Food and drinkRecipes

How to Salt Gobies (Valui) at Home

After a heavy rain in the summer and early autumn, a lot of mushrooms can be collected in the forest. One of the most common in the temperate latitudes are the valouis (they are bulls). After the harvest is collected, the question arises as to how best to deal with it. If we are talking about the valouys, then they are often salted for the winter. And there are several recipes for how to salt the bulls. Regardless of the choice to do this, you must follow the instructions carefully to get not only a tasty but also a safe snack. After all, many fresh mushrooms (and valui are not an exception) contain poisonous substances.

How to properly salt the bulls

There are hot and cold ways of primary processing of the vale. It is necessary in order to get rid of the inherent bitterness. Therefore, before you can salt the gobies, you should do one of the following procedures.

Cold treatment - soaking. In the old days it was tried in the running water. That is, the mushrooms were placed in a basket and put in a creek for several days. Water, passing through the holes, constantly washed the mushrooms, freeing them from the bitter juice. Naturally, now this method is rarely used. As a rule, the mushrooms are placed in a large container, filled with water and left for 5 days, periodically changing it. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

Hot treatment. Before picking the steers, they are simply boiled for 30 minutes. At the same time, all bitterness goes into the water, and the valuies will be ready for further processing, when excess liquid drains from them.

How to salt a steer - a recipe for the winter

After the valui have undergone a primary treatment, you can proceed directly to the preparation for winter storage. First you need to determine the capacity. Ideal option - wooden barrel. It will contain a lot of mushrooms, and they will be kept there for a long time. However, this dish is not at all. Therefore, it can be replaced with enameled pan of the appropriate size or glass jars.

The dishes should be washed thoroughly. The keg is pre-filled with water and steamed with juniper branches. Then begin to lay out rows of mushrooms, pouring them with salt (a tablespoon per 1 kg of paddocks), peppercorns and bay leaf.

To the bulls let the juice, they must be put under oppression. For a keg or pot, oppression can be several stones placed on a round board. If the valuas are spread over cans, they can simply be crushed by hand and filled with horseradish and black currant leaves.

The use of salted mushrooms

After a month, the mushrooms can be removed, washed under a tap and eaten. More often they are used as a cold snack, sprinkling with vegetable oil and sprinkling with green onions. You can make a salad, instead of pickled champignons, pickled salvoes. It turns out delicious. If the mushrooms turn out to be too salty, they are soaked for half an hour in cold water.

For those who do not know how to salt the bulls, and never worked in this way, you can start with a small amount (for example, from one can). If the result is to taste, next summer it makes sense to repeat already with more impressive volumes.

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