Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook cap? Recommendations and description

Before you begin to describe the recommendations for the correct implementation of such a complex process as cooking kapu, you need to decide what it is and why it is mentioned in the section "Food and Drink". The matter is that this sports equipment needs to be "prepared".

Capa is a silicone nozzle on the jaw, one or two. Thanks to her, the fighter is able not only to keep his teeth whole, but also to protect his lips from strong blows. But in order for it to really perform these functions, it is recommended that more attention be paid to how to properly cook the kapu, so that it becomes soft. For competitions it is necessary to prepare it.

To begin with, we will determine that the kaps are varied depending on the sport. But here's the way of cooking the same. Before buying it, it is recommended to check with the seller if it is suitable for boxing and how much it can be steamed.

On sale, you can choose two options for such equipment:

  • Single, which is attached only to the upper jaw;
  • Double, covering at once two.

But this choice will not affect how to weld a kapu, but its cost will be decisive. It is not recommended to purchase cheap copies, since such equipment will do more harm to the body than benefit. But even expensive specimens must "cook". Therefore, this criterion in choosing the equipment should be the main one.

Let us dwell on the detailed description of the process, how to cook a kapu. It is necessary to follow the instructions carefully. Then everything will turn out.

First step. In the kettle, bring the water to a boil. While she is on fire, prepare separately:

  • A deep plate and pour cold water into it;
  • The same bowl, but empty.

Second phase. As soon as the water boils, pour it into an empty plate and send the kapu into it for thirty seconds on average. But for exact observance of time it is recommended to read the instruction carefully. If it is not there, then the average and common time is thirty seconds.

The third stage. After the specified time, we remove the kapa from the hot water and stir it into our mouth. Be sure to bite her teeth. In this case, the jaw must be very tightly closed. But you need to make sure that the kapu is not bitten or damaged accidentally.

The fourth stage. Hands very tightly pressed from the outside so that it practically sticks to the teeth. Thus, it is recommended to fix the cap for three minutes, but not less. Since silicone should "get used" to this state of things and find a certain form. Only in this situation can you fit the kapa under your jaw shape. It is necessary to try to create a kind of its mold.

The fifth stage. Now you can pull it out and put it in cold water to "fix" the result.

That's all, the cap is ready to be fully used. Good equipment sits very tightly and does not create unpleasant sensations during operation.

But before you cook a kapu, you need to remember the following rules:

  • Incorrectly prepared equipment must then be discarded. The fact is that digested cap, even very high quality, will not be able to regain its shape again. Therefore, the first principle is that it can not be prepared in any case, but it can still be cooked.
  • When placing the kapa in boiling water, it is not recommended to heat it. Sports equipment should just float on the water.

On how to cook a kapu, the end result will be immediately visible. Well-cooked equipment:

  • Has clear prints of teeth;
  • Well holds even on the upper jaw;
  • Almost not felt in the mouth.

If the above recommendations are followed, the kapa will be prepared correctly for the competition.

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