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How to unscrew the rusty nut. The nut is corroded: how to unscrew it?

Each person in his life has faced the same trouble as rusted and fastened fasteners. This situation is known to all: motorcyclists, motorists, cyclists, locksmiths and plumbers. The latter in particular.

Often happens that well, it's just necessary to replace the wheel or change the tap in an apartment or house, and a nasty nut or bolt does not want to get out of the way. In this situation power methods will not help: the nut sits dead. And it is not always possible to apply excessive force to it. You can easily break something, break the thread, cut off the edges of the elements. In order not to spoil the nerves, and in this situation it can not be avoided, it is necessary to know how to unscrew the rusty nut in the home. There are several effective ways to do this.

Why and what to do?

Repair can be seriously hampered, replacement of necessary spare parts will have to be postponed for later. Corruption is to blame. And the reason for this is very, very banal. For example, during assembly work at the manufacturing plant or during the previous repair work, "professionals" in one or another area decided to ignore the processing of fasteners with lubricant. Then, a liquid got into the thread. Water caused the processes of loosening on the surface of the bolt and nut. This loosening tightly sealed the details with a new compound at the level of the molecules. How to unscrew a rusty nut is a whole science, and the process of unscrewing can take a lot of time, strength and nerves.

Use of auxiliary tools

The first thing that must necessarily be tried is various means, among the properties and characteristics of which is indicated the reduction of friction and the dissolution of various contaminants. This substance can be absolutely any tool that has a high penetrating ability. The modern market offers a variety of different products that can facilitate the process of unscrewing the rusty nut.

The most popular drug for this purpose is the legendary composition of the WD-40. This is really a unique tool that allows you to solve not only this, but also many other problems. Before unscrewing the rusty nut, it is necessary to spray the bolted connection thoroughly with liquid from the can and wait a little.

But the WD-40 is not the only option. As part of the drug - kerosene, which means that if the master also has kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, then this is not an optimal choice, but still effective. In any case, you can unscrew the nut.

Another available tool is acetic acid. If there is freely available any other non-reactive acid, then you can use it. Here all the same recommendations - carefully moisten the connection.

In the extreme case, US technology will help. In the nearest supermarket you can buy 0.5 liters, and preferably a whole liter of Coca-Cola. This miracle drink contains orthophosphoric acid, which, although not perfect, will help to solve this problem.

Before unscrewing the rusty nut, the compound is thoroughly moistened with any of these means. Then you can relax for about 20 minutes. This will be enough for the drug to show its penetrating abilities. While the liquid will penetrate, it is necessary to knock the culprit with a hammer. Knocking is necessary around the perimeter. Rip off the element should be gradually, swinging the nut. If it does not work out, you should pour the mix with any of the drugs and wait even longer. If it does not work out again, it is worthwhile to look for another, more efficient way, how to unscrew the rusty nut on the mixer or somewhere else.

Solution of the problem by heating

If the nut stubbornly does not want to give way, then it is worth applying heat. It will not be a secret for anyone that any metal, if it is heated to certain temperatures, has the properties to expand. Therefore, it is worth trying as one of the options to warm up the nut well. Then, while it is still warm, you should try to rip it off. But you should do everything as quickly as possible, otherwise the bolt will heat up, and then there will be no deeds. But even if the connection is fully heated, this process will occur unevenly. Rust deforms and loosens the nut.

In order to sufficiently heat the fastener, you can apply any available options. It can be a lighter, matches, boiling water. The best fit construction hair dryers, powerful soldering irons, soldering lamps. Before you unscrew the rusty nut, you should make sure that your hands are secure. You should work carefully and very carefully. If there are wood parts in the work area, you can not heat the nut: this can damage the wood.


In addition to these two proposed methods, he also recommends not twisting, but twisting the part. Often in this way it is possible to move a layer of rust and swing the fastener, after which it can be easily unscrewed. This option can be combined with heating.


In the process of tapping the edges, everything is untwisted, even if the nut is very rusted. How to unscrew it? Just knock on the perimeter of the fastener. In the process of strikes, microdeformation will occur. These deformations destroy the rust layer. But it is important not to make serious efforts. The blows should not be strong, according to the size of the connection. If you hit hard, you can damage the faces, and then the nut will never unscrew.

Destruction and destruction

If no method is closer to the solution of the problem, it remains only to destroy and destroy the connection. There are also several options. The method is chosen based on where the nut is rusted. How to unscrew it? Yes, just cut it with a grinder or just a hacksaw with a cloth for metal. But not everywhere you can destroy the connection by cutting. For example, it will not be easy to do in an automobile wheel. On the mixer in the bathroom, you can damage the mixer itself.

If there are no options, how to unscrew the rusty nut, on the wheel for example, then you can try to drill a crook with an electric drill. Another effective way - with the help of a thin chisel and hammer, you can make grooves on the edges of the product. It is necessary to very evenly deform the part from each side so that it can be easily unscrewed. Naturally, instead of this, you will have to screw in a new one.


It is much easier to take care of the bot information so that you do not have to think how to unscrew the rusted nut in the home or garage conditions. It is necessary to follow the recommendations, tighten the part to a certain point, always lubricate joints.

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