BeautySkin care

How to remove nasolabial folds

With age, each person's face changes. There are wrinkles, as a result of cheerful days or severe stress. Each of them can tell about a person more than just friends. This situation does not suit many women, so they begin to fight wrinkles even before they appear and deploy active fighting against them at a stage when hateful folds are already visible. Most of all, they want to remove nasolabial folds , since they are the ones that make a beautiful woman look old. For this, some of the women resort to the services of plastic surgeons. In case nasolabial folds are not so noticeable, you can do with special cosmetics, massage and exercises. I want to immediately note that no one procedure will not help them to get rid of them forever, because the aging of the body is a normal natural process, which nobody has yet managed to defeat. But nosogubnye folds to remove, so that they do not catch the eye quite realistically.

Effective massage is for this part of the face. It is best to entrust it to specialists, since they can affect precisely those areas of the skin that need to give tone. There are several types of such procedures. Very well affects the nasolabial folds of a massage performed according to the example of French masters. Its essence lies in the slow inflation and swelling of the cheeks. Thus, the muscles of the face tense and relax. Another effective exercise from this cycle is to pull down the upper lip, as if straightening the nasolabial folds. During this, the index fingers need to massage the wrinkle area lightly. The complex is needed every day for 10 minutes. The results will be visible after 1.5 months.

The Japanese know how to remove nasolabial folds, because it is their massage that is considered one of the most effective in solving this problem. The technique of Japanese massage is easy to rub up and down wrinkles. Next, you need to smoothly massage the face from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones. The entire massage is performed for 15 minutes, preferably daily. Do not press your fingers hard on the skin at this time, as it may be subject to excessive stretching. Experts of the country of the rising sun, eliminating the nasolabial folds of the exercise came up, which help develop the deep muscles of the face responsible for skin tone. To do this, you need a plastic bottle with a little water. It needs to be lifted 20 times a day. The main thing is not to connect the teeth to this process. Exercise was appreciated by many Japanese women, whose beauty is envied by almost all women of the world.

Daily massage and exercises will help the skin to remain young and beautiful for a long time, and will also enhance the action of special creams aimed at combating facial wrinkles. Perform all these procedures can be at home, but it is better to first consult on this issue with a cosmetologist. She will suggest exercises that, in this situation, most likely will have a positive effect on the skin of the face. If the gymnastics are not correctly performed, even more wrinkles may appear, since the skin in this place is very thin and easy to stretch. Modern cosmetology offers hardware methods that nasolabial folds to remove help for a significant shorter time. A special device uses current to remove wrinkles in this area. Not every woman can afford the hardware cosmetology, but the effect of such procedures is much more noticeable. If you do not run the problem, and start with a younger age to do massage and exercise, then there will be no need to contact specialists.

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