
How to care for begonias in a pot. Some useful tips

In the green corners of many flower growers, an amazing place is occupied by a surprisingly beautiful flower called begonia. The plant has large bright buds, similar to roses. It blossoms very long and abundantly. However, to enjoy this beauty at home, you should know how to care for begonias in a pot. After all, the flower needs attention and care.

Interesting to know

Breeders are known for more than 1000 varieties of representatives of this family. The native land of the plant is the middle and southern part of America, and also East Asia. In our country begonia was introduced in 1700. At first, the flower growers cultivated exclusively leaf-decorative species, then carried away with ever-flowering, and recently - tuber varieties.


The stems of the plant are translucent, juicy and different in color. They can be light green, and can have an olive and even a reddish hue. The stems are covered with thin hairs. The room tuber-like begonia has large terry buds. The leaves of the plant, resembling small hearts, are pointed from above and rounded at the base. On each of the peduncles, as a rule, ripens from two to five buds. Flowers have a bright saturated color.

How to care for begonias in a pot?

A flowering plant needs bright illumination. However, in the summer it should be shaded from the direct sun. Otherwise, burns may appear on the leaves. How to care for begonias in a pot? First of all, choose the most comfortable place for it. Ideal is the location on the window facing east or west. For the growth of the plant is favorable temperature + 20-22 degrees, in winter - not below +15. Talking about how to care for begonias in a pot, you should touch on the issue of watering. The plant is very fond of moisture. However, spraying for it is extremely damaging. To the flower does not suffer from excessively dry air, put the pot on an inverted pallet. All this design is placed in an even wider pot. Around pour the expanded clay (moss) and from time to time wet it. This will provide begonia with the necessary moisture. However, when watering it is recommended not to allow stagnation of water in the pot. Winter irrigation should be reduced. Begonia in the pot needs fertilizing. Fertilize the flower should be once every 14 days.

Transplant and reproduction

This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually in the spring. As a substrate for planting, it is best to use garden, leaf and peat land, as well as sand in equal proportions. What kind of pot for begonia? The plant will feel most comfortable in a clay pot. After planting it should be well watered and put in the shade for five days for adaptation. Rhizome plants reproduce by cuttings and seeds, tuberous plants - by dividing the tuber.

Care after flowering

When the buds begin to fade, they must be carefully removed. The plant itself is recommended to be cut off, leaving a 5-centimeter bush. From the end of October, watering should be reduced, and when the leaves turn yellow, stop until spring. In this case, you need to place the pot in a room, the temperature in which will be within 15-17 degrees of heat.

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