HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hepatic coma. In what cases is it possible.

Due to severe liver damage, there is a disorder of the central nervous system, such as a circulatory disturbance, loss of consciousness and complete absence of any reflexes. This condition is a hepatic coma. Symptoms are manifested in constant anxiety, bad sleep at night and drowsiness during the day. Often this is accompanied by incessant tremor in the extremities, twitching of the masticatory muscles and muscles of the face. Apparent speech disorders, slowing of thinking and violation of orientation. If the patient has a small but constant tremor, disorientation in space, speech slowing and forgetfulness, the hepatic coma may have begun to develop.

Symptoms become worse with time, and people can not practically control their emotions, manage their limbs. The main characteristic feature is, so-called, "slamming" with fingers. Then the person falls into complete numbness, the hepatic coma sets in. Treatment of such a life-threatening condition requires immediate hospitalization. The patient is placed in the intensive care unit and has full control over him. Glucose is introduced, proteins are completely excluded from food. It is important not to admit such a state, therefore, it is necessary to identify and combat diseases that result in the development of the hepatic coma. This cirrhosis of the liver, toxic hepatonecrosis, acute hepatitis and acute failure of the liver. At the initial period of coma , patients have a pronounced yellowness, a strong increase or decrease in the liver, a sickly "liver" sweetish smell is clearly felt from the patient.

Remember, the earlier the patient starts to treat, the more likely a successful recovery. With positive reflex excitability, a favorable outcome of treatment is much more often observed than in cases when a hepatic coma has already occurred. Treatment begins with a strong fight against intoxication of the body. Experts are trying in every possible way to increase its resistance to infectious and toxic substances. With the help of appropriate drugs, they improve the functioning of liver cells. As you know, the liver is the body responsible for most metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, if a patient develops a hepatic coma, a corresponding sparing diet should be immediately given.

First of all, all the proteins must be excluded from the diet, since the hepatic coma causes the deepest protein disorders in patients with this diagnosis. It is necessary to purify the intestines from substances that form ammonia. The doctor appoints the patient a laxative and puts an enema. Additionally, antibiotics will be prescribed, which will help bring the intestine back to normal, by changing the microflora in it and reducing the concentration of free ammonia. It is recommended to take potassium, glucose and vitamins. All the doctor's prescriptions should be carefully followed, as if the cause of the disease can be eliminated, then the symptoms of hepatic insufficiency do not arise, and the hepatic coma will not result. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the liver is affected fairly quickly and all processes in it are fleeting. Pain sensations in the initial stages are very rare. Therefore, if the patient himself does not monitor his health and does not undergo an annual examination, the onset of the development of such a disease as a hepatic coma is diagnosed, rather late. Especially harmful to the liver is alcohol. Elimination of alcohol is the best preventive tool in the fight against this dangerous disease.

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