Computers, File Types
How to open a binary file
Many often have a question about how to open a binary file. This document is any file that is on a personal computer. All data that is on computers and media associated with it, are usually written in bits. It is from this word that the name has taken place. If you compare a simple text file as a comparison, then there will be no problems with its reading. To do this, it is enough to have a regular editor on your computer, even a notebook will come down. In order to open a binary file, a simple notepad will not work. And if we talk about the fact that text file information is encrypted all with the same bits, then usually when talking about reading binary files, we mean executable documents.
Instructions for action
Firstly, a software tool called HexEditor, which is a simple editor for binary files, must be installed on the personal computer hard drive. After installation, the program should be opened by double clicking on the icon. This tool will allow reading a binary file in real mode. You can change the data in the file, add your information, etc. In order to work in this editor and modify the binary file, you need to have at least some knowledge in this field of activity.
Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the interface of the program. Its main window does not differ much from the window of the usual editor. The same buttons, the same menu, the body of the document, the bookmarks and the status bar. You can open an interesting file through the File tab or through a special button that is located on the toolbar in the program. After that, you can see the executable file, which will appear as numbers and letters. Do not confuse those characters that represent a binary file, and those that have a regular editor. In the event that a decision is made to delete or change a section of the document, it should be understood that any part of it will disappear or change.
Thirdly, with the help of the program, you can try to change any part of the document. As it was said before, the software tool displays the file in such a way that it improves the ways of searching for the necessary part of the document. In addition, the program has a fairly flexible configuration. With it, you can change the graphic display of binary code, which has a binary file. In the event that incorrect data is entered in some part of the file, then it can either stop working completely, or it will not work correctly. In any case, the input of such data will cause changes both in the operating system and directly in the personal computer itself.
Fourthly, after changing, deleting or adding certain data in a file, you should save the result of your work. In the event that you do not have enough experience in editing files, then you should be prepared for not quite pleasant consequences. For example, a document may stop working after changing the data. So long as you do not start to understand this issue, a lot of copies of the files will be corrupted. If you are not sure about your capabilities, then you do not need to change the data yourself, especially in those situations when you need to fix the binary su file.
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