Food and drinkRecipes

How to prepare a filling pie on kefir?

For many years, one of the most popular among the housewives are liquid pies. Recipes for their preparation are transmitted literally from generation to generation. And the fact is that they are prepared simply and from available products. In addition, these pies are always delicious, and no matter what the filling is - sweet or savory. It remains only to find a little time for its preparation.

Ingredients for dough

Among all the recipes of the hostess, the most often chosen for preparation is a filling pie on kefir. And it's hardly an accident. After all, you can make it in a couple of minutes, and from what just lay in the fridge. For a pie for 8-10 servings you will need:

  • 400 ml of yogurt (you can take still sour milk or curdled milk);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • A tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2-2.5 cups of wheat flour.

Preparation of the filling test

So, kefir pour into the bowl, add to it all the remaining ingredients, except flour. Mix well until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. Sour milk can be taken any, not only kefir. And it's not scary even if it's a little fermented milk, yogurt or yogurt.

Add flour, but not all at once, gradually. Stir and assess the consistency of the dough. It should be liquid, it is good to pour and be like not very thick sour cream. The same dough is kneaded, for example, on pancakes. Now it's time to choose your favorite stuffing, and you can bake a cake in the oven.

To do this, pour half the dough into a greased or parchment-covered form. Then distribute the filling and pour out the remaining half. Cook at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes until the top of the cake is browned. There is both warm and cold. It will be delicious even the next day.

Fish filling

Most often the filling pie on kefir is made with fish. And all because it is, perhaps, the most simple and fast in the preparation of the filling. In addition, baking with fish is always delicious and fragrant. One pie will require:

  • 250 grams of canned fish;
  • 2 eggs hard boiled;
  • The head of onions;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

Eggs and onions finely chopped with a knife. Open the canned food, get the fish and mash with a fork (drain oil). Add to the eggs and onions. Finely crumble the greens (you can take dill, parsley, and so on), add to the filling, salt and pepper to taste. All mix well. That's all ready! It is worth noting that the filling cake begins to be prepared not from the dough, but from the filling. It takes a little longer.

Filling with cabbage and mushrooms

Not less popular with cooks is a filling pie with cabbage and mushrooms. This stuffing can be done in advance, for example, the night before. And the next morning already begin to prepare the dough. It is very convenient if guests are expected for dinner. And the pie will be one of the snacks on the table.

For one pie you need to take:

  • 300 grams of fresh white cabbage;
  • 300 grams of mushrooms;
  • onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

Mushrooms and onion finely chopped. Cabbage thinly chopped. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put onions and mushrooms and lightly fry. They should become soft and highlight the juice. Add cabbage, mix well and cover. Cook over medium heat until the liquid evaporates completely. For 5-7 minutes until ready to add salt and pepper to taste. At first it will seem that this amount of filling is a lot to prepare a filling pie with cabbage and mushrooms. But after all, both products are heavily stolen.

Fruit filling

Another filling with which to prepare a filling pie is a fruit pie. It can be from a variety of fruits and berries for the season. However, there are two nuances: they should be many, and it is desirable to spread them on top of the dough, and not in the middle. What kind of stuffing can I do?

First, it can be apples. It will take 3-4 apples. They need to be peeled off, the core removed with seeds and cut into thin slices. You can sprinkle sugar on top, mixed with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Excellent and easy to prepare filling for a bulk cake.

No less interesting is the taste of a combination of pears, apples and peaches. They also need to be cut into thin slices. This is done so that the filling does not drown in the liquid test. You can put them beautifully in the form of a flower. As a result, you will also get a beautiful filling pie with fruit. You can also sprinkle sugar before cooking, or after - sugar powder.

And, of course, you can take any berries for the season. The most fragrant cake will turn out with strawberries, raspberries and currants. Do not forget about the grapes, cherries and cherries. In general, each of the options, as well as their combination, will allow to cook a new pie every day.

Instead of concluding

So what should be the correct liquid pies? Recipes for their preparation are so varied. The main difference is a batter that flows easily. That's why they got that name. And yet such pies always distinguish a large amount of filling with a minimum of dough. In the rest the flight of imagination is not limited!

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