EducationSecondary education and schools

Mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group of the kindergarten

With mathematics as an object, children begin to get acquainted in the kindergarten, namely in the second younger group, the age of the child at this time is 3-4 years. Educators are working on the formation of elementary representations in children. And on how well the first perception of the forms of objects and their quantitative relations will be assimilated, the development of the child depends in the future.

To learn something new to the child in the kindergarten allows any occupation. Ideal for this is the second youngest group. Mathematics makes it possible to compare familiar objects along length, height, and width. The educator acquaints with such spatial concepts as "front", "behind", "above", "bottom", "left", "right". Also, the teacher teaches the children to correctly identify and use time intervals in the speech, for example, morning, day, night.

To help a beginning educator

In order to properly organize and conduct classes in mathematics in the 2 youngest group, the beginning teacher should remember the following points:

  • The initial sessions during the month should be conducted with separate groups of 6-8 people each;
  • A month later, classes begin to be conducted completely with the whole group;
  • In the classroom, children should have a didactic handout in the required quantity for each child;
  • When acquainted with the new material, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10-12 minutes, and when working out the familiar material - 15 minutes;
  • On the lesson it is necessary to monitor the fatigue of children, and, if they are tired, all educational activity ceases immediately.

The main goal and tasks of math classes

The main goal of the math course for children 3-4 years is to get acquainted with the basic concepts: the number, shape and characteristics of the subject.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • To teach the child to correctly distinguish the color and shape of the object;
  • Form the initial concept of number (one, many);
  • Teach children the correlation of objects through one general characteristic of them (collect all the red objects);
  • Form a concept of the characteristics of the object (long, shorter, large, small).

To properly cope with the solution of problems and achieve the goal, the teacher in the math classes in the younger group should use different methods and methods of teaching.

Methods and methods of teaching

Classes in mathematics in the 2 nd younger group should have a visual-effect character. Any new knowledge children learn through direct perception, that is, when they follow all the actions of the educator and they themselves repeat the same actions with the distribution didactic material. The teacher-educator needs to think through each lesson in a qualitative way, all the new concepts that characterize the subject, first the teacher himself pronounces several times during the class and only then asks the children to repeat.

In addition, we must not forget that this age of cognition of everything new is built on emotional perception. And if you do not interest the baby from the first minutes of the session, it will go to waste. For this, children's classes in mathematics usually begin with surprises:

  • The appearance of a toy,
  • Unexpected guests,
  • A chest with a secret.

The teacher-educator needs to keep children's attention during the whole class. To do this, you apply a change of activity. The subjects with which the child will work must be already familiar to him, otherwise he will first study them as needed for him and skip all the material offered by the teacher.

Structure of the lesson in mathematics

In kindergarten, as in any other educational institution, all classes should be structured, despite their short duration.

Classes in mathematics in the 2nd junior group should include the following points:

  1. Organizational moment (duration 1-2 minutes).
  2. The setting of the tasks of the lesson (1 minute) is as follows: "Let's help the mishute (the Katya doll) find a circle (find out which track is longer)".
  3. The main part of the lesson (learning new material).
  4. Reflection (duration - 1 minute). Children must necessarily talk about what they have learned today.
  5. End the session in a positive mood. It is necessary to praise the children: "Thank you guys for helping us find the circle so quickly (he is a Katya doll), he (she) will definitely come to visit you again."

Methodical literature - assistant in conducting classes

Do you have a younger group in your upbringing? It is not difficult to study mathematics.

Each teacher, in order to properly form an occupation, needs methodical literature. Now its a great variety. The most popular are the following books:

  • "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second younger group of kindergarten" IA. Ponomareva, V.A. Pozin.
  • "My Mathematics" E.V. Solovyov.
  • "Mathematics. The second younger group "E.S. Maklakov.
  • "Mathematics in the kindergarten. The second younger group "L.V. Minkevich.

How to help the child in failure?

Not every child immediately succeeds, therefore, the educator needs to be able to loyally treat the child's failures and help him during the class. In the kindergarten, mathematics serves as the basis for the further perception of the teaching material in the school. And the degree to which the initial concepts of the preschooler's child are laid firmly and correctly, will depend on his further success in educational activities.

Everyone knows that mathematics is an exact science and a complex one; therefore, math classes in the 2nd youngest group should contain thoughtful, concrete, correctly formulated questions that the child will be able to answer in the light of the child's mental development.

If the material presented in the process of prolonged working out to the child is still difficult to access, it is possible to involve his parents in the help, correctly asking them to work with him at home in his spare time on an emerging problem.

Talk with your parents about the possibility of bringing a child half an hour earlier to a kindergarten or picking up a little later. Thus, the educator has the opportunity to work out additional material that has been passed with children who do not get everything or who missed classes during the illness.

Basic rules for successful math classes in the second junior group

  1. Remember that for a child all new information is a complex process of knowing the world.
  2. Each child is a small person with his own character, mental and physical development.
  3. The teacher directs the occupation. Give children the opportunity to learn a new subject or its characteristics (smooth, rough), but do not delay this process, because the baby can get tired. Promise children to play with the subject after class.
  4. Fulfill all the promises that are given to children.
  5. Praise children as often as possible.
  6. If the material is difficult, give it a few lessons for better workout.
  7. Do not overstay your time.

The result

Ideal, if you need to conduct a lesson, the second junior group. Mathematics is something that children can not do without in the future. Kids start preparing for school. The educator should build an occupation in such a way that the children were really interested.

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