EducationSecondary education and schools

Project on "Healthy Lifestyle". Conditions for a healthy lifestyle

So, today we will learn how to make a project on the topic "Healthy lifestyle". This topic is favorite in schools and kindergartens. Moreover, it is extremely important. After all, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle to everyone. This is an important moment that leaves its imprint on the life of the child. So how can you prepare for the topic "Healthy Lifestyle" in school? What ideas will help to advance this direction? About all this - further.

Goals and objectives

The first thing you should pay attention to is that any project has some goals. Without them, it just does not make any sense. Therefore, the project on "Healthy lifestyle" pursues its tasks. Fortunately, it is not so difficult to understand them.

Of course, much depends on the age of the schoolchildren. But the final result remains the same - it is a call to lead a healthy lifestyle. It can be said, this is the physical rehabilitation of children, which are not right now. Especially with the development of technology.

Also, the cool hour on "Healthy lifestyle" and the eponymous project, as a rule, teach children not only health improvement, but also introduce physical development, as well as correct behavior. All this is extremely important, especially for the younger school.

Plus, it is not unusual for this subject to study a variety of sports. Here you can also include the correct diet. It is the social project on "Healthy Lifestyle" that is able to interest and inform the student about how to properly take care of one's health, and to remain always cheerful and energetic.


Well, often with our current concept is associated with sports. It is right. A healthy lifestyle without physical exertion is difficult to imagine. Nevertheless, sometimes it is possible.

Preparing for the project on healthy lifestyles, children will have to pay attention to the importance of sports and physical exercises. It is important to explain that it is not necessary to engage professionally (for example, dancing or boxing), it's enough just to do exercises in the morning to keep your body healthy.

True, there is no need to praise sport. So many people do, it's not entirely correct. Yes, physical exercises for health are important, but sometimes you can do without them. Plus, there are more important directions and rules that will have to be observed. It is impossible to put sport first. This, too, will have to be explained.


Also, the project on "Healthy lifestyle" should include such an item as nutrition. This is also a very important point, which is often overlooked.

What will have to be carried to the children? The fact that you need to eat right. A balanced diet helps to keep oneself in shape, and also has a beneficial effect on the body. Yes, there are many temptations in the world, but it is not worth it. It is important to explain that you can not always keep yourself in an iron grip, sometimes you can afford something delicious and harmful. But the main food should be right and healthy.

To very young children (primary school) it is important to convey information about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. And all. One sport and exercise is not enough to say: "I lead a healthy lifestyle." This process consists of a huge number of items. Correct and balanced nutrition also takes place in this topic.


What other ingredients should I mention? For example, observance of the so-called regime of the day. For senior and secondary schools, most likely, this direction will seem stupid and irrelevant. But junior schoolchildren can still correctly convey the importance of observing the regime of the day for health.

A class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" should tell the students that the body adapts to your rhythm. And it is not always safe. You may not feel unwell, but they will sooner or later manifest themselves. A healthy lifestyle without compliance with the regime is possible, but it will not be fully implemented.

Particular attention should be paid to such a topic as sleep. Especially it concerns the middle and high school, where children often have chronic lack of sleep. Your task is to tell you that a healthy dream lasts 8 hours. And you have to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. This method contributes to the development of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, it is difficult to maintain a regime in the modern world, but it's worth trying. Especially if you want to 100% to lead a healthy lifestyle.


The next moment is extremely relevant, you can not forget it in any case. It's about bad habits. The project on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" should tell how badly affect the body such moments. That is, bad habits - this is a kind of temptation, which should not be succumbed.

Both the junior school and the senior need to talk about the dangers of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. All this is the direct opposite of a healthy lifestyle. Even older schoolchildren can and should even show training videos that illustrate the consequences of having bad habits in a person. Such videos are very popular and can reason with many teenagers, not to mention younger schoolchildren.

We and Technology

A social project on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" in the modern world must necessarily include such an item as man and technology. It's no secret that progress is not worth it. Now there are a lot of interesting adaptations and activities, which are so beckoning to yourself. But all this is not the best way can affect your health.

A special place here is occupied by gadgets. It's about phones, computers, tablets and so on. It is important to tell the children that they should not give up for a healthy lifestyle, but they should not always let go of it, too. Everywhere you need to know the measure, find the limit. Technique does not always harm a person, moreover, if properly used, it, on the contrary, will make life easier. Only the measure is not for everyone to observe and understand independently. The organization of a healthy lifestyle should take into account all the features of modern human life. Your task is to show and explain that the technique is not as harmless as it seems. A vivid example is spoiled eyesight. Do not reject progress, explain that everything should be in harmony. Then and only then it will be possible to keep health to the maximum.


Do not forget that any project, especially school (especially for young children), is great for attracting parents to work. So this is worth using. How exactly?

The thing is that a healthy lifestyle of parents is a perfect example for imitation. Let the children find out exactly how their moms and dads heal their bodies, and then tell-show-illustrate this in the classroom. Most often this method works fine in primary and secondary schools, but in the older one you will have to forget about it.

Sometimes the theme of "Be Healthy" includes a parent meeting. And with the participation of children. Here you must find out from your parents what kind of life they lead, and also give advice on improving schoolchildren. The option is very good, especially in the elementary grades.

For seniors

Unfortunately, it is not always and not at all ages easy to manage with schoolchildren. And any project with a wrong approach can fail. If it is more than just a communication with a junior school, an open dialogue with the above mentioned directions, then this is unlikely to pass with older children. I'll have to somehow introduce them to the project.

How exactly? For example, let everyone prepare an essay on the topic "Healthy lifestyle". Any direction. It can be anything: the conditions of formation, proper nutrition, the regime of the day, sports and its importance, a report on the dangers of habits. In general, everything that is only interesting and relates to a healthy lifestyle. Often, it is this approach, if not motivating children, then forcing somehow to delve into the topic and prepare for it.

"Healthy lifestyle" (abstract) is a huge field of ideas and opportunities. Let the children also talk about how they live. That is, how they lead a healthy lifestyle and support themselves in form. Sometimes it's really interesting. Give everyone a say.


Not everyone likes "scribble" in the form of abstracts. Moreover, if it is a high school, then there are no guarantees that the student simply does not download the finished essay on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, and then simply will not read it. It is important to involve school students in real participation.

Ask them to prepare a presentation on "Be Healthy". For example, let you try to talk about how to properly maintain your body in shape, how to develop correctly. And the more illustrations, the better. Making a visual aid on the topic of a healthy lifestyle is what will attract the attention of many. In any case, the students will be somehow involved in the process.

For babies

And what about the junior school? What can you do during thematic sessions? The development of a healthy lifestyle is extremely important for kids. Not less than for adults. Only now it is easier to get children interested.

As an option - after the class hour on the theme "I lead a healthy lifestyle," let the children depict this process. You can say that your task is to hold an exhibition of children's drawings in this direction. This is quite interesting, and also useful. Especially after you discuss with children and the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and how parents and the children themselves contribute to this process.

Do not forget to invite your parents to the exhibition. This method very well and favorably affects the development of schoolchildren. They will not only remember the rules of behavior and learn to portray them, but they themselves will begin to show interest in a healthy lifestyle. Just what you need!

Physical Education

Do not forget: in schools there is such an object as physical culture. It has a direct relationship to our topic today. And you can turn an unloved by many a lesson into something useful and interesting.

The project on "Healthy lifestyle" often attracts physical education teachers to organize olympiads, relay races and competitions. A very good reception that will help not only to attract children to the sport, but also will introduce an entertaining note in the process. Who does not want to be a winner? Perhaps, on the pedestal of the championship I want to stand up to everyone. Therefore, if you want to fully implement the project "Healthy Lifestyle", do not forget about the relay races and olympiads.

You can conduct them inside a class (divide the guys into several teams) or among the parallel. The second option is more interesting. Allocate time when the Olympics will be held, come up with interesting competitions, then consider the reward (for example, chocolate medals, certificates, assessments) and get down to business. Often in schools they are held directly in physical education classes. It is also quite an interesting option, especially if several classes are involved in the gym at once.


The conditions of a healthy lifestyle, which were listed earlier, is a very good direction for involving children in the project. And as in very young, and at an older age. After you spend a cool hour in our current direction, give the children the task to prepare a wall newspaper. In doing so, you can do it alone, and in groups.

What exactly will it be? Let them show their imagination! For example, you can just prepare a newspaper dedicated to a particular sport, or scandal. The development of a healthy lifestyle and the conditions for observing it are also very interesting directions. In any case, let the children prepare wall newspapers, then conduct the exhibition.


In principle, that's all. The project on "Healthy lifestyle", as a rule, is in great demand in schools, regardless of the age of the students. The main goals and objectives, as well as directions for dialogue and discussion, we found out. Also, the best tips for involving children in the project are now clear. How to act, choose yourself.

It is best to hold a "Health Week" at school, which will be devoted to a healthy lifestyle and its formation. During this time, you can implement all of the above methods: presentations, wall newspapers, abstracts, competitions with olympiads, and exhibitions. All this will really attract students and tell them about the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

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