Food and drinkSalads

How to prepare a salad of margarine radish?

Juicy and sweet green or margelan radish quite deservedly popular among the peoples of Asia, because it is also very useful. In the composition of the radish there are also microelements in large quantities, and essential oils, and organic acids. It improves digestion and helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. For this, Margelan radish is used fresh, adding it to all kinds of salads.

Delicious radish salad from Margelan: a recipe called "Uzbekistan"

This salad was first prepared not in Uzbekistan, despite its name, and in Moscow around 1950. Uzbek chefs working in one restaurant in the capital decided to introduce Russians to their national products and prepared a salad from Margelan radish, the birthplace of which is precisely this Asian country.

At the very beginning of the preparation of this delicious salad it is necessary to clean the radish, cut into long cubes and soak in salted water for half an hour. At this time, a piece of low-fat beef salt, pepper, make small pockets in meat and put garlic slices in them. Roll meat into foil (2 layers) and bake in oven (30 minutes at 200 degrees). After that, you can do onions. It needs to be cut into thin rings, each of which is to be wrapped in flour and fried in hot oil until ruddy. Finished rings dry on a paper towel.

When the meat is ready, it must be cooled and cut into long cubes, like radish. After that, a salad from Margelan radish can be harvested. On a flat plate lay first the radish slices, then meat, mayonnaise and fried onion rings. Salad is mixed directly when served on the table.

Preparation of salad from margelan radish and apple

To prepare this salad, you will need only two basic ingredients - an apple and a radish. They need to be cleaned (apple from the core, and radish from the peel) and cut into thin strips (you can grate it). Now let's fill the salad. To do this, combine in a separate bowl of olive oil (35 ml), white balsamic vinegar (2 tsp) or the same amount of lemon juice, as well as a pinch of salt and cinnamon. Mix.

Salad from Margelan radish with an apple can be decorated with micro-greenery, which many grow right on their windowsill, and with dill sprouts. It should be noted that this useful dish perfectly fits into any diet menu.

Salad from sweet radish with chicken and mayonnaise

This delicious and hearty salad thanks to the radish becomes more juicy and refreshing. For its preparation, it is necessary to fry the onions and champignons, boil the chicken breast, grate the radish and cut the green dill. After that, combine all the ingredients in one container and season the salad with mayonnaise.

If desired, you can put green onions in a salad or use it as an ornament.

Vegetable salad of radish, apple and carrot

This vitamin salad will be especially liked by all adherents of a healthy diet, so it turns out to be low-calorie and useful. To make it, you must first cut the vegetables and fruits. To do this, the apple is cleared from the core and cut directly into the skin with large cubes. Then you need to cut the same pieces of peeled radish. Then cut along the cucumber and chop it as for a salad. Add the chopped celery stalk and the grated carrot (can be replaced with beetroot).

Now all the ingredients must be combined with arugula or cress-salad, add micro-green (optional). Season the salad of Margelan radish with olive oil and lemon juice, mix. Put the dish on a plate and sprinkle it with peeled sunflower seeds.

Recipe for salad from margelan radish and carrots

This very simple and quick to prepare salad is not inferior to the taste of other, more refined dishes.

To make it, you need to peel the carrot and radish from the peel and grate it coarsely. Then the salad from Margelan radish with carrots is mixed, seasoned with butter and lemon juice. If desired, you can salt and pepper to taste. Serve with boiled rice or potatoes.

Korean radish salad

To prepare this salad, you will need only radish and a lot of spices, which will make this dish truly Korean.

So, the juicy green radish needs to be cleaned and cut into thin strips. Then you need to add 20 grams of salt to the salad, mix well. Allow to stand for 5 minutes, then drain all the liquid that has formed. Now you can add the remaining ingredients to the margelan radish salad: chopped garlic (1 slice), green onion stalk, vinegar (2 tsp), sugar and spicy paprika (1/2 teaspoon). Mix well the salad with your hands, then add sesame seeds to it. Once again, mix well and can be served to the table with boiled rice.

Turkish salad with margaran radish: recipe with photo

To prepare this salad you will need 1 packet of lettuce leaves, a green radish cut into thin slices, and pieces of boiled turkey (200 g). All ingredients are nicely laid out on a flat plate and poured with sauce. It is in it and is the highlight of this dish.

For a delicious sauce, you must first chop the ¼ of the shallot stalk in a blender, then add the greens and continue whisking for another minute. Add mayonnaise (½ tbsp.), Sour cream (2 tablespoons,) 30 ml of milk, as well as vinegar (2 tsp), a tablespoon of lime juice and salt (½ tsp). Once again, everything is good to move and you can pour the sauce on a plate. Before serving, lettuce from Margelan radish sprinkled with black pepper. Bon Appetit!

Salad from radish with egg and sour cream

Salad of sweet and juicy green radish with egg is prepared for easy. First you need to boil the eggs (3 pcs.) And peel the radish. Then both ingredients must be grated and seasoned with sour cream (50 ml). If necessary, salad can be salted. Bon Appetit!

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