Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook cottage cheese at home?

It's no secret that home-made cottage cheese is incomparable with what was bought in the store, no matter how much they praise and do not advertise the latter. This delicious product in large quantities contains protein, many times greater than its quantity in other dairy products. Protein, present in home-made cottage cheese, is perfectly absorbed by the body and is very quickly broken down. This product is equally useful both for those who want to build muscle mass, and for those dreaming of a thin waist. In addition, its use will benefit people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive tract. How to cook cottage cheese at home?

First of all, it is worth remembering that for this purpose it is necessary to have natural milk, otherwise time and products will be wasted. To get the cottage cheese you need to prepare:

  • Milk home - 2 liters;
  • Pots, different in size, so that one put in another - 2 pieces;
  • A gauze cloth of irreproachable cleanliness;
  • sieve.

Before you cook the cottage cheese, you must also have patience, for about a day, but the result, believe me, will be worth it.

  1. The filtered milk is poured into a saucepan of smaller diameter and left in a warm place, roughly, for a day - until the milk is squirted. When this happens, it directly depends not only on the time of the year, but also on the quality of the cow's product. Nevertheless, if put in the evening, by the evening of the next day, you should expect the desired result.
  2. How to cook cottage cheese of excellent quality? To improve the taste of the future cottage cheese and to accelerate souring, several spoons of low-fat sour cream or kefir are sometimes added to the pan.
  3. A pot of sour milk is placed in a large pan, but of equal height with the first. Cautiously pour water into the formed gap between the walls of two pans.
  4. Place the pans on a weak fire and do not lose control of the process of cooking cottage cheese for a minute. At the moment when the sour milk begins to boil and moves away from the wall of the pan, and the formed space is filled with a liquid of yellowish color - the pan is removed immediately, the smaller one is extracted from the larger one and the semifinished product is cooled.
  5. How to cook the cottage cheese further is not difficult. The bottom of the sieve is lined with gauze cloth and very carefully and gradually spread a spoonful of the original product onto it. Further, having connected the edges of the gauze napkin, the resulting nodule is suspended in such a way that excessive whey is separated from it. Residual product - cottage cheese.

It is necessary to know that cottage cheese, cooked at home, contains a large amount of liquid, and it must be cleverly disposed of. For the best preparation of cottage cheese from the boiled clot, it must be cut into pieces directly in a saucepan and then transferred to a gauze napkin.

Proper separation of serum is the key to obtaining a product of excellent quality.

  • In the case when the semi-finished product is not heated in water - the curd will turn out to be sour at home, and the serum will be difficult to separate.
  • If, on the contrary, it is overheated - the cottage cheese will crumble.
  • To get the cheese of a dense consistency on a knot with cottage cheese put a clean kitchen plate on which the cargo is placed, the so-called "oppression".

The resulting whey is also suitable for preparing dishes. It produces a wonderful kvass, jelly, jelly, and the whey on the serum will not leave anyone indifferent at all.

Once you have mastered how to cook the cottage cheese, and comparing its inexpressible taste with what you have tried before, you will understand that it is better to eat natural products cooked with your own hands than to buy in questionable quality in stores and put your health at risk.

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