Each subject is able to feel a lack of knowledge. As a result, he is ready to follow the teacher, who is wise, adult and helps to understand difficult life issues.

Teacher functions

  1. Pedagogical. To teach, improve and develop the student. The main thing in this business is joint effectiveness.
  2. The design function is the choice of the method and means for achieving the total. Planning, forecasting and testing are the main indicators.
  3. Organizational. Manage the class - to maintain a business learning atmosphere, so that there is interest in working hard and not violating discipline.
  4. Informational. One should not underestimate the role of teachers in human life, because the flowering and power of our country largely depend on this. The main source of information for students is almost always the teacher.
  5. Correction, evaluation and control - determine the goal, plan actions, evaluate the outcome of personal work.
  6. The social role of teachers in human life is to develop trends in the team, prepare the young generation for life, and solve modern problems.

Teacher Requirements

"Cultural students where there is a decent teacher nearby" (Likhachev DS )

The teacher has an imperative method of special qualities. And we must understand that this is only a small part of his pedagogical work. Rational technology is the first aspect of its activity, whereas the second half can be attributed to art.

The first requirement is:

  1. Pedagogical ability. It can be described as a love for children, which combines high professionalism when working with students and getting pleasure from communicating with students.
  2. Humanism. To relate to man as the most important virtue on earth. This attitude involves respect for the individual, attention to someone else's opinion, to the state of individual improvement and initiative.
  3. Possess tact. Pedagogical delicacy is the building of right relations with people, the possession of a sense and culture of a mentor. Qualities of a personal nature in this case are inseparable from professional ones. Very important are the qualities of the character of the teacher, who teaches not only biology and geography, but also explains how to be the master of his word and have his opinion.
  4. The teacher should possess such a feature as scientific enthusiasm. A professional educator forms love and respect for his discipline, teaches to see the relationship between science and human development. He fulfills the function of a conductor and is obliged to prove the importance of science, understanding each person and forming in her moral views and principles. Such activities require absolute dedication and constant personal development.

The teacher's relationship with the student

The "teacher and student" relationship is characterized as a joint activity in the plane of enlightenment. Multifunctional network of interactions is divided into 4 lines:

  1. Teacher-pupil (pupils).
  2. Disciple pupil.
  3. Cooperation of students in groups.
  4. Teacher-teaching staff.

The relationship "teacher and student" occupies an important place in pedagogical cooperation. High school students can consciously decide in "love" for a particular teacher. Often, a favorite teacher appears in this period of study. The student and mentor can be two subjects who are companions and represent the unification of an experienced person with an inexperienced (a mix of broad thinking and unlimited imagination).

Age categories of adolescents affect the form of cooperation. So, for younger schoolchildren and children who go to the garden, the game form is characteristic. She subsequently turns into a teaching one. High school students need motivation. The teacher in the dialogue should convince them of the importance of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and others. Teacher and student should quickly find common interest. That, for what it is possible to be hooked and to begin dialogue or even knowledge. At any age the role of the teacher in the life of man is one of the leading.

Main indicators of joint activities

With a harmonious relationship between teacher and student, you can harass:

  1. Better assimilation of new material.
  2. Increase of cognitive activity and creative independence of students.
  3. Getting great pleasure from the lessons and being in the school.
  4. Acquisition of social skills.

For the youngest

Primary students consider the class to be a social environment, because they have not yet been in such a situation. They begin to communicate a lot with their peers, open the first ways of knowing. At the moment when the child finds new activities, such as studies, he must find a "senior comrade" - a mentor who will lead him on. The role of the teacher in the life of the child is invaluable: it helps children to establish relationships in the team, i.e. in the classroom, is able to awaken the child's interest in learning, solving simple problems or reading. It should be understood that it is the initial link that is the foundation for the further work of the entire education system.

Favorite teacher

Each person in his life can name the name of at least one teacher, who he liked most, while the personality of the teacher is very important. For some, this is their first mentor, who was able to quickly gain confidence. Sincere warmth and gratitude are preserved to those teachers who saved and multiplied in our souls faith, warmth, love of life. However, a beloved teacher can appear at any age, and the criteria for his selection will be different. So, at the age of 15-16, students first of all value the teacher's professionalism, his morality and how he treats other teenagers and how he behaves outside the educational environment.

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