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How to draw a tree: master classes for every taste

Knowing how to draw a tree can be useful to every person. For example, when you want to paint the garage door, the walls of the country house, the walls in the room, and also make a sign on the child's locker in the kindergarten. Yes, and various applications for the baby's clothes are easy to do, knowing how to draw a tree.

Master class drawing spruce

Most often, the first image of a tree in children is the Christmas tree. Perhaps, this is because the children get the brightest impressions in the New Year.

So, the first lesson of the master class on how to draw a tree. It will be dedicated to the depiction of spruce.

  1. Any tree begins to draw with a simple pencil, first identifying the hairy auxiliary lines of his general plan. For the tree it will be a triangle.
  2. Then, along the contour of the triangle, a zigzag line is drawn, imitating sharp needles and branches.
  3. The next stage will be the design of "layers" of spruce branches: they can be parallel to each other or at an angle. You can also draw toys on the festive tree: balls, candles, flags.
  4. The outline of the figure is outlined with a thick line, and the auxiliary ones are erased with an eraser.
  5. Stage last, final - painting the picture.

Master class on drawing a palm tree

The second lesson of the master class on how to draw a tree is dedicated to the coconut palm. To begin the image is offered from a trunk, that is from below upwards. The whole procedure of how to draw a tree in stages can easily be traced according to this scheme.

  1. The trunk is shown. There are parallel lines running parallel to it, which can be either even or serrated - zigzag.
  2. At the top make a few arcs, diverging from the top of the future tree in different directions, like the sun beams. This is shown in the diagram.
  3. Each ray-arc is made in the form of a large sheet with serrated edges.
  4. At the base of the sheets, you can draw a few circles - these are coconuts.
  5. Now it remains only to paint the palm, to depict the background: the sea is far away, the sky with clouds from above, the sand below. It turned out just a wonderful drawing!

Master class on the depiction of a deciduous tree

Since to draw a tree with a pencil is the basis of the outlines of a plant, then it is necessary to apply a contour with a simple pencil.

  1. First, they represent the oval, the crown of the future tree.
  2. Then the outline of the oval is formed with an uneven line, which includes interconnected arcs.
  3. Attribute the tree trunk.
  4. Remove the auxiliary lines.
  5. Now the finished sketch can be executed in color.

Drawing of a deciduous tree in black and white

All three lessons of the master class are designed for small artists who make the first uncertain steps in the fine arts. For older guys, you can already complicate the task. Let's say, to invite them to perform a non-sketchy picture, but to maximize the image to reality.

To do this, use the previous master class to the last point - coloring. What has happened is just a sketch of the outline. Now you need to think about the fact that in the foliage of the trees you can sometimes clearly see the branches - you need to depict them. And the last stage will be the imposition of shadows on the drawing. It is they - properly located shades and shading - that will help create the illusion of reality. If you carefully consider the work of talented artists, you can catch the algorithm of hatching, shading the image, in order to use these techniques to create your own masterpieces.

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