EducationSecondary education and schools

How to develop logic in children. A Handbook for Parents and Teachers

One of the challenges in educating children is their education. Despite the fact that grown-up kids are happy to perceive new information, parents have to solve a lot of accompanying methodological problems, for example, how to develop logic.

The fact that logical thinking is necessary for every adult person, no one doubts, however, few people think about the fact that the logic of children should be developed, since she suddenly will not appear from nowhere. It is necessary to do this from an early age: from 1-2 years. There are many different methods of developing logical thinking in children, the application of which directly depends on the age and individual characteristics of each particular child. All exercises for children should be children's logical games, since it is in the form of play that children learn the world.

So, how to develop logic in children 1-2 years old.

It is necessary to begin with the simplest exercises, based on the division of objects on any basis, be it color, shape, size, and so on. To do this, give the child a small number of simple objects, for example 6 cubes of blue and red, and suggest placing them in boxes: one - red, the other - blue. Explain to the child the task, show, and then ask to repeat. Over time, tasks can be complicated: increase the number of items, the number of gradations of the characteristic (not 2 colors, but 5-6), the number of signs (by color and shape, then you can add size and stuff). When a child can easily cope with this task, you can move on to more complex exercises.

How to develop logic in children 3-4 years old

Everyone well remembers the game "throw the superfluous", when a child is given a number of objects, united by some sign, one of which falls out of the common row. The purpose of this game on logical thinking is to find and exclude an extra object. First, the number of items should be small (3-4), and the extra should differ sharply from the others, for example, 3 different colored balloons and a cube. Over time, the task should be complicated, making the differences increasingly blurred, increasing the number of objects in the series, introducing differences not in form, but in functionality. The next step can be an exercise "split a set into subsets." Give the child two such series, as described above, but without excess items, and mixed with each other. The task of the baby is to divide the objects according to one or another characteristic.

How to develop logic in children 5-6 years old

At this age, children like moving games, and so you can offer the child a game of "edible - inedible." It develops not only logic, but also mindfulness and reaction. The rules of the game are simple: throwing each other a ball, players take turns to pronounce the names of objects, the "edible" ball must be caught, and "inedible" - to repel. If you enter the competitive moment in the game, it will become even brighter and more interesting for children.

How to develop logic in children of primary and secondary school age.

Now a variety of computer children's logic games come to help moms and educators. Among them are balls (it is necessary to build a sequence of balls of the same color by certain logical manipulations), a sapper, a tapeworm. If you are an opponent of computer games, try to interest the child sudoku, chess, checkers. Even banal tic-tac-toe and sea battle contribute to the development of logical thinking. Teenagers can be offered the following game: to continue a series of numbers, united by some common logical chain (for example, 7, 10, 13, ...), then the chain can be complicated by entering 2 or more actions (5, 10, 6, 12, 8, ....). The spirit of competition can serve as an excellent incentive for such pursuits. Board games like monopoly or salon (mafia) and others also, among other things, develop logic, as, indeed, card.

In addition, there is a mass of all sorts of logical problems, such as the problem of the wolf, goat and cabbage, which can be found in any textbook on logic. These tasks can be given even to adults as entertainment at parties or on a long journey, so the course of thought and the unobvious decision can be so confusing.

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