Technologies, Electronics
How to choose a filter for a washing machine in bad water?
Modern technologies do not stand still, but are constantly being improved and developed. This is especially reflected in the everyday sphere of human life, where many different technical devices make it possible to greatly facilitate human life. To such mechanisms it is necessary to carry a simple washing machine. It can be classified according to the type, functionality and manufacturers. But in order for such a technique to be permanently serviceable and to fulfill its functional duties in full, it is necessary to monitor its proper use.
Any owner of a washing machine wants his equipment to work properly for many years, but, unfortunately, not everyone uses a filter for a washing machine in bad water, believing that you can do without this device. And very vain, because this simple device can not only soften the water and extend the life of equipment, but also reduces electricity costs. In order to understand the feasibility of acquiring such a filter, one must take into account its properties, technical capabilities and types.
Is it worth it to put a water purifier?
Of course, the washing machine can work without such an additional device. But do not forget that hard water with impurities of dirt and rust adversely affects household appliances and in time this will undoubtedly lead to its breakdown.
This is especially true of residents of old houses, where pipes have not changed since Soviet times and for the period of use in 20 years they have already developed their resource twice. In many respects, therefore, more than half of all faults in the washing machine associated with the heating element are due to poor water quality. But every owner of such household appliances can prolong its service life.
A filter for a washing machine in bad water is an affordable device that detains foreign particles. Also, such a cleaning device will protect the heating element from scale. This is especially true for residents of homes, where the level of water hardness is increased.
How does the manufacturer solve this issue?
Most modern models of washing machines already provide for the installation of similar equipment of the standard type. As a rule, it is located in the place of connection of the inlet hose to the body of the device. In appearance, such a filter is similar to a small grid.
However, do not forget that over time this technical device becomes dirty and must be cleaned. At the same time, it should be noted that this filter is designed only for large particles of rust and other dirt in the water mass. Small particles, despite this, continue to fall into the tank.
For more effective cleaning, an additional filter is needed for the washing machine in case of bad water. The types of these devices are different, so everyone can find the most convenient option for themselves. Therefore, most owners decide to purchase such a filter.
Trunk filter
The device does not belong to the main parts and mechanisms of the washing machine. This option is intended for wide application. With its help, all water entering the apartment passes through the purification. The device is mounted on the inlet water pipes. The main principle of this mechanism is to clean water from various foreign particles. Unfortunately, it does not change the chemical composition of water.
Deep cleaning device
Filter for a washing machine in case of bad water. Installation is carried out immediately before the filling hose of the device. It cleans the water well of dirt and rust, but practically does not soften it.
Polyphosphate filter for washing machine in bad water (photo)
Used to soften water. Device: a flask with sodium-like sodium polyphosphate.
The component that is used to reduce the hardness of water is a consumable material that must be supplemented with time. A full flask is enough for 10,000 liters of water. Those consumers who use this filter for a washing machine in bad water, the reviews leave mostly positive. It is inexpensive, the filler can be found in any specialized store, the scum on the heating element is almost not formed.
Magnetic softener
Does not require installation. It is designed to soften water. This filter is attached to the washing machine in case of bad water over the filling hose. The principle of action is a magnetic field. A detailed description of how such a device improves the chemical composition of water, the manufacturer does not.
How to choose the right option?
If dirty water runs from the tap in the apartment, with impurities precipitating out, it is best to install a common main filter. If this is not possible, the cleaning element must be installed directly in front of the washing machine.
If the owner of the apartment doubts if the softening filter for the washing machine is gentle with poor water, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory test, and on this basis decide which purifying device to purchase.
Installation of cleaning devices
It is produced depending on the type:
- Mounting of the main and deep cleaning of filters. For installation, it is necessary to make a hotel in the water faucet. A general cleaning device is installed immediately after the meter and a deep filter is installed before the filling hose.
- Installation of the flask with polyphosphate. It is installed by the principle of a deep purification filter. The equipment is located in front of the technical device. With the installation and maintenance of the filter you can deal with yourself, without the help of a specialist.
- Installation of a magnetic water softener. For this device, it is not necessary to perform any actions regarding its complete or partial disassembly, and also to specially convert the water pipes. The magnetic filter is attached to the filling hose of the technical device using bolts and a screwdriver.
Do not neglect the protection of household appliances. Easier times to spend on the purchase of a filter, than then for expensive repairs.
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