BeautySkin care

Peeling enzyme - what is it? Enzyme peel Stopproblem: reviews

How nice to look at yourself in the mirror and see a fresh, young and beautiful skin. But this does not always happen. Sometimes a woman looks at her flaws with a sigh. She does not know what else to do so that the reflection in the mirror is finally pleased. And there is one wonderful remedy that can restore youth and clean skin - this is an enzyme peeling. What it is? How to rejuvenate the skin? This will be discussed in our article.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are organic substances that support life, special proteins that act as catalysts or accelerators of chemical reactions. These enzymes enter the human body from the outside. They do it together with plant food, fruits and vegetables. Some reactions in the body must occur quickly, and therefore substances such as enzymes that participate in the destruction of large protein molecules or fat into smaller ones during digestion are needed. Enzymes do not work as fast on the skin as in digestion. But they show impressive results - they revitalize, restore youth and radiance, improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Facial skin is a business card of a woman

The human skin consists of two layers. Its outer part is called the epidermis. And the lower, deep layer is the dermis. But that is not all. Each of them has many layers inside them.

Epidermis is daily exposed to the negative effects of many factors: sun, contaminated environment, lack of fresh air, sweating, dryness and makeup. Fortunately, both layers work all the time to create new strings of skin cells that constantly rise to its surface. They then replace the old, already dead particles. And they remain on the surface of the skin, spoiling its appearance. Many experts believe that heredity in the question of the state of integuments is a myth. Cosmetologists give other information. Heredity is only 20 percent of natural aging, and 80 percent is the negative impact of sunlight. It is because of contact with the ultraviolet that wrinkles, pigmentation, spots, roughness and freckles appear.

With age, the skin also loses collagen. This substance consists of protein fibers and gives it elasticity and elasticity. Losing collagen, the skin becomes weak and thin. Enzyme peeling helps to eliminate all these age-related changes and negative effects.

Peeling enzyme: what is it?

The cosmetic product under consideration makes the process of replacing skin cells much faster. It accelerates the chemical reactions necessary to create new, healthy young cells and skin removal from old and dead particles. Sometimes the term "peeling" is confused with a scrub. This product also helps to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Enzyme peeling performs exfoliation much faster than scrub. It removes old and dead cells, promotes regeneration of integuments, reduces stretch marks, traces left from pimples, wrinkles, while not injuring the skin. Enzymes penetrate the skin and help clear pores, improve its tone and texture.

Another advantage of natural enzyme peelings is their safety for all types of skin. They do not hurt as hard chemical products. In addition, they are inexpensive. Also the product does not cause deep reddening, as a result of which it takes several days to hide from all the houses.

The most popular ingredients for enzyme peeling are papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, pumpkin and blueberries. And to get to this procedure a pleasant bonus, it is possible while the time of the action of enzymes is expected to regale these antioxidant fruits and nourish oneself from the inside.


One of the most gentle and sparing products for cosmetic procedures is a peeling enzyme. What is it, people appreciated even with very sensitive skin or acne. This method of exfoliation has virtually no contraindications and undesirable effects, such as dryness or an allergic reaction. It is safe for all types and has many advantages.

1. Exfoliate the dead cells.

2. Stimulates the growth of new particles.

3. Improves skin tone, as well as its texture.

4. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Removes mimic wrinkles.

6. Smoothes age wrinkles.

7. Softens dry skin.

Reduces redness.

9. Removes toxins from the skin surface.

10. Clears the pores, narrows them and prevents the appearance of acne.

11. Displays pigmentation spots.

12. Do not injure the skin.

The product in question can be used by people with swarthy skin (other types of peeling with dark skin are not recommended).

Contraindications for peeling with enzymes

There are also some contraindications for enzyme peeling. It can not be used in the following cases.

1. People with diabetes.

2. In diseases of the cardiovascular system.

3. With herpes in the acute stage.

4. With acne with inflamed abscesses.

5. Wounds and scratches.

6. If you eat burns.

7. After sunbathing.

8. If you are allergic to any ingredient.

Peeling based on salicylic acid

Consider one of the products of this group - salicylic enzyme peeling. The name already tells us a lot. It is done with the use of salicylic acid, contained in some flowers and plants. This component has a regenerating and restoring effect on the skin, helps in the fight against inflammation and acne. Salicylic peeling is an inexpensive and easy method to improve the skin. Penetrating deeply, he softens it. In addition, the dissolved dead skin layer is easily removed. Thanks to this procedure, new cells are formed. Skin structure is changing. Salicylic acid has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, peeling on its basis will save from the black points, will give the skin a smooth and even color.

Salicylic enzyme peels can not be used in the following cases.

1. During pregnancy.

2. During lactation.

3. With exacerbation of herpes.

4. For wounds and scratches on the skin.

5. With the recently acquired sunburn.

6. Those people who often visit the solarium.

Experts recommend at least a week before the application of such a peel not to visit the solarium, sauna, sauna and exclude sunbathing in the sun.

Salicylic peeling at home

In its pure form, the peeling procedure with salicylic acid is not very pleasant. But, fortunately, the cosmetic market offers enough funds based on this substance.

One of these tools, well-proven, is the enzyme peel Stopproblem. Effective and quality products are based on salicylic acid. It should be noted that it does not contain alcohol. Salicylic enzyme peel Stopproblem is easy to apply at home. Just fifteen minutes, and the skin will shine with cleanliness and health. It does not contain solid particles. Apply it as a normal mask. If this peeling is applied regularly, the production of sebum is normalized.

In what cases do cosmetologists recommend using salicylic peeling of this brand?

1. Treatment of acne, even an average degree of complexity.

2. Elimination of scars and red spots left after acne.

3. Lightening of pigment defects.

4. Alignment of mimic and age wrinkles.

5. Drying and narrowing of pores.

6. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

7. Rejuvenation is even very thick and not susceptible to other skin acids.

Also worth noting are some features of salicylic peeling

1. At the beginning of the procedure, the product may cause burning.

2. Cosmetic preparations of the Stopproblem series are suitable for peeling the skin around the eyes.

3. Can be used regardless of age. It is suitable for young skin, and for mature.

4. It is recommended for use even with sensitive and thin skin.

5. Suitable for rejuvenating the whole body.

6. With this peeling you can remove the rough skin on the knees, elbows and feet.

Sometimes, when using the product, unpleasant reactions, such as itching, swelling, flaking, redness, tightness of the skin, may appear.

Enzyme Peeling: Feedback

At the beginning of the procedure, burning, tingling or tingling may occur. But do not be scared - in a few minutes everything will pass. But the product will easily soften and remove all grease plugs in the pores. To remove this peeling is recommended wet cellulose sponge. Necessarily then it is necessary to put a nourishing cream on the skin.

For many women, the enzyme peeling "Stopproblem" became an indispensable product. The reviews it also has are very numerous and mostly positive. Especially among owners of oily and problematic skin with enlarged pores, one can find laudatory odes to the product in question. Photographs taken before applying the peeling and just after a week of use, confirm all of its positive properties specified by the manufacturer.

Has enzyme peeling reviews and negative. But there are very few of them. They are written mostly by women with very dry, sensitive or allergic skin. Hence, we can conclude that girls who are considered to be in this group, salicylic peeling should be used very carefully.

Line "Stoproblem"

Peeling of the brand in question is one of the best means for home use. Another series of "Stopproblem" offers additional products for skin care, also containing salicylic acid.

In the beauty salon, the cleaning session lasts about 45 minutes. It consists of three stages. First, with the help of special tools, the skin is cleaned. The second stage is the application of the composition itself. In conclusion, the acid is neutralized with a special substance and treated with fatty cream.

For owners of dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin, an enzyme peeling gel is suitable. These products are also on a large scale in the cosmetic market.

How to look younger in 10 minutes without leaving home?

It turns out that you can do enzyme peeling at home. Help in this product containing enzymes - papaya, pineapple, pumpkin and honey.

Honey in the composition of enzyme masks protects the skin, restores moisture, has antibacterial properties. It also increases the production of cells and causes rapid tissue repair. Enzyme masks do not contain chemicals. They are absolutely natural, and their regular application will help the skin to remain young, clean and healthy.

Smart fruit enzymes not only remove dead and old skin cells, they are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which are powerful antioxidants and a microelement of zinc (reduces redness and soothes inflammation).

After the mask, the skin is very sensitive to the sun's rays. Therefore, for protection, you must always use sunscreen.

Recipe masks of enzyme honey

Prepare it yourself will not be difficult. Such enzyme peeling mask will deeply cleanse the skin, restore her youth and radiance. It can be used even with weak capillaries. Enzyme mask is recommended to do once a week.

We will need the following ingredients.

1. Three tablespoons of papaya puree.

2. Three tablespoons of pineapple pulp.

3. One teaspoon of honey.

Papaya and pineapple will provide cleansing and exfoliation. Honey will prevent skin irritation.

It's very easy to make a mask. You can mix all the ingredients in a blender. But in order to save products, it's better just to knead them with a fork. A ready-made mask should be applied to clean and dry skin of face and neck for ten minutes. After it is necessary to wash it off. Then dry the skin and apply a fatty nourishing cream on it.

You also need to know that, unlike other masks, enzyme peeling works best in a humid environment. It does not allow him to dry on his face. Therefore, during the application of the mask, you can sprinkle a little water on the skin.

Mask of enzymatic pumpkin

With the application of this mask, the person will receive a full reset with the help of natural and useful fruit enzymes. Its use will save from mimic and superficial age wrinkles, acne and pigmentation spots. The following components are required for the mask.

1. 300 grams of puree from a raw pumpkin.

2. One seed of papaya.

3. Egg (for binding components).

Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mask is obtained in sufficient quantity, but it must be used immediately. Therefore, you can invite your friends and arrange a beauty session together.

The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck with fingers or a special brush, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. After ten minutes, it should be wiped with a sponge soaked in cold water. Try to avoid getting into the eyes. Conduct a mask more than once a month is not recommended.

When using, tingling or tingling can be observed - this is normal. In people with very sensitive skin, after applying the mask, the face may turn slightly red. This, too, should not be intimidating. In this case, redness is associated with increased blood circulation and should not last more than twenty minutes.

Honey mask

After applying the mask with pumpkin and papaya it is good to make a honey mask. The component must be natural. It is simply applied to the skin, left for 10-20 minutes and rinsed off with a wet sponge or water. Honey mask can be done as often as you want.

Staying skin young and beautiful is almost impossible without good care. Undisputed assistant in this peeling enzyme. What it is? We hope that the article has helped you to answer this question. It is a miraculous and easily accessible remedy, of which many women have already learned. Enzymes can now be called the fighters for beauty.

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