HealthDiseases and Conditions

Nodular erythema on the legs: symptoms, causes, treatment

Skin rashes can be quite diverse in appearance. Some of them are harmless. Others signal a serious pathology in the body.

One of the easily recognizable ailments is the erythema nodosum on the legs. This rash refers to harmless or conceals a serious pathology? The answer to this question lies in the causes of the disease.

General information

Nodular erythema (photos showing a visual manifestation of the disease, are below) is an inflammation of the skin and fatty tissues. As a result, red nodules are formed on the surface. Their size can vary from the diameter of the cherry to the corresponding parameters of the orange. This phenomenon can be a symptom of a variety of ailments. But often the true nature of the disease can not be established. Therefore, nodosum erythema on the legs is considered in most cases as an independent ailment.

Characteristics of the disease

Rashes on the skin surface are red nodules. They are quite painful. Even a weak touch is fraught with increased unpleasant sensations. It demonstrates how nodosum erythema is manifested, photo. As a rule, the rashes rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

Localized nodules mainly on the front surface of the shins, on the knees, hips. Very rarely rashes can occur on the hands, face or neck.

The initial stage is marked by bright red rashes. The further course of the disease is characterized by a change in the shade of the neoplasms. Nodules acquire a violet color, which subsequently changes to brown.

As a rule, rashes remain on the skin surface for 5 to 10 days. Then, for 3-6 weeks, the nodules gradually pass.

Causes of ailment

As noted above, the source of the disease can not always be accurately established. The main reasons for which erythema nodosum appears on the legs (photo of the characteristic manifestations see in the article) include tuberculous intoxication and streptococcal infection.

Sometimes the ailment is the initial symptom characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Fungal or bacterial infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Inflammatory processes of the intestine;
  • syphilis;
  • Cancer (extremely rare);
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Behcet's disease.

Often the disease develops as a result of the reaction to the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Sulfones;
  • Sulfonamides;
  • Oral contraceptives.

It is known that some factors contribute to the development of the disease. They include:

  • Prolonged exposure to cold on the body;
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Hypovitaminosis (an excess of vitamins C and P);
  • Stagnation in the limbs.


The most characteristic sign of an ailment is the nodules. Initially, these seals are hard, flat, touchy - hot. Sometimes it is accompanied by other signs of erythema nodosum. Symptoms can be of the following character:

  • General malaise;
  • redness;
  • Joint pain;
  • Swelling of the feet;
  • skin irritation.


There are two varieties of this ailment:

- Acute erythema nodosum. This form is often accompanied by a strong temperature increase. It is characterized by the presence of pain in the joints, muscles. Such a rash is characteristic of a disease manifested in childhood. Sometimes the appearance of an ailment is the body's reaction to tuberculosis.

- Chronic nodal erythema. It is a migratory form. It is characterized by a prolonged subacute course with frequent relapses. The nodes have somewhat blurred boundaries. This form is found mainly in elderly and middle-aged women who have vascular or allergic ailments. Another prerequisite for the development of the disease is the presence of a chronic infection in the body.

Features of the disease in children

The disease is more common in girls who have reached the age of six. Rashes on the surface of the skin occur, usually in cold weather. The symptomatology of the disease manifests itself on the sixth day.

Nodular erythema in children is characterized by general malaise, moods. There is pain in the joints and in the abdomen. On the body there are hot, rather painful knots.

Often the disease is combined with joint damage. In this case, the latter swell, there is redness, painful sensations during movement. Inflammation in the joints passes after a few days, but the soreness persists for some time.

Nodular erythema on the legs is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Often prescribe drugs such as "Aspirin", "Indomethacin", "Brufen." On the affected areas apply local warming compresses. For them, apply a heparin ointment, a solution of ichthyol. It is very important to notify the doctor about the illness of the child. It should be remembered that independent treatment of the disease is quite dangerous.

Features of treatment of pregnant women

The ailment does not affect the fetus at all. However, erythema nodosum can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. The consequences of the disease sometimes manifest as complications in the heart.

If there are no exacerbations, the patient is given local treatment. Affected areas are smeared with "Indovazinovaya ointment". Inside take the drug "Kurantil." In small doses, the drug "Paracetamol" is prescribed. To minimize inflammation, a minimum dosage of Aspirin is recommended. Treatment includes the dip «Relief Relief». Diclofenac is prescribed in injections.

An important condition for treatment during pregnancy is full compliance with the correct mode of rest and work. It is necessary to minimize the load on the lower limbs, but it is impossible to exclude it altogether, because the vessels of the extremities must constantly be in a tonus.


A patient who has consulted a doctor with unpleasant symptoms will receive an X-ray examination of the lungs. This analysis will make it possible to exclude sarcoidosis and tuberculosis. Take a smear for streptococcus. To exclude various infections, all sorts of blood tests are carried out.

How to treat erythema nodosum? Initially, you should get rid of negative thoughts and restore mental equilibrium. After all, they are the source of destruction of the whole organism. It is very important to eat right, to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins. Particular attention should be paid to the intestines and liver. You can periodically starve or apply one of the diets for weight loss. The most recommended are the following: vegetable, berry, buckwheat, kefir, fruit.

As a rule, the doctor appoints the following for the treatment of ailment:

  • Antipyretic drugs;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen);
  • Antibiotics (if an infectious process is detected);
  • Vitamins C, P;
  • Hormones (in case of allergic process);
  • Autohemotherapy;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Plasmapheresis;
  • Compresses;
  • Wrapping.

Treatment with folk remedies

A lot of amazing recipes can be learned from healers. Traditional medicine will tell you many ways to get rid of such ailment, as erythema nodosum. Treatment with folk remedies is an auxiliary therapy. It should be combined with medication. In this case, the results will be much better.

Folk recipes:

  • Crush arnica flowers. Pour boiling water (200 ml) in a thermos. Leave the infusion for all night. In the morning, the product should be filtered. During the day, infusion is taken by 1 tsp. Not less than five times.
  • The cholagogue agents have an excellent effect. They are made from berries and herbs. Melissa, cranberry leaves, immortelle, birch, yarrow and mint, taken in equal parts, are brewed as follows: 1 tbsp. Spoon of this collection for 0.5 liters of boiling water. About 15 minutes before a meal, one third of a glass of medical infusion is drunk.
  • For the preparation of an anti-allergic drug, it will take a sweet bitter nightshade, a string, sporish, a golden rod. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. To make a decoction it will take 1 tsp. Collection. It is poured into one glass of boiling water. The solution should be held for two minutes on low heat. During the hour the drug should be infused. Healing decoction is used three times a day. It is advisable to use it before eating.

  • To prepare an effective tincture, you will need berries of red elderberry. Ten grams of this component is poured into vodka. The last one should take 0.5 liters. Insist the mixture is recommended 40 days. At the end of this period the preparation is ready. It should be taken only once before bedtime. Dosage is calculated based on the weight of the patient. A patient with a body weight not exceeding 70 kg should take 20 drops of the drug. If the weight exceeds the specified, it is recommended to increase the dose to 30 drops. This tincture is advised to seize. For such purposes, suitable for black bread, grated garlic or sprinkled with sunflower oil. The course of taking this remedy should last 1 month. For the next 30 days, take a break, then resume the treatment again.
  • In the fight against the disease, baths proved to be excellent. They will need: bark willows and oak, walnut fruit , black elderberry and linden flowers, raspberry sprigs, the grass is solanized. If you find all the above components is not possible, it does not matter. Use the ingredients you got. Thoroughly grind them. Pour one tablespoon of the prepared collection with boiling water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is infused for 15 minutes, then pour the infusion into the bath. Stir water, lie down in it. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

Prognosis of the disease

If the disease is classified as an independent disease, it does not represent a threat to the body. In this case, it is very important to timely treat all associated ailments, because they can be dangerous.

Another important nuance is the timely treatment of the disease. Enough nasty complications are fraught with neglected erythema nodosum. The consequences can be quite unpleasant. One of them is the transition of the ailment into a chronic form.


Nodular erythema on the legs is a common ailment. Its development, as a rule, causes sensitization of the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue. Often the pathology in the body is caused by infection or non-acceptance of some medications. Sometimes these rashes can act as symptoms of a perfect other ailment.

It is recommended not to engage in self-medication, but to go to the doctor for qualified help.

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