Arts & Entertainment, Art
How to draw a snowflake beautifully?
When the New Year, Christmas and other winter holidays are on the nose, and the beautiful fluffy snow whirls around the window, people happily start decorating their homes. They put a fragrant, fir-tree-like tree, take out colorful boxes of colorful balls and shiny tinsel, hang a serpentine ...
If there is a child in the family, he takes part in all preparations with great zeal, diligently executes maternity assignments, hangs rain, gives decorations and writes letters to Father Frost. Of course, the kid will gladly take up the decoration of windows and mirrors. Draw toothpaste fancy patterns and pine branches, lay out on the windowsill cotton wool. And certainly, enthusiastically agree to do such a pleasant thing as making snowflakes. These snow stars are exactly what the child needs to realize their creative abilities. Firstly, they are easily made, and secondly, each snowflake is unique, and you can fully manifest your imagination, thirdly, they will hang on the windows, and any passer-by will be able to appreciate the children's efforts.
How to draw a beautiful snowflake?
Let's start with the most elementary. Mark the point with the supposed center of the snowflake. All its sides will intersect here. Pass through the center three identical even strips so that the point is in the middle of each of them and divides the lines into two equal parts. In total, six rays were obtained.
Another snowflake
You can proceed to the next stage of complexity. To draw a snowflake number two, you need to do the same initial steps as with the first: to outline the middle and draw six rays. At the edges of each ray, draw again the v-shaped "tick".
Another beauty
And finally, the third degree of complexity. To draw a snowflake at number three, you will need to spend a little more time - it is the most elegant and patterned of all.
The basis is the same as in the previous versions: points and six rays. Next, point the point bold - it should look like a small circle. Around this shaded circle make another circle, a little higher. Almost immediately above it on each ray draw the already known "tick". And further on the principle of matryoshka - a large "tick" "smaller tick", and above it, closer to the end of the beam, the smallest.
A few tips
As you can see, it was not at all difficult to draw a snowflake. Make more of these drawings. Let the baby take the initiative and offer his variants of patterns for the snowflake. Of course, all kinds of snowflakes then need to "paint" - that is, thicker to put blue or blue pencil or a felt-tip pen, you can use colors. Let the child do it himself - so he will better feel his personal participation in such a creative process. Then each snowflake can be cut in a circle, some of them with the help of an adhesive tape hang on the windows, mirrors, furniture in the children's room, turning it into a fairy-tale winter house.
In some, you can make holes, insert colored threads and decorate them with a smart Christmas tree. Well, of course, a couple of snowflakes just need to present as a gift to grandparents - even if they have a New Year's mood at their house! We wish you a plentiful "snowfall"!
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