Education, History
The power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Nuclear bombs of the first generation: "Kid" and "Fat Man"
The discovery of the process of fission of the uranium nucleus in 1938 marked the beginning of a new era of human development. And this meant not only the use of the knowledge gained for the benefit of civilization. The world saw a bomb of a monstrous destructive force. Having such a powerful weapon in the arsenal, with just one click, you can destroy our entire planet. History shows that world wars began entirely with small, insignificant conflicts. The main task of the government of all countries is to be prudent. The third world few people will be able to survive. The consequences of the attacks of two Japanese cities in 1945 vividly confirm these words.
The first combat application of the atomic bomb in history
The answer to the question: "When the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima?" Any schoolboy will give: "On the morning of August 6, 1945". At 8:15 am the crew of the American air force bomber "Enola Gay", brand "B-29" attacked the Japanese city with the newest weapon weighing four tons. The name that received the first atomic bomb - "Kid". Only at the time of the attack killed about sixty thousand people. The next day after that - another 90 000, mainly from the strongest radiation exposure. The power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was up to twenty kilotons in TNT. The radius of damage is over one and a half kilometers.
The second combat use of the atomic bomb in history
The power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was slightly less than the "Tolstyak", which August 9, 1945 attacked the Japanese city of Nagasaki from a bomber of a similar model as in Hiroshima ("Box Car"). The main target for the attacking side was the settlement of Kokura, in whose territory a large number of military depots were concentrated (Yokohama and Kyoto were also considered). But due to the strong cloudiness, the command changed the direction of the flight of aviation.
The city had a chance to remain unscathed - that day it was cloudy. And the plane had a faulty fuel pump. The team had the opportunity to go in just one round, which was done.
Japanese radars "caught" enemy aircraft, but fire on them was not started. According to one version, the military took them for reconnaissance.
American pilots were able to detect a light scattering of clouds and the pilot, focusing on the outline of the local stadium, pressed the lever. The bomb fell far beyond its target. Witnesses recall the explosion of such power, which was felt in the settlements for four hundred kilometers from Nagasaki.
Unseen power
The power of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki totaled to the equivalent of almost forty kilotons. About twenty have "Fat Man" and eighteen have "Baby". But the active substance was different. A cloud with uranium-235 flashed over Hiroshima. Nagasaki was destroyed by the impact of plutonium-239.
The power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was such that the entire urban infrastructure and the vast majority of buildings were destroyed. In the next few days, fire brigades fought with fire on the territory of more than eleven square kilometers.
Nagasaki from a large seaport, the center of shipbuilding and industry in an instant turned into ruins. All living creatures, who were one kilometer from the epicenter, died right away. Strong fires also did not abate for a long time, which contributed to a strong wind. In total, only twelve percent of the buildings remained intact.
Crew of aircraft
The names of those who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known, they were never concealed and they were not classified.
The crew of "Enola Gay" included twelve people.
The commander of the side was Colonel Paul Tibbets. It was he who selected the aircrafts at the production stage and directed most of the operation. He gave the order to drop the bomb.
Thomas Fereby, scorer - he was at the helm and pressed the deadly button. He was considered the best gunner in the US Air Force.
The crew of the "Box Car" airplane consisted of thirteen people.
At the helm was the commander of the crew and one of the best pilots of the US Air Force, Major Charles Sweeney (during the first bombing was on the escort plane). He sent a bomb to the Japanese city.
Lieutenant Jacob Bezer participated in both historical bombings.
All have lived a long enough life. And almost no one regretted what had happened. To date, no members of these two historic crews have survived.
Was it necessary?
It's been more than seventy years since the two attacks. Disputes about their expediency are still being conducted. Some scientists are sure that the Japanese would fight to the last. And the war could drag on for several more years. In addition, the lives of thousands of Soviet soldiers were saved, which were to begin a military operation in the Far East.
Others are inclined to believe that Japan was already ready to capitulate and the events of August 6 and 9, 1945 for Americans were nothing more than a demonstration of strength.
All that is to be hoped for is for the prudence of politicians, for their sincere desire to find a compromise in disputes. That is the main basis for maintaining a fragile peace.
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