Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook chicken wings

Chicken is a universal meat that can be used to prepare various dishes in many variations. Bake it whole or slices, cook chicken breast, shin or thigh. Every man has his favorite part of a chicken carcass. Many people prefer to cook chicken wings. They are fried and baked in the oven using a marinade. Crispy chicken wings are the favorite food of many gourmets. But in order to make them delicious, with a golden crust, you need to properly prepare them.

Perhaps you will like the recipe for "Buffalo". To do this, you need to prepare chicken wings. We separate from them the extreme phalanges and cut each on the joint. Next, salt and pepper each winglet. Take the saucepan and warm it vegetable oil. Fry the wings to golden color and spread on a paper towel, so that it absorbs excess fat. Next, you need to take 150 grams of cheese with mold and mix it with three tablespoons of sour cream, lemon juice and white pepper. All whisk until smooth.

Fry hot pepper, finely chopped garlic with hot butter. Then add the grated root ginger, a teaspoon of brown sugar, salt, black pepper and half a cup of tomato pulp. All this is stewed for about 10 minutes. Then we pour one table wine vinegar and put the chicken wings in the prepared marinade. After three minutes, put them on a dish and decorate with vegetables and herbs.

You can fry chicken wings in the oven. The recipe is much simpler than the previous one, but it is not inferior to it in taste. For this, wings need to be washed and dried with a paper towel. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Next, we spread them with a prepared marinade. Its composition: several cloves of garlic, 50 grams of tomato paste and 100 grams of any mayonnaise. All mixed and used for marinating chicken wings. Leave them for two hours. Then put it on a baking sheet and fry in the oven for about half an hour. Chicken wings turn out to be crispy, with a beautiful golden crust.

Very often the taste of the dish depends on the spices or marinade. Tasty wings in sour-sweet marinade are sure to please fans of the original cuisine. First, take the wings of chicken, mine, dry and add to the container for pickling. We prepare marinade. 200 grams of mayonnaise mixed with lemon juice, two teaspoons of tomato sauce and honey, salt, curry and pepper. Fill this marinade with wings and leave for two hours. After that, put them on a baking sheet and fry in the oven. Wings are fragrant and delicious.

Another recipe for chicken wings cooked in the oven. For the marinade, take three tablespoons of soy sauce, paprika, a little chili pepper and black pepper and two tablespoons of wine vinegar. All ingredients are mixed. This mixture needs to be poured in prepared wings and leave to marinate for one hour. Then they bake in the oven until golden brown.

As a marinade for the preparation of wings, honey can also be used with the addition of spices. Mix two tablespoons of liquid honey with one tablespoon of turmeric. Add the grated root of ginger, white pepper and paprika there. We mix everything thoroughly. Then spread each winglet with a mixture. It would be better if you let them marinate for a few hours. Then fry them in a heated frying pan. Honey gives spicy taste to wings. And in combination with turmeric, it makes the dish beautiful and golden.

There are a lot of cooking options for chicken wings. You can choose any favorite recipe and add to it your favorite spices, which will give the wings some piquancy. The main thing is your imagination and ability.

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