Food and drinkRecipes

How to sculpt a dumplings

Homemade dumplings are a very tasty and satisfying dish, which is prepared in every Russian family. Preparation of dumplings is not an easy task, but it takes a lot of time, so for speed you can involve all members of the family in the process.

How to make ravioli? The principle is always the same, but every mistress has her own secrets, which make the dish unique.

Preparation of the dough

The process begins with kneading the test. For dumplings prepare a fresh steep dough, including flour, water, salt and egg. However, some housewives add vegetable or butter and a few yolks to the dough, making it more savory and tasty. How to make dumplings to make the dough dense, elastic and it can be thin rolled out? To do this, you must correctly maintain the ratio of liquid and flour. Experienced housewives put products on their eyes, and for less experienced ones, a clue is suggested: 500 g of flour will require 200 g of water, eggs, and butter. If the liquid is too much, you can always mix flour.

To prepare the dough, you need to sift the flour on the cutting board and make a groove in the hill. Separately mix the water, eggs, salt, butter and pour into the flour. Then gently knead the dough first with a wooden spatula, gradually adding flour into the liquid from the edges to the center. When it is formed, it is necessary to remove it with your hands, if necessary adding flour. The finished dough should be homogeneous and do not stick to the hands. Cover it with a napkin and place in the refrigerator while minced meat is being cooked.

Preparation of stuffing

For dumplings it is possible to prepare forcemeat from meat, mushrooms, vegetables or combined. The most popular Russian dumplings are prepared from ground beef, consisting of pork and beef in proportions, according to personal taste. Some housewives make minced meat with the addition of mushrooms.

To make minced meat, cut the meat and slice it through a meat grinder. Follow him to scroll the bow. For 1 kg of meat, usually take 3-4 bulbs.


Now you can go directly to how to sculpt the dumplings. Rolling out dough and molding is the longest and most tedious part. To facilitate the work of housewives, several varieties of pelmennts were invented, but most gourmets believe that handmade dumplings are much tastier.

How to make dumplings by hand? There are two ways to prepare dough circles. You can roll sausages with a diameter of about 1-2 cm and cut them into cups 1 cm long. Thick out of these thick circles.

More often use another method. The dough is divided into parts, from which the buns are formed. Then each is rolled into a large thin layer and cut into cups with a glass or a glass, depending on who likes what dumplings (large or small). The remaining trimming is usually mixed and rolled out for the next batch. Some housewives dry these residues and use them as noodles.

Then on the mugs from the dough put a portion of minced meat, the dough is folded in half and properly patted. The corners of the resulting semicircle are joined and pricked. How to sculpt pelmeni in another way? Instead of circles, you can cut out squares, protect them in the form of triangles and also connect the corners. Instead of round, you get dumplings with a corner. You can make pelmeni in the form of a crescent, a heart or a triangle.

Finished raw dumplings should be poured with flour, put in rows on the board and placed in the freezer. When they freeze, they can be transferred to cellophane bags.


Dumplings are cooked very simply and quickly. In a large pot, pour water, put salt and bay leaf. When the water boils, put the dumplings in there and cook until they come up.

There are they can be anything: with butter, sour cream, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, pepper, greens or as soup with broth.

Some people like fried dumplings. On a greased frying pan you need to put raw dumplings, add salt and pepper to taste and fry over low heat until a ruddy crust is formed. Then turn them over and fry them on the other side.

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