
How to correctly reduce eyes depending on their shape

Many believe that the ideal eyes are ninety percent of the beauty of a woman. But in the world there is no perfection, therefore this part of the person often needs correction. Makeup is the means that can turn Cinderella into a princess. But if they are misused, then the opposite effect is possible. We suggest to understand how to bring your eyes right. You can adjust their shape and bring it closer to the ideal, and you can increase the size.

How to correctly reduce eyes (correction of their size)

Some, who are lucky, are interested in how to bring big eyes, because beauty is harmony. To adjust the size is very important is the bottom piping. If the eyes are small, it is better to refuse it altogether, or to confine oneself to the finest line clearly at the base of the eyelashes, or lower, and not solid, but starting from the middle. Strongly recommended is dark piping. But the use of kayala and a dark pencil is not higher than the line of growth of eyelashes - this is really a good option, opening eyes. Holders of large eyes can trace them almost completely. Continuous underflow on the bottom of the water line, starting from the inner corner to the outside will make expressive the look of any beautiful woman.

How to correctly reduce eyes (correction of convexity or deep landing)

In this case, it's not about size. Although it is clear that the bulging eyes will appear larger than the deep-set eyes. But if the eyelids close the iris, then the eyes can be considered deeply planted. They need to be brought very moderately, using light shadows. If from the eyelids are visible proteins, the eyes can be called convex. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to emphasize the line of eyelashes. Just need to abandon the clear and bright graphical eyeliner, it is better to gently shade it, so that it seemed that the eyes are framed by thick eyelashes. For convex eyes, a discreet style is recommended. Excessively bright podvodka will draw attention to them, but the defect will not correct. On the other hand, lack of podvodki and excessively light shadows will increase their relief and convexity. Therefore, you should adhere to the golden mean: eyeliner and make-up should be in neutral colors: not very bright, but not too pale. You can use false eyelashes - they make your eyelids heavier and visually make your eyes languidly covered (pay attention to Marilyn Monroe's makeup).

How to correctly reduce eyes (correcting the distance between them)

If the distance between the eye cavities is equal to the length of one eye, then some special correction is not needed: everything is perfect. If it is smaller, as often happens, then the eyes are considered to be closely planted. If the distance is longer, they say that the eyes are widely spaced. So, in the first case, the goal is to increase the distance between the eyes: make the area between them as light as possible. It is better to start the lining from the middle of the eye and make it on the outside bright, possibly shading. In the second case, in order to reduce the distance between the eyes, the liner starts from the very edge of the inner corner, and it is drawn at once thickly, and the outer edge is gradually made thinner. True, the shape of the eye must also be taken into account.

How to correct the eyes (eyelid correction)

The eyelid can be harmonious, overhanging or sunken. Let's talk about the last two. Owners of overhanging eyelids are better at all to refuse the podvodki, or confine themselves to the finest lines as close to the line of growth of the eyelashes. Also, you can paint the space between the eyelashes with a pencil, then the need for piping will disappear. Figured arrows will also be suitable, which are drawn in such a way that they appear even with open eyes. As for the sunken eyelids, here, on the contrary, fat lines above the upper eyelid are recommended: it "eats" an excessive distance.

How to reduce eyes (correction of the lowered or raised corners)

The dropped corners are a common problem for women with prominent eyes or women aged. In this case, the arrow over the upper eyelid should smoothly bend upwards so that the tail is playfully wrapped towards the end of the eyebrow. Contraindicated darkening of the outer corner, because this will make the eyelid heavier. The best makeup is light shadows and eyeliner. Recommended feline cat hands. You can also bring the lower eyelid, starting from the inner corner and ending in the middle of the century.

Eyes with high raised corners are also called slants. Possessors of such eyes will be useful to carefully study the makeup style of Audrey Hepburn. And although she tried to enhance the effect of "cat's eyes," bending the tip of the arrow up, still something can be used. Namely - the thickness of the liner. The arrow in the upper eyelid should be fairly thick, and the widest part of it should be either from the inside of the eye, or in the middle, but not from the outer corner. As for the lower eyelid, on the contrary, one should emphasize the outer corner: the liner here should be thicker.

How to bring round eyes (shape correction)

Such eyes must necessarily be brought from above and below. If we limit ourselves to only the upper line, they will appear even more round. Boldly draw bright and clear lines, bringing them as close as possible to the eyelashes. From the bottom - along the water line (now you can buy special, non-irritating eyeliner). Both the upper and lower lines must be connected from the outside, and if the distance between the eyes allows, then with the inner one - this visually makes the shape narrower. All the lines smoothly stretch to the sides, and the tail should go far enough. Sometimes it even makes sense to leave the triangles of the skin on the outside, drawing a line of pouting beyond the eye's border. The arrow should thicken and taper so smoothly that it is impossible to notice a change in its thickness.

How to draw a narrow eye

A common mistake is to bring your narrow eyes close to your eyelashes. This makes them even narrower. Holders of this form of the eye should draw a stroke just above the line of growth of the eyelashes. And in any case, do not connect it over the upper and lower eyelid from the outer corner. In addition, you should not make your eyelashes dyed with mascara, it is preferable to curl them to make the look more open. It is better to abandon the use of bright black submarines and give preference to gray, brown and colored pencils. There are several options for drawing narrow eyes:

  1. The contour is drawn from above completely, from below - only by one third from the outside. On the inside, the lower eyeliner is not drawn.
  2. The contour is induced from above, barely noticeably receding from the line of growth of the eyelashes, and then shading.
  3. Conduct a thin, clear line in the upper eyelid, but in the middle it is made much thicker.

You can bring your narrow eyes, not continuing the contour along the entire line of growth of the eyelashes, but only where they need to be expanded: in the middle, slightly shifting to the outer or inner corner.

There is one more important nuance in how to right eye. The photos to this article clearly show that the proverb "arched eyebrow, not forged eyes" is absolutely correct. All eye features that need correction are often combined. For example, the eyes can be convex, closely planted and with slightly lowered corners. In this case, it is necessary not to focus only on one drawback, but combine the methods of correction, taking into account also the features of the person.

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